

This 4th of Julyweekend, I would like to take a moment to thank our troops and their families for all they do to protect and promote our freedoms. On Independence Day, we celebrate our country’s 234th birthday and the values upon which it was founded. 

“We pay tribute to the signers of the Declaration of Independence and the great statesmen who gave us our inspired Constitution, at great personal sacrifice. These men pledged their lives, liberty, and sacred honor to establish a nation where government respects and protects the dignity and rights of the individual.  May we never forget the tremendous sacrifices of those who have come before us, and may we always be mindful of the sacrifices our service men and women are making for us today.  Their sacrifice is the price for our freedom.

“A special thank you to all the great patriots who call Colorado’s 5th Congressional District home.  May God bless you and your family and may God bless America.” – Congressman Doug Lamborn (CO-05)

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