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Amodei will continue to push for full repeal of ObamaCare

IMMEDIATE RELEASE                             Contact:        Brian Baluta, 202-225-6155

June 28, 2012                                                          

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) today issued the following statement regarding the U.S. Supreme Court's decision on the constitutionality of ObamaCare:   

"Advocates for Washington-based management of health care and unprecedented tax increases on the middle class won today. However, I will continue to work for patient-centered solutions, reductions in health care costs, and improving health care access for all Nevadans.

"I look forward to the opportunity to vote the week of July 9 for full repeal of this harmful government intrusion into health care. Congress created this mess and it's our responsibility to clean it up. We owe it to the middle class to give them specific, well-thought out options focusing on portability of insurance across state lines and affordability, while not interfering with the patient-doctor relationship.

"This 2,700-page monster offends seniors, veterans, middle class families and employers. I will continue to take every opportunity to repeal and address this mess for Nevadans in a practical way without picking political winners and losers."


The individual mandate can now be added to the list of 20 other taxes in ObamaCare.

The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has raised the cost estimate for ObamaCare from $900 billion to $1.76 trillion over 10 years. CBO analysis also estimates that ObamaCare could cause 20 million people to lose their employee-sponsored insurance by 2019.

Since his special election to Congress in September 2011, Amodei voted numerous times to repeal and replace various provisions of ObamaCare. For more information on Amodei's voting record and support for health care reforms, go to

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