Leader Cantor: Where Are The Jobs? They're Stuck In The Senate

“Good morning, for months now we’ve been saying that Republicans in the House are interested in trying to set aside differences and look for ways that we can actually work with the President and the other side to accomplish results for the American people. Results right now mean jobs.

“This will be the third week that we have put bills on the floor that actually have the support of the President and the other side. We started with the trade bills, we passed three of those and everyone projects a couple hundred thousand jobs will result over the period of eighteen months. Last week we put a bill on the floor having to do with the 3 percent withholding requirement and repealing that. This week on the floor we will have several bills having to do with access to capital for small businesses. These are things that the President spoke to and the American people support.

“What I am concerned about is what we see now in the Senate is Harry Reid refusing to go along with the President and us, especially on this 3 percent withholding bill. What we are hearing today is that for no reason at all the Leader in the Senate is desirous of trying to change that bill, and therefore decreasing the possibility it can make it to the White House, be signed into law and create jobs. So when people around the country are looking for jobs and asking where the jobs are, they are stuck in the Senate, that’s where the jobs are.”

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2012 House Calendar