Leader Cantor Statement On The June Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) released the following statement on the national unemployment report for June:

“Today’s jobs report is more than disappointing with just 80,000 jobs created in the month of June. This crawling pace is not enough to get the millions of Americans who are unemployed back to work or provide long-term growth. We've seen month after month of dismal jobs numbers, college graduates unable to find employment and small business hiring stalled. The President has had three years to get the economy going again, but he has not. His policies have not worked, and we can't afford to keep going down the same path.

“How we get the economy back on sound footing to maintain the American promise of opportunity and success that this country has always offered is one of the biggest challenges we face. Heading into November, there is a clear choice about the direction this country will take and two very different visions for the way forward. Will we stay the course and choose more of the same big-government spending and tax hikes to pay for policies like ObamaCare and so-called stimulus, or will we turn to real pro-growth solutions that will empower small businessmen and women to succeed, grow and hire? House Republicans are committed to bold, pro-growth policies and have passed dozens of bills to create jobs. We've begun to right the ship, but we will not be able to achieve long-term growth without willing partners in the White House and Senate.

“In the coming weeks, the House will vote to stop the tax hike on working families and remove the red tape burdening small businesses to reduce uncertainty and make America more competitive.”


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