[House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House]
[From the U.S. Government Printing Office, www.gpo.gov]

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   (The main headings in this index, shown in boldface type, refer to 
    corresponding chapter titles. Section references are to sections 
    specified within the identified chapter. Cross references are to 
                        headings in this index.)


  Alternate departure dates, ch 1 Sec. 10
  August recess--
    concurrent resolution adopted by roll call vote in each House, ch 1 
        Sec. 12
    Legislative Reorganization Act, provisions of, ch 1 Sec. 12
    waiver of provisions of Legislative Reorganization Act, ch 1 Sec. 12
  Budget Act provisions relating to completion of action on 
      appropriation bills and reconciliation legislation, effect of, ch 
      1 Sec. 11
  Concurrent resolution--
    amendment to, ch 1 Sec. 10
    Budget Act provisions relating to completion of action on 
        appropriations bills and reconciliation legislation, effect of 
        noncompliance with, on status of resolution, ch 1 Sec. 11
    privileged, status as, and factors affecting privilege, ch 1 Sec. 11
    privileged status of Senate amendments, ch 1 Sec. 11
    sine die, adjournment, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 13
    three days, adjournment of more than, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 10
  Conditions attached to adjournment, ch 1 Sec. 10
  Constitution and House rules govern procedures in House, ch 1 Sec. 1
  Day and time to which House shall adjourn, motion to fix--
    amendment, not subject to, ch 1 Sec. 6
    debatable, motion not, ch 1 Sec. 6
    quorum required for, ch 1 Sec. 8
    privilege, equal in, to simple motion to adjourn, ch 1 Sec. 3
    separate from simple motion to adjourn, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 3, 6
  Disagreement between Houses as to period of adjournment, effect of, ch 
      1 Sec. 10
  Emergency reconvening, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 5 Sec. 2; ch 45 Sec. 3
  Legislative days and calendar days distinguished, ch 1 Sec. 2
  Legislative Reorganization Act, provisions of, relating to adjournment 
      or August recess, ch 1 Sec. 12
    amendment, not subject to, ch 1 Sec. 6
    argument not to be included, ch 1 Sec. 2
    automatic roll call, demand for, affirmative or negative vote on 
        motion as affecting propriety of, ch 1 Sec. 8
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 1 Sec. 4
    Committee of the Whole, rising of, unavailability of motion 
        following specified instances of, ch 1 Sec. 4
    Committee of the Whole, unavailability of motion following vote to 
        go into, ch 1 Sec. 4
    conditions not to be imposed, ch 1 Sec. 2
    debatable, simple motion is not, ch 1 Sec. 6
    debate, motion may not interrupt Member holding floor in, ch 1 
        Sec. Sec. 3, 5
    dilatory, when motion is, ch 1 Sec. 9
    form, ch 1 Sec. 2
    House meeting as in Committee of the Whole, motion permitted in, ch 
        1 Sec. 4
    Majority Leader or designee, motion usually offered by, ch 1 Sec. 5

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    parliamentary inquiry, motion not in order where Member has been 
        yielded to or recognized for, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 3, 5
    precedence of motion over particular motions or items of business, 
        ch 1 Sec. 3
    privilege of motion, ch 1 Sec. 3
    quorum, effect of absence of, where vote on adjournment is decided 
        in negative, ch 1 Sec. 8
    quorum, motion in order pending point of order based on absence of, 
        until Clerk has commenced to call the roll, ch 1 Sec. 8
    quorum not required for agreement to, ch 1 Sec. 8
    recognition to offer, ch 1 Sec. 5
    reconvening, change in time of, not a part of motion to adjourn, ch 
        1 Sec. 2
    rejection of motion, proceedings following, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 8, 9
    repetition of motion, conditions for, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 3, 9
    second motion, conditions for permitting, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 3, 9
    three days or less, adjournment of, by motion, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
    time for making of, ch 1 Sec. 3
    times at which motion not permitted, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 3, 4
    vote by yeas and nays, demand for, ch 1 Sec. 8
    voting in House, timing of motion in relation to stages of, ch 1 
        Sec. 3
    voting on motion, ch 1 Sec. 7
  Optional departure dates, ch 1 Sec. 10
  Recall, joint leadership, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 10, 13
  Recall of one or both Houses, provision for, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 10, 13
  Recess distinguished from, ch 1 Sec. 1
  Senate and House consent required for certain, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 10
  Sine die adjournment--
    Committee on Rules, jurisdiction of, ch 1 Sec. 13
    concurrent resolution, by, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 13
    debatable, resolution not, ch 1 Sec. 13
    form of resolution, ch 1 Sec. 13
    jurisdiction of Committee on Rules, ch 1 Sec. 13
    Legislative Reorganization Act, waiver of provisions of, relating 
        to, ch 1 Sec. 12
    Majority Leader, resolution usually offered by, ch 1 Sec. 13
    motion pursuant to concurrent resolution offered by Majority Leader 
        or designee, ch 1 Sec. 14
    President, committee to notify, of intention of House to adjourn, ch 
        1 Sec. 13
    privileged, resolution as, ch 1 Sec. 13
    procedure at time of adjournment, ch 1 Sec. 14
    quorum not required for adjournment where Houses have adopted 
        resolution that day, ch 1 Sec. 14
    quorum required for adoption of resolution, ch 1 Sec. 13
    rescission or recall of resolution, ch 1 Sec. 13
    Senate and House, consent of, ch 1 Sec. 1
    waiver of provisions of Legislative Reorganization Act relating to, 
        ch 1 Sec. 12
  ThreeT days, adjournment of more than--
    calculation of three-day period, ch 1 Sec. 10
    concurrent resolution, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 10
    Senate and House, consent of, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 10
  Unanimous consent--
    Chair may declare House adjourned by, when no Member is available, 
        ch 1 Sec. 5
    three days or less, adjournment of, form of request for, ch 1 Sec. 2

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  Unfinished business at, see UNFINISHED BUSINESS
  Voting on motion or resolution, ch 1 Sec. Sec. 7, 8, 10, 12


  Adoption of amendment as precluding certain motions to strike--
    insert provision, adoption of amendment to, does not preclude motion 
        to strike larger portion of text including provision, ch 2 
        Sec. 39
    portion of text, adoption of amendment to, does not preclude vote on 
        motion to strike entire text, ch 2 Sec. 39
  Adoption of amendment as precluding further changes in text amended--
    identical in substance and scope to amendment previously agreed to, 
        subsequent amendment ruled out where, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 6, 38, 40, 
    monetary figures agreed to may not be directly changed although 
        ``fetchback'' amendment to later paragraph may change amounts, 
        ch 2 Sec. 42
    monetary figures in adopted amendments changed by language 
        ``increased by'' or ``decreased by,'' ch 2 Sec. 42
    perfected text cannot be further amended, ch 2 Sec. 38
    special rule may permit amendments changing portions of amendments 
        already agreed to, ch 2 Sec. 38
    strike all after first word and insert new provision, adoption of 
        motion to, precludes amendment to inserted language, ch 2 
        Sec. 40
    strike and insert, adoption of motion to, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 40
    substitute, adoption of amendment in nature of, ends amendment 
        stage, ch 2 Sec. 41
    text, different or more comprehensive portion of, subsequent 
        amendments may affect, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 38, 40, 42
    unanimous consent, changes permitted by, ch 2 Sec. 43
    vacating proceedings by which amendment adopted, ch 2 Sec. 43
  Adoption of motion to strike, effect of--
    perfecting amendments to stricken section vitiated, ch 2 Sec. 40
    perfecting amendment to stricken language not in order, ch 2 Sec. 40
  Appropriation bills, amendments to, see APPROPRIATION BILLS
  Committee amendments, consideration of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 17, 29
  Congressional Record, special rule permitting only amendments as 
      printed in, see SPECIAL RULES
  Consistency with previously adopted amendment, lack of, does not give 
      rise to point of order against subsequent amendment, ch 2 Sec. 38
  Contradicting substance of amendment previously adopted, amendment as, 
      ch 2 Sec. 38
  Copies of amendments transmitted to majority and minority tables, ch 2 
      Sec. 1
  Debate on--
    precedence of ten minutes debate on amendment over motion to amend 
        amendment, ch 2 Sec. 9
  Debate time, offering amendments after expiration of, ch 2 Sec. 26
  Degrees of amendment--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 14
    pro forma amendment, point of order against, as constituting 
        amendment in third degree, ch 2 Sec. 14
    second degree permitted, ch 2 Sec. 1

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    Senate amendments, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
    text, amendment in nature of substitute may be considered as 
        original, for purpose of amendment, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 13, 14
    third degree, amendments in, not in order in absence of special 
        rule, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 14
  Division of the question, see DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR VOTING
  Enacting clause, motion to strike--
    precedence over motion to amend, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 5, 9, 21
    rejection of bill, motion used for, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 5, 21
    rejection of motion, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 9
  En bloc amendments--
    divisibility of, in House, ch 2 Sec. 30
    House, consideration in, of amendments reported from Committee of 
        the Whole, ch 2 Sec. 45
    points of order against, ch 2 Sec. 30
    reading, amendments affecting portion of bill not reached in, 
        offered by unanimous consent, ch 2 Sec. 17
    rejection of, does not preclude reoffering separately, ch 2 Sec. 44
    special rule, consideration en bloc pursuant to, see SPECIAL RULES
    unanimous consent, consideration en bloc by, ch 2 Sec. 30
  ``Fetch-back'' amendments--
    germane, must be, ch 2 Sec. 42
    increasing amount in prior paragraph, amendment, must have 
        authorization, ch 2 Sec. 42
    previous paragraphs, change amounts in, ch 2 Sec. 42
  ``First amendment adopted'' special rule, consideration of amendments 
      in the nature of a substitute under, ch 2 Sec. 30
  Forms of amendment, generally, ch 2 Sec. 1
  House, amendments reported to, after adoption in Committee of the 
    perfected form, reported in, ch 2 Sec. 45
    perfecting amendments to section of bill not ordinarily reported 
        where section subsequently stricken, ch 2 Sec. 45
    separate consideration in House of all amendments adopted may be 
        permitted by special rule, ch 2 Sec. 45
  House consideration of amendments reported from Committee of the 
    amendment, amendments reported as subject to, ch 2 Sec. 45
    en bloc amendments, ch 2 Sec. 45
    inconsistencies, voted on notwithstanding, ch 2 Sec. 45
    order of consideration where separate votes demanded, ch 2 Sec. 45
    recommit with instructions, motion to, see RECOMMIT WITH 
    rejection of amendment, original text of bill is before House after, 
        ch 2 Sec. 46
    rejection of motion to strike, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 46
    separate vote may be demanded only on first-degree amendments in 
        absence of special rule, ch 2 Sec. 45
    strike, motion to, effect of rejection of, ch 2 Sec. 46
    voted on, all amendments are, ch 2 Sec. 45
  Insert, motion to--
    reinsert stricken language, not in order to, ch 2 Sec. 3

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    strike, motion to, may be pending at same time, ch 2 Sec. 3
    vote on motion to insert taken before vote on motion to strike, ch 2 
        Sec. 3
  Instructions to Clerk as to portion of text sought to be amended, ch 2 
      Sec. 1
  ``King of the Hill'' special rule, ch 2 Sec. 30; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Modification of amendment by proponent by unanimous consent, ch 2 
      Sec. Sec. 1, 12, 37
  Modification of amendment that has been made in order by special rule, 
      ch 2 Sec. 37
  Motions that have precedence over motion to amend, ch 2 Sec. 9
  Motions that may be amended, ch 2 Sec. 10
  Motions that may not be amended, ch 2 Sec. 10
  Negating proposition previously adopted, amendment as, ch 2 Sec. 38
  Numbering amendments printed in Record, ch 2 Sec. 27
  Order of consideration in Committee of the Whole, changing, not 
      permitted if requiring material modification of special rule, see 
  Offering amendments--
    amendment to amendment must be offered before vote on underlying 
        amendment, ch 2 Sec. 28
    number and form of permissible amendments, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 13, 14
    order of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 21
    recognition, priorities in, ch 2 Sec. 20
    substitute, amendment in nature of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 7, 19
  Order of offering amendments--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 21
  Order of voting on amendments--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 28
    committee amendments, ch 2 Sec. 28
    insert, motion to, voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 Sec. 3
    new sections, amendments proposing to insert, considered after 
        perfecting amendments to a section, ch 2 Sec. 31
    perfecting amendments, no degrees of preference among, ch 2 Sec. 31
    perfecting amendments voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 2-5, 21, 22, 31
    special rule, as affected by, ch 2 Sec. 28
    substitute, amendment in nature of, voted on after perfecting 
        amendments to original text, ch 2 Sec. 32
    substitute, immediate vote on amendment in nature of, after adoption 
        of substitute therefor, ch 2 Sec. 32
  Pending amendments, number and form of, permitted, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 13, 
  Perfecting amendments--
    adoption of, effect of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 38, 39
    amendment to amendment, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 13
    insert, motion to, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
    strike and insert, motion to, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 2, 4, 23
    text, amendment to, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 13, 21
  Points of order against, see, generally, POINTS OF ORDER (see also 
      specific topics, e.g., GERMANENESS OF AMENDMENTS)
  Preambles, amendments to--
    joint resolutions, preambles of, ch 2 Sec. 48
    resolutions, simple or concurrent, preambles of, ch 2 Sec. 48
  Precedence of motion to amend, ch 2 Sec. 9
  Previous question, ordering, on pending measure or amendment thereto, 
  Previous question, precedence of, over motion to amend, ch 2 Sec. 9

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  Pro forma amendments, see DEBATE
  Proponent of pending amendment may offer amendment to substitute 
      therefor, ch 2 Sec. 37
  Reading amendments--
    dispensing with reading by unanimous consent, motion, or special 
        rule, ch 2 Sec. 27
    rereading amendments, ch 2 Sec. 27
    substitute, amendment in nature of, ch 2 Sec. 27
  Reading bill for amendment--
    appropriation bills, general, see APPROPRIATION BILLS
    Clerk ordinarily reads by sections or paragraphs in sequence in 
        absence of rule or agreement to contrary, ch 2 Sec. 15
    committee amendments considered when appropriate section read, ch 2 
        Sec. 17
    dispensing with reading, ch 2 Sec. 15
    en bloc amendments affecting subsequent portion offered by unanimous 
        consent, ch 2 Sec. 17
    en bloc amendments to appropriations bill, rule governing, ch 2 
        Sec. 17
    general debate, amendments not in order in Committee of the Whole 
        until after closing of, ch 2 Sec. 15
    new section, amendment offered as, ch 2 Sec. 16
    offering amendments at proper point in the reading, ch 2 Sec. 15
    open to amendment, bill considered as read and, by unanimous consent 
        or special order, ch 2 Sec. 18
    paragraphs or sections in sequence, Clerk ordinarily reads by, in 
        absence of rule or agreement to contrary, ch 2 Sec. 15
    passed in reading, text, amendments to, ch 2 Sec. 16
    reread portion of bill, Chair has directed Clerk to, ch 2 Sec. 16
    sections or paragraphs in sequence, Clerk ordinarily reads by, in 
        absence of rule or agreement to contrary, ch 2 Sec. 15
    timeliness, point of order as to, does not lie where Member offering 
        amendment was seeking recognition in time, ch 2 Sec. 16
  Record, Congressional, special rule permitting only amendments as 
      printed in, see SPECIAL RULES
  Recognition to offer--
    Chair, discretion of, ch 2 Sec. 20
    Chair, recognition rests with, ch 2 Sec. 20
    committee amendments considered before amendments offered from 
        floor, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 20, 29
    discretion of Chair, ch 2 Sec. 20
    priorities in recognition, ch 2 Sec. 20
    requirement of, ch 2 Sec. 20
  Rejection of amendment, effect of previous consideration--
    different language, amendment raising same question by, may be in 
        order, ch 2 Sec. 44
    en bloc amendments, rejection of, does not preclude reoffering 
        separately, ch 2 Sec. 44
    form, amendment in different, may be in order, ch 2 Sec. 44
    identical amendment not in order, ch 2 Sec. 44
    monetary figure, rejection of change in, does not preclude further 
        amendment, ch 2 Sec. 44
    portion of rejected amendment may be offered as separate amendment, 
        ch 2 Sec. 44
    similar but not identical amendment may be in order, ch 2 Sec. 44
    substitute amendment, rejection of, does not preclude offering 
        substance as separate amendment, ch 2 Sec. 44

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  Reoffering amendment in different form after it has failed of 
      approval, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 6, 24
  Senate amendments, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Senate measures, House amendments to, see SENATE MEASURES, HOUSE 
  Special rule authorizing proponent or designee to offer amendment, see 
  Self-executing amendments, see SPECIAL RULES
  Stages of amendment, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 13, 14
  Strike and insert, motion to--
    divisible, not, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 4, 22, 23
    perfecting amendment, considered as, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 4, 23
    strike, effect of pending or subsequent motion to, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 4, 
    voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 4, 23, 31
  Strike, motion to--
    adoption of amendment inserting provision does not preclude motion 
        to strike larger portion of text including provision, ch 2 
        Sec. 39
    adoption of amendment to portion of text does not preclude vote on 
        motion to strike entire text, ch 2 Sec. 39
    adoption of, effect of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 5, 40
    defeat of, effect of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 21, 44
    insert, motion to, may be pending at same time, ch 2 Sec. 3
    perfecting amendment may be pending at same time. ch 2 Sec. Sec. 2, 
        3, 13, 14, 21
    perfecting amendments to section vitiated by adoption of motion to 
        strike section, ch 2 Sec. 40
    perfecting amendments voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 2-5, 21, 31
    previously adopted amendment, not in order to strike, ch 2 Sec. 39
    reinsert stricken language, not in order to, ch 2 Sec. 3
    rejection, effect of, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 21, 44
    rejection of, does not preclude motion to strike same language and 
        insert new provision, ch 2 Sec. 44
    strike and insert, adoption of motion to, precludes vote on motion 
        to strike affected portion, ch 2 Sec. 40
    substitute for, not in order, ch 2 Sec. 6
    substitute for perfecting amendment, not in order as, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 6, 22, 23
  Substitute amendments--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 14, 24
    amendment in nature of substitute, distinguished from, ch 2 Sec. 7
    amendment in nature of substitute, substitute for, in order, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 24, 32
    amendments to, number of, permitted to be pending, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 13, 14
    germane to pending amendment, must be, ch 2 Sec. 6
    identical to original text sought to be changed, language may not 
        be, ch 2 Sec. 6
    proponent of amendment may not offer substitute therefor, ch 2 
        Sec. 6
    reoffering substitute amendment after defeat is not permitted except 
        in form presenting question not previously voted on, ch 2 
        Sec. 24
    strike, substitute for motion to, not in order, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 6, 23
    text, original, not a substitute for, ch 2 Sec. 24
  Substitute, amendments in nature of--
    adoption, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 7
    amendments permitted while amendment in nature of substitute 
        pending, ch 2 Sec. 13
    committee amendments adding new sections disposed of prior to 
        offering of, if bill consists only of one section, ch 2 Sec. 19

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    ``first amendment adopted'' special rule, ch 2 Sec. 30
    form, ch 2 Sec. 7
    offered after reading of first section or final section of bill, ch 
        2 Sec. Sec. 7, 19
    open to amendment at any point when read in entirety, ch 2 Sec. 27
    original text, sometimes considered as, for purpose of amendment, ch 
        2 Sec. Sec. 13, 14
    original text, procedure when considered as, for purpose of 
        amendment, ch 2 Sec. 27
    perfecting amendments to first section of bill disposed of before 
        amendment in nature of subnstitute offered, ch 2 Sec. 21
     perfecting amendments to original text, effect of adoption of, ch 2 
        Sec. 19
     perfecting amendments to original text may be offered although 
        amendment in nature of substitute pending, ch 2 Sec. 13
    reading of, ch 2 Sec. 27
    scope of, ch 2 Sec. 7
    substitute amendment, distinguished from, ch 2 Sec. 7
    substitute for, ch 2 Sec. 24
    text of entire bill, amendment generally replaces, ch 2 Sec. 7
    voted on after perfecting amendments to original text disposed of, 
        ch 2 Sec. Sec. 7, 13, 32
  Substitute, amendments to--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 13, 14
  Text of bill, amendments changing--
    original text, perfecting amendment to, may be offered although 
        amendment in nature of substitute pending, ch 2 Sec. 13
    perfecting amendments, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 13, 21
    strike text, motion to, voted on after perfecting amendments to 
        text, ch 2 Sec. 21
    substitute amendment may not propose language identical to original 
        text, ch 2 Sec. 6
  Title of bill, amendment to--
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 2 Sec. 48
    passage of bill, not in order until after, ch 2 Sec. 48
  ``Top vote getter'' special rule, reporting amendments to House under, 
      ch 2 Sec. 30
  Unfunded mandates, points of order against amendments containing, see 
  Voting on amendments, order of--
    generally, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 28
    committee amendments, ch 2 Sec. 28
    insert, motion to, voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 Sec. 3
    new sections, amendments proposing to insert, considered after 
        perfecting amendments to a section, ch 2 Sec. 31
    perfecting amendments, no degrees of preference among, ch 2 Sec. 31
    perfecting amendments voted on before motion to strike, ch 2 
        Sec. Sec. 2-5, 21, 22, 31
    special rule, as affected by, ch 2 Sec. 28
    substitute, amendment in nature of, voted on after perfecting 
        amendments to original text, ch 2 Sec. 32
    substitute for amendment voted on after amendments to amendment 
        disposed of, ch 2 Sec. 32
    substitute, immediate vote on amendment in nature of, after adoption 
        of substitute therefor, ch 2 Sec. 32
  Withdrawal of amendment--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 2 Sec. 36; ch 59 Sec. 1

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    House or House as in Committee of the Whole, in, ch 2 Sec. 36; ch 59 
        Sec. 1
    reoffering amendment after, ch 2 Sec. 36; ch 59 Sec. 1
    unanimous consent required in Committee of the Whole, ch 2 Sec. 36; 
        ch 59 Sec. 1
  Writing, requirement that amendment be in, ch 2 Sec. 1
  Yield for amendment, Member holding floor under five-minute rule may 
      not, ch 2 Sec. 20
  Yielding for amendment in House--
    control of time, effect on, ch 2 Sec. 25
    debate only, amendment may not be offered in time yielded for, ch 2 
        Sec. 25
    permitted, ch 2 Sec. 25


  Adjournment, effect of, ch 3 Sec. 7
  Chair, on rulings of--
    constitutionality of measure assessed by vote on merits, ch 3 Sec. 3
    discretionary authority of Chair, matters within, not subject to 
        appeal, ch 3 Sec. 3
    order, on questions of, ch 3 Sec. 2
    rule, applicable, ch 3 Sec. 2
  Committee of the Whole, appeals in, rarely reported to House, ch 12 
      Sec. 18
  Conferees, appointment of, see CONFEREES OR MANAGERS
  Debate on, ch 3 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Dilatory, as, ch 3 Sec. 3
  Division of the question, see DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR VOTING
  Motions available during appeal--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 3 Sec. 1
    House, in, ch 3 Sec. 1
    limit debate, ch 3 Sec. 1
    previous question, ch 3 Sec. 1
    rise and report, ch 3 Sec. 1
    table, ch 3 Sec. 1
  Order, on questions of, ch 3 Sec. 2
  Origin of right of appeal, ch 3 Sec. 1
  Parliamentary inquiry, response to, not subject to appeal, ch 37 
      Sec. 13
  Points of order, on--
    generally, ch 37 Sec. 12
    Committee of the Whole, Chairman of, appeal of ruling by, ch 37 
        Sec. 12
    discretion of Chair, matters within, ch 37 Sec. 12
  Purpose of right of appeal, ch 3 Sec. 1
  Timeliness of, ch 3 Sec. 3
  Unfinished business, as, ch 3 Sec. 7
  Vote on--
    Chair's vote, ch 3 Sec. 1
    merits of pending question not in issue, ch 3 Sec. 1
    tie vote, effect of, ch 3 Sec. 1
  Withdrawal of, ch 3 Sec. 6; ch 59 Sec. 4

                           APPROPRIATION BILLS

  Administrative expenses of House, ch 4 Sec. 4
  Annual appropriations--
    obligated during fiscal year, funds must be, ch 4 Sec. 9
    court judgment, appropriation to pay, ch 4 Sec. 12
    defined, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 5, 10
    discretion of official, specific, appropriation as affecting, see 
    implied, ch 4 Sec. 12
    incidental expenses as authorized, ch 4 Sec. 12
    increases within authorized limits, ch 4 Sec. 14
    limits, authorized, increases within, ch 4 Sec. 14

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    ``necessary, such sums as are,'' authorization allowing, ch 4 
        Sec. 14
    necessity of, generally, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 5, 10
    prior unauthorized appropriations, effect of, ch 4 Sec. 12
    proof, burden of, as to authorization, see APPROPRIATIONS, 
    rulings on appropriations subjected to points of order, see 
    sufficiency and modes of authorization, ch 4 Sec. 12
    types and sufficiency of authorization, ch 4 Sec. 12
    unauthorized appropriations, see APPROPRIATIONS, UNAUTHORIZED
  Aviation programs, funding floors for, ch 4 Sec. 59a
  Budget authority to incur obligations, appropriation as providing, ch 
      4 Sec. 3
  Committee of the Whole, consideration in--
    determining whether bill makes charge on Treasury, ch 4 Sec. 61
    read for amendment by paragraph, general appropriation bills are, ch 
        4 Sec. 63
    required where bill directly or indirectly makes appropriation, ch 4 
        Sec. 61
  Committee reports, see COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Conditions or contingencies, provisions attaching, to appropriations, 
      see below, Limitation on use of funds (see also LEGISLATION ON 
  Constitutional prerogatives of House, see REVENUE LEGISLATION, 
  Continuing appropriations--
    consideration pursuant to special rule, unanimous-consent agreement, 
        or motion to suspend rules, ch 4 Sec. 75
    defined, ch 4 Sec. 3
    general appropriation bill, not considered as, ch 4 Sec. 72
    legislation or unauthorized appropriations, rule prohibiting, not 
        applied to continuing appropriations, ch 4 Sec. 72
    privileged, not called up as, ch 4 Sec. 72
  Debate on--
    five-minute rule, general appropriation bills considered under, ch 4 
        Sec. 63
  Enrollment, correction in, see ENROLLMENT
  Expenses, administrative, of House, ch 4 Sec. 4
  Expenses of committees, see COMMITTEES, STANDING
  Fiscal year, defined, ch 4 Sec. 9
  Fiscal year, funds available beyond, must be expressly provided for, 
      ch 4 Sec. Sec. 9, 11
  Floors, funding--
    aviation programs, ch 4 Sec. 59a
    Transportation Equity Act, under, ch 4 Sec. 59a
  General appropriations--
    authorization required, see APPROPRIATIONS, UNAUTHORIZED
    defined, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 3, 6
    Holman rule, reducing amounts in bill under, see LEGISLATION ON 
    legislation on appropriation bills, see LEGISLATION ON APPROPRIATION 
    privileged, as, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 3, 61
    read for amendment by paragraph, ch 4 Sec. 63
    reappropriations, see below

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    report on bill, filing, ch 4 Sec. 3
    supplemental bill as general bill, ch 4 Sec. 3
  Germaneness of amendments, see GERMANENESS OF AMENDMENTS
  House as in Committee of the Whole, consideration in--
    special order, pursuant to, ch 4 Sec. 61
  House, consideration in, after amendments adopted in Committee of the 
  Whole are reported--
    separate votes on amendments, ch 4 Sec. 63
  Legislation on appropriation bills, see LEGISLATION ON APPROPRIATION 
  Legislative bill, appropriation on, see APPROPRIATION ON LEGISLATIVE 
  Limitation on use of funds--
    agency regulations, funds to carry out, ch 4 Sec. 52
    authorized or unauthorized by existing law, discussion of amendments 
        as, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 50, 64
    burden of proof that provision is permissible limitation, ch 4 
        Sec. 50
    condition subsequent, provision that spending cease upon occurrence 
        of, ch 4 Sec. 56
    considered, when amendments in form of limitations may be, ch 4 
        Sec. 50
    construction, strict, of rule permitting, ch 4 Sec. 50
    contingent on future event, appropriation made, ch 4 Sec. 56
    discretion of official, limitation may indirectly curtail, ch 4 
        Sec. 53
    exceptions to valid limitations are in order if they do not add 
        legislative language, ch 4 Sec. 57
    increase in spending, purported limitation which results in, see 
    law, interpretation or implementation of, limitation as calling for, 
        ch 4 Sec. 55
    law, State, conditions relating to interpretation of, ch 4 Sec. 57
    legislation, limitation as, see LEGISLATION ON APPROPRIATION BILLS
    ``made known'' to officials, funds made available on condition 
        information be, see LEGISLATION ON APPROPRIATION BILLS
    negative prohibition on use of funds distinguished from affirmative 
        direction to officials, ch 4 Sec. 54
    negative restriction or limitation as permitted, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 34, 
        50, 51
    offered, when amendments may be, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 50, 64
    partial restriction, ch 4 Sec. 52
    policy, limitation may effect change in, ch 4 Sec. 50
    recipients, qualifications of, limitation addressing, ch 4 Sec. 58
    reducing amount in bill, amendment, distinguished from limitation 
        for purpose of rules governing consideration, ch 4 Sec. 64
    regulations, agency, funds to carry out, ch 4 Sec. 52
    retrenchment under Holman rule distinguished from, see LEGISLATION 
    revenue measure, determining whether ``limitation'' constitutes, ch 
        4 Sec. 50
    rulings, illustrative, permitting limitations on particular uses, ch 
        4 Sec. 52

[[Page 954]]

    tax or tariff measure, determining whether ``limitation'' 
        constitutes, ch 4 Sec. 50
    tests to determine whether provision constitutes permissible 
        limitation, ch 4 Sec. 50
    total expenditutres, ceiling on, ch 4 Sec. 51
    transportation obligation limitations, ch 4 Sec. 52
  Monetary figures agreed to, changes in--
    ``Fetchback'' amendments changing amounts in previous paragraphs, ch 
        2 Sec. 42
    specific sum in amendment previously adopted may not be directly 
        amended, ch 2 Sec. 42
    unanimous consent, changing figures by, ch 2 Sec. 43
  Permanent appropriations, current action by Congress with respect to, 
      ch 4 Sec. Sec. 9, 11
  Points of order--
    amendments, against, ch 4 Sec. 67
    Committee on Appropriations, division of allocation among 
        subcommittees of, consideration of appropriation prior to, ch 7 
        Sec. 9
    necessity of, for enforcement of rule prohibiting unauthorized 
        appropriations and legislation on appropriation bills, ch 4 
        Sec. 27
    paragraph, against all or portion of, ch 4 Sec. 67
    reservation of, against amendments, ch 4 Sec. 65
    reservation of, against bill, no longer necessary at time bill 
        referred to Union Calendar, ch 4 Sec. 65
    timeliness, ch 4 Sec. 66
    waiver of (see also, SPECIAL RULES; SUSPENSION OF RULES), ch 4 
        Sec. 68
  Privileged status--
    general appropriations, ch 4 Sec. 61
    special appropriations not privileged, ch 4 Sec. 61
  Reading for amendment--
    new section, inserting, ch 4 Sec. 63
    paragraphs, general appropriation bills read by, ch 4 Sec. 63; ch 12 
        Sec. 13
    passed in reading, paragraph, amendment to, ch 4 Sec. 63
    sections, bill appropriating for specific purpose read by, ch 4 
        Sec. 63
    agency or department for which original funds were appropriated, 
        transfers of unexpended balances within, as permitted, ch 4 
        Sec. 60
    authorizing legislation as permitting reappropriations in some 
        instances, ch 4 Sec. 60
    exceptions to prohibition, ch 4 Sec. 60
    general appropriation bills, rule prohibiting reappropriations is 
        limited to, ch 4 Sec. 60
    prior acts, unobligated balances of funds appropriated in, language 
        making available, ch 4 Sec. 60
    transfers of funds distinguished, ch 4 Sec. 60
    works in progress exception, ch 4 Sec. 60
  Report, committee, see COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Rescissions, ch 4 Sec. 35
  Revenue bills, power to originate, as encompassing appropriations, see 
  Special appropriations--
    defined, ch 4 Sec. 3
    single department or agency, measure making appropriation for, not 
        privileged, ch 4 Sec. 74

[[Page 955]]

  Supplemental appropriations--
    consideration of, in House as in Committee of the Whole, ch 4 
        Sec. 75
    defined, ch 4 Sec. 3
    general appropriation bills, considered as, where making 
        appropriations for diverse agencies, ch 4 Sec. 73
  Three-day  layover  requirement  before  consideration of bill--
    counting of ``calendar days,'' ch 4 Sec. 62
    waiver of, ch 4 Sec. 62
  Timetable for consideration of annual appropriation bills, ch 7 Sec. 3
  Transfer of funds--
    legislation, language may not include, see LEGISLATION ON 
    same bill, direct transfer within, may be permitted, ch 4 Sec. 36
  Transportation obligations, funding floors for, ch 4 Sec. 59a
  Trust funds, funds for, as permanent appropriations, ch 4 Sec. 9
  Unauthorized appropriations, see APPROPRIATIONS, UNAUTHORIZED
  Voting on--
    separate vote in House on amendments adopted in Committee of the 
        Whole, ch 4 Sec. 63
    yeas and nays automatically ordered, ch 4 Sec. 61


  Amendments to bill, prohibition applies to, ch 4 Sec. 76; ch 6 Sec. 20
  Authorization, language of, distinguished from appropriation, ch 4 
      Sec. 77
  Discharge, motion to, rule not applicable to bill taken from committee 
      by, ch 4 Sec. 76
  Point of order may be made ``at any time,'' ch 2 Sec. 34
  Points of order--
    ``at any time,'' may be made, ch 2 Sec. 34
    Committee of the Whole, should be raised in, ch 4 Sec. 78
    debate on merits, may be raised after, ch 4 Sec. 78
    portion of section, as directed against, ch 4 Sec. 79
    reporting of bill, not to be raised against, ch 4 Sec. 78
    timeliness, ch 2 Sec. 34; ch 4 Sec. 78
    waiver of, ch 4 Sec. 78
  Private bills, rule not applicable to, ch 4 Sec. 76
  Reported bills, rule relates to, ch 4 Sec. 76
  Rule prohibiting, ch 4 Sec. 76
  Rulings, illustrative, in application of rule, ch 4 Sec. 77
  Senate amendment to legislative bill, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Senate bills or amendments between Houses, rule applicable to, ch 4 
      Sec. 76

                          COMMITTEES, STANDING


  Agricultural programs, rulings on points of order against 
      appropriations for, ch 4 Sec. 16
  Amending language permitted to remain, see below, Perfecting provision 
      permitted to remain
  Commerce or business, rulings on points of order against 
      appropriations affecting, ch 4 Sec. 17
  Defense programs, rulings on points of order against appropriations 
      for, ch 4 Sec. 18

[[Page 956]]

  Delaying appropriation ``pending authorization'' does not prevent 
      point of order, ch 4 Sec. 10
  District of Columbia, rulings on points of order against funding for, 
      ch 4 Sec. 19
  Environmental programs, rulings on points of order against 
      appropriations for, ch 4 Sec. 20
  Exceeding amount authorized, appropriation as, ch 4 Sec. 14
  Foreign affairs, rulings on points of order against appropriations 
      relating to, ch 4 Sec. 21
  General appropriation bills, rule applies to, ch 4 Sec. 10
  Increases of budget authority in excess of amount authorized, ch 4 
      Sec. 14
  Interior or environmental programs, rulings on points of order against 
      appropriations for, ch 4 Sec. 20
  Legislative branch, rulings on points of order against funding for, ch 
      4 Sec. 22
  Perfecting provision permitted to remain, test of whether amendment 
      ``merely perfects,'' ch 4 Sec. 69
  Prior unauthorized appropriations, effect of, ch 4 Sec. 12
  Precede appropriation, authorization must, ch 4 Sec. 10
  Proof, burden of, as to authorization--
    executive officials, compliance by, with conditions or requirements, 
        ch 4 Sec. 13
    proponent of amendment, ch 4 Sec. 13
    proponent or manager of bill, ch 4 Sec. 13
  Public works, rulings on points of order against funding for (see also 
      below, ``Works-in-progress'' exception), ch 4 Sec. 24
  Rule prohibiting, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 7, 10
  Rulings on appropriations subjected to points of order, generally (and 
      see specific subject matter), ch 4 Sec. 15
  Salaries and benefits, rulings on points of order against 
      appropriations relating to, ch 4 Sec. 23
  Senate amendments, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Sufficiency and modes of authorization, ch 4 Sec. 12
  ``Works-in-progress'' exception--
    applicability of, generally, ch 4 Sec. 25
    definition of ``work in progress,'' ch 4 Sec. 26
    evidence of initiation of project, ch 4 Sec. 25
    initiation of project, evidence as to, ch 4 Sec. 25
    lapsed, not applicable where authorization has, ch 4 Sec. 25
    reappropriations, see APPROPRIATION BILLS
    rulings as to whether particular projects were within exception, ch 
        4 Sec. 26

                          ASSEMBLY OF CONGRESS

  Clerk, duties of, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Day of convening--
    appointment of day by joint resolution, ch 5 Sec. 1
    constitutional provisions, ch 5 Sec. 1
    emergency reconvening, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 5 Sec. 2; ch 45 Sec. 3
    President's authority exercised on extraordinary occasions, ch 5 
        Sec. 1
    pro forma meetings at end of session, ch 5 Sec. 1
    recall pursuant to adjournment resolution, ch 5 Sec. 1
  Hour of meeting, establishing--
    adjourn to day and time certain, effect of motion to, ch 5 Sec. 2
    changing hour of meeting, ch 5 Sec. 2
    emergency reconvening, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 5 Sec. 2; ch 45 Sec. 3
    privileged, initial resolution as, ch 5 Sec. 2

[[Page 957]]

    resolution, House may set hour by, ch 5 Sec. 2
    standing order, effect of, ch 5 Sec. 2
  Legislative business, resumption of--
    consideration of major bill rarely occurs before adoption of rules, 
        ch 5 Sec. 8
    old business pending at adjournment of preceding session is resumed 
        in second or third session but not in new Congress, ch 5 Sec. 8
    President's State of the Union message, resumption of legislative 
        business usually occurs after, ch 5 Sec. 8
  Motions in order prior to adoption of rules, ch 5 Sec. 7
  Oath to Members-elect, see OATH
  Parliamentary law, general, prior to adoption of rules House proceeds 
      under, ch 5 Sec. 7
  Place of meeting--
    consent of other House as necessary to change, ch 5 Sec. 3
    constitutional provision, ch 5 Sec. 3
    in hazardous circumstances, ch 5 Sec. 3
  President, committee to notify, that House has assembled, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Procedures under general parliamentary law prior to adoption of rules, 
      ch 5 Sec. 7
  Quorum, establishment of, ch 5 Sec. Sec. 4, 5
  Rules, adoption of, see RULES OF THE HOUSE
  Rules, prior to adoption of, House proceeds under general 
      parliamentary law, ch 5 Sec. 7
  Second session, organizational business at beginning of, ch 5 Sec. 5
  Senate, message to, that quorum of House established, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Sergeant at Arms, role of, upon incapacity of Clerk, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Speaker, election of, ch 5 Sec. 4

                            BELLS AND SIGNALS

  Changes in system announced, ch 10 Sec. 3
  Malfunctions, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 58 Sec. 20
  Meaning of the various signals, ch 58 Sec. 20
  Quorum calls, used to alert Members to, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 58 Sec. 20
  Voting alerts (see also VOTING), ch 58 Sec. 20

                          BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS

  Availability of report for three days, see COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Committee reports, see COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Concurrent resolutions, use of, ch 6 Sec. 1
  Enacting clause, form of, ch 6 Sec. 3
  Engrossment, see ENGROSSMENT
  Enrollment, see ENROLLMENT
  Form, ch 6 Sec. 3
  Hopper, introduced by placing in, ch 6 Sec. 6
  Introduction of--
    hopper, placed in, ch 6 Sec. 6
    limit, no, on number of bills Member may introduce, ch 6 Sec. 6
    ``request,'' bills introduced by, ch 6 Sec. 6
  Joint resolutions, use of, ch 6 Sec. 1
  Layover requirement, see COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Legislation, general, bills used for purposes of, ch 6 Sec. 1
  Page and line numbers--
    generally, ch 6 Sec. 3
    changes after amendments, ch 6 Sec. 3
    amendments to, ch 6 Sec. 5
    striking preamble, ch 6 Sec. 5
    use of, ch 6 Sec. Sec. 3, 5
  Private bills, see PRIVATE BILLS

[[Page 958]]

  Prohibited, certain measures as--
    (see also specific topics, e.g., COMMEMORATIVE LEGISLATION, 
    commemorations, ch 6 Sec. 23
    funding below specified level for transportation programs, ch 6 
        Sec. 20
    public works, designation of, in honor of currently serving Members 
        of Congress, ch 6 Sec. 22
    tax or tariff measure in bill reported by committee other than Ways 
        and Means, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21
    tax rate increase, retroactive, ch 6 Sec. 21
  ``Public'' and ``private'' bills defined, ch 6 Sec. 2
  Reading for amendment in Committee of the Whole, see AMENDMENTS; 
  Reference, bills enacted by, see CONFERENCE
  Resolving clauses, form of, ch 6 Sec. 3
  Section headings and subheadings, ch 6 Sec. 3
  Simple resolutions, use of, ch 6 Sec. 1
  Speaker, first ten numbers reserved for assignment by, ch 6 Sec. 6
  Sponsors and cosponsors--
    adding names of cosponsors, ch 6 Sec. 6
    cosponsors, adding names of, ch 6 Sec. 6
    error in listing of name, ch 6 Sec. 6
    falsely introduced in Member's name, question of privilege arises 
        where bill is, ch 6 Sec. 6
    removal of name, ch 6 Sec. 6
    signature of chief sponsor required, ch 6 Sec. 6
    constitutional amendment, bill proposing, ch 6 Sec. 4
    enacted statute, not considered part of, ch 6 Sec. 4
    form, ch 6 Sec. 4
    intent, legislative, evidence of, ch 6 Sec. 4
    number, identifying, added, ch 6 Sec. 3

                             BUDGET PROCESS

  Allocations to committees--
    Appropriations, Committee on, divides allocation among 
        subcommittees, ch 7 Sec. 9
    point of order for breach of outlay or revenue level precluded where 
        committee is within its allocation, ch 7 Sec. 9
  Balanced Budget and Emergency Deficit Control Act, see below, Gramm-
      Rudman legislation
  Borrowing authority not subject to appropriations as violation of 
      Budget Act, ch 7 Sec. 12
  Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, passage of, ch 7 Sec. 1
  Budget Enforcement Act, passage of, ch 7 Sec. 1
  ``Byrd rule'' against extraneous matter, see below, Reconciliation
  Committee on the Budget--
    estimates by, to be relied on by Chair in ruling on points of order, 
        ch 7 Sec. 9
    jurisdiction, ch 7 Sec. 2
  Committee on Rules--
    oversight function of review of budget process, ch 7 Sec. 2
  Committee reports--
    estimates, cost, required in, see below, Estimates required in 
        committee reports

[[Page 959]]

  Concurrent resolution on the budget--
    adoption of, must precede consideration of legislation affecting 
        budget, ch 7 Sec. 7
    amendments, consideration of, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 4, 5
    categories, functional, dividing Federal spending among, ch 7 
        Sec. Sec. 4, 5
    Committee of the Whole, consideration in, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 4, 5
    conference report on budget resolution, see below, Conference report 
        on budget resolution
    consideration, providing for, ch 7 Sec. 4
    consistency, mathematical, among amendments, ch 7 Sec. 5
    debate on, ch 7 Sec. 4
    ``elastic'' clause permitting provisions appropriate to purposes, ch 
        7 Sec. 4
    fiscal years, succeeding, budgetary levels for, ch 7 Sec. 4
    mathematical consistency amendments, ch 7 Sec. 5
    priorities, spending, establishes, ch 7 Sec. 4
    privileged for consideration if reported, ch 7 Sec. 4
    recommit, motion to, not in order, ch 7 Sec. 4
    reconsider, motion to, not in order, ch 7 Sec. 4; ch 47 Sec. 12
    revision of, ch 7 Sec. 3
    special rules for consideration, ch 7 Sec. 4
    time for completion of action on, ch 7 Sec. 3
  Conference report on budget resolution--
    allocations to committees published in joint statement of managers, 
        ch 7 Sec. 9
    debate on, ch 7 Sec. 6
  Congressional Budget Act--
    concurrent resolution on budget, adoption of, to precede legislation 
        affecting budget, ch 7 Sec. 7
    concurrent resolutions and reports, contents of, prescribed, ch 7 
        Sec. 4
    Congressional Budget Office, see below, Congressional Budget Office
    debate on concurrent resolution, provisions regarding, see above, 
        Concurrent resolution on the budget
    ``elastic'' clause permitting provisions appropriate to purposes, ch 
        7 Sec. 4
    passage of, ch 7 Sec. 1
    points of order created by, see below, Points of order under Budget 
    reconciliation procedures, see below, Reconciliation
  Congressional Budget Office--
    analyses of economic data and programs, ch 7 Sec. 2
    committees, reports provided to, on congressional action on bills, 
        ch 7 Sec. 2
    costs arising from bills and resolutions, analysis of, ch 7 Sec. 2
    established, ch 7 Sec. 1
    report, annual, to Budget Committees includes discussion of economic 
        policy and budget priorities, ch 7 Sec. 3
    unfunded mandates, estimates related to, see below, Unfunded 
  Contract authority, new, required to be effective only as provided in 
      appropriation Acts, ch 7 Sec. 12
  Debate, see above, Concurrent resolution on the budget
  Debt, public, limit on--
    amendment to budget resolution to change, restriction on, ch 7 
        Sec. 5
    automatic increase in, ch 7 Sec. 15
    budget resolution sets forth appropriate level, ch 7 Sec. 15
    changes in, ch 7 Sec. 15

[[Page 960]]

    reconciliation directives as to, ch 7 Sec. 15
  ``Deem'' budget resolution as in force, resolutions to, for purposes 
      of points of order, ch 7 Sec. 9
    congressional disapproval of, procedures for, ch 7 Sec. 18
    defined, ch 7 Sec. 16
    President's role in proposing deferral, ch 7 Sec. 18
    purposes specified in law, ch 7 Sec. 18
    report by Comptroller General of unauthorized deferral, ch 7 Sec. 18
    veto, legislative, procedure held to be unconstitutional, ch 7 
        Sec. 18
  Direct spending--
    borrowing authority, new, ch 7 Sec. 12
    contract authority, new, ch 7 Sec. 12
    defined, ch 7 Sec. 11
    entitlement authority, new, what constitutes, ch 7 Sec. 13
    food stamp program, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 11, 13
    Gramm-Rudman restrictions on, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 11-13
    PAYGO requirements, application of, ch 7 Sec. 11
  Discharge bills providing certain new entitlement authority from Union 
      Calendar, Speaker's authority to, for referral to Committee on 
      Appropriations, ch 9 Sec. 4
  Emergency designation attached to funds in bill--
    effects generally, ch 7 Sec. 9
    Gramm-Rudman, requirements under, ch 7 Sec. 9
  Entitlement authority, new, see above, Direct spending
  Estimates by committees of new budget authority and outlays--
    Budget, Committee on the, role of estimates provided by, ch 7 Sec. 9
    time for reports, ch 7 Sec. 3
  Estimates required in committee reports--
    five-year cost estimates, ch 7 Sec. 2
    new budget authority, effect of measure providing, ch 7 Sec. 2
    point of order where report does not contain required estimates, ch 
        7 Sec. 2
    revenues, effect of change in, ch 7 Sec. 2
  Fiscal year, defined, ch 7 Sec. 3
  Floors, funding, for transportation obligations, see APPROPRIATION 
  Food stamp program, see above, Direct spending
  Germaneness, Senate rulings on, see SENATE, PRACTICE IN
  Gramm-Rudman legislation--
    deadlines for stages in budget process, provisions as to, ch 7 
        Sec. 3
    deficit targets, ch 7 Sec. 1
    direct spending, restrictions on, ch 7 Sec. 11
    discretionary spending, limits on, ch 7 Sec. 11
    emergency designation, see above, Emergency designation attached to 
        funds in bill
    mandatory spending, restrictions on, ch 7 Sec. 11
    passage of, ch 7 Sec. 1
    PAYGO, see below, PAYGO requirements
    provisions of, generally, ch 7 Sec. 1
    sequestration under, see below, Sequestration
  History, legislative, ch 7 Sec. 1
    congressional authorization, ch 7 Sec. 16
    court rulings, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 16-18
    deferral of budget authority, see above, Deferrals
    passage of Impoundment Control Act, ch 7 Sec. 1
    rescissions proposed by President, ch 7 Sec. 17
    Veto, Line Item, see below, Line Item Veto Act

[[Page 961]]

  Line Item Veto Act--
    constitution, held to violate presentment clause of, ch 7 Sec. 17; 
        ch 57 Sec. 8
    history and use, ch 7 Sec. 17; ch 57 Sec. 8
    procedures under, ch 7 Sec. 17
  Office of Management and Budget--
    creation of, ch 7 Sec. 1
    President's budget, assistance in submission of, ch 7 Sec. 1
    sequestration triggered by reports, see below, Sequestration
  Oversight plans, submission of, by committees, ch 7 Sec. 3
  PAYGO requirements--
    deficit, neutral-effect on, revenue and ``direct spending'' 
        legislation required to have, ch 7 Sec. 11
    direct spending, application to, ch 7 Sec. 11
    purpose generally, ch 7 Sec. 1
    sequestration, see below, sequestration
    spending, as control on, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 10, 13
  Points of order under Budget Act--
    (see also POINTS OF ORDER)
    affirmative assertion of, as necessary, ch 7 Sec. 1
    allocations of committees, against legislation exceeding, ch 7 
        Sec. 1
    allocation, where committee reporting measure is within, ch 7 Sec. 9
    borrowing authority, new, ch 7 Sec. 12
    conference reports, against, see CONFERENCE REPORT
    consideration of legislation affecting budget, adoption of 
        concurrent resolution on budget must precede, ch 7 Sec. 7
    contract authority, new, ch 7 Sec. 12
    direct spending, restrictions on, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 11-13
    enforcement of Act's provisions, mechanism for, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 1, 9
    emergency designation attached to funds, effect of, see above, 
        Emergency designation attached to funds in bill
    entitlement authority, new, that becomes effective in current fiscal 
        year, ch 7 Sec. 13
    estimates by Committee on the Budget, Chair to rely on, in making 
        rulings, ch 7 Sec. 9
    new budget authority set forth in budget resolution, measures 
        exceeding, ch 7 Sec. 9
    outlays exceeding level set forth in budget resolution, ch 7 Sec. 9
    revenues below levels set forth in budget resolution, measures 
        contemplating, ch 7 Sec. 9
    rules of the House, provisions creating points of order are 
        considered, ch 7 Sec. 9
    unfunded mandates, points of order against, see below, Unfunded 
    unreported measure, points of order based on breach of restrictions 
        on direct spending do not lie against, ch 7 Sec. 13
    unreported measure, points of order based on breach of specified 
        levels of outlays or revenues do not lie against, ch 7 Sec. 9
    waivers of (see also SPECIAL RULES), ch 7 Sec. Sec. 7, 9
  President, submission of budget by--
    time for, ch 7 Sec. 3
    ``Byrd rule'' as to extraneous matter can be directed against matter 
        originating with House, ch 7 Sec. 8
    committees, instructions to, to recommend changes in existing law to 
        achieve objectives, ch 7 Sec. 8
    conferees, appointment of, see CONFEREES OR MANAGERS
    debt, public, changes in limit on, ch 7 Sec. 15

[[Page 962]]

    deficit, restrictions on measures increasing, ch 7 Sec. 8
    privileged, reconciliation bill may be reported as, ch 7 Sec. 8
    special rules providing for consideration, ch 7 Sec. 8
    timetable for completion of action on reconciliation legislation, ch 
        7 Sec. 3
    effect, ch 7 Sec. 11
    modification of, ch 7 Sec. 11
    President, role of, ch 7 Sec. 11
    procedures, ch 7 Sec. 11
    purpose, ch 7 Sec. 11
    rescinded, order was, as part of reconciliation, ch 7 Sec. 11
    suspension of, ch 7 Sec. 11
    timing, ch 7 Sec. 11
  Social Security program--
    exempt from reconciliation, ch 7 Sec. Sec. 1, 14
    new budget authority, receipts and disbursements not counted as, ch 
        7 Sec. 14
  Statutory framework, generally, ch 7 Sec. 1
  Timetable for stages of budget process, ch 7 Sec. 3
  Unfunded mandates--
    committee responsibilities, ch 56 Sec. 3
    Congressional Budget Act, purpose of provisions of, generally, ch 56 
        Sec. 1
    Congressional Budget Act, provisions of, permitting points of order, 
        ch 2 Sec. 49; ch 7 Sec. 19
    cost estimates, ch 56 Sec. 3
    debate on points of order, ch 2 Sec. 49; ch 56 Sec. 5
    definitions, ch 56 Sec. 2
    estimates provided by Congressional Budget Office, ch 56 Sec. 3
    intergovernmental mandate, ch 56 Sec. 2
    points of order to prevent consideration of, ch 2 Sec. 49; ch 7 
        Sec. 19; ch 56 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
    private sector mandate, ch 56 Sec. 2
    strike, amendment to, may be precluded only by order of House, ch 7 
        Sec. 19
    strike, motion to, ch 56 Sec. 6
    waiver of points of order against, provisions restricting, ch 7 
        Sec. 19; ch 56 Sec. 5
    vote on question of consideration, points of order disposed of by, 
        rather than by Chair's ruling, ch 2 Sec. 49; ch 56 Sec. 5
  Veto, line item, see above, Line Item Veto Act
  Waiver of points of order under Budget Act, see above, Points of order 
      under Budget Act


  Committee action on measure, completion of, referral to calendar upon, 
      ch 9 Sec. 1
  Correction of error in referral to calendar, ch 9 Sec. 3
  Corrections Calendar--
    Speaker's authority, ch 9 Sec. 5
    vote, three-fifths, for passage of bills, ch 9 Sec. 5
  Discharge of bill from calendar--
    referrals to committees, sequential, for purposes of, ch 9 Sec. 4
  Erroneous referral to calendar, ch 9 Sec. 3
  House Calendar--
    bills not raising revenue or requiring appropriations referred to, 
        ch 9 Sec. 1
  Private Calendar, see PRIVATE BILLS
  Purpose generally, ch 16 Sec. 5
  Referrals to calendars--
    erroneous referral to calendar, ch 9 Sec. 3
    reported favorably, measures, ch 9 Sec. 2

[[Page 963]]

    reported improperly, recommittal of measures, ch 9 Sec. 2
    reported unfavorably, measures, ch 9 Sec. 2
  Removal of bill from calendar--
    referrals to committees, sequential, for purposes of, ch 9 Sec. 4
  Union Calendar--
    appropriating money or property, bills, referred to, ch 9 Sec. 1
    Committee of the Whole, bills considered in, ch 9 Sec. 1
    expenses to government, bills authorizing activities which incur, ch 
        9 Sec. 1
    revenue, bills raising, ch 9 Sec. 1

                           CALENDAR WEDNESDAY

  Amendments to bill, ch 8 Sec. 8
  Authorization by committee to call up bill, ch 8 Sec. 6
  Availability of bill and report, ch 8 Sec. 6
  Business not in order during Calendar Wednesday procedures, ch 8 
      Sec. 2
  Calling up bill under Calendar Wednesday procedure, ch 8 Sec. 1
  Call of committees, procedure for calling up bills during, ch 8 Sec. 5
  Committee, form of remarks by member in calling up bill at direction 
      of, ch 8 Sec. 1
  Committee of the Whole, consideration in, ch 8 Sec. 3
  Consideration, raising question of, ch 8 Sec. 7
  Debate in Committee of the Whole, ch 8 Sec. 8
  Debate in the House under hour rule, ch 8 Sec. 8
  Dispensing with, ch 8 Sec. 11
  Form of remarks used by member in calling up bill at direction of 
      committee, ch 8 Sec. 1
  Precedence of Calendar Wednesday business, ch 8 Sec. Sec. 2, 4
  Previous question--
    adjournment after ordering, effect of, ch 8 Sec. 10
    prior day's business, effect where previous question was ordered on, 
        ch 8 Sec. 10
  Private bills not eligible, ch 8 Sec. 2
  Privileged bills not eligible for consideration under Calendar 
      Wednesday procedures, ch 8 Sec. 2
  Procedure for calling up bills during call of committees, ch 8 
      Sec. Sec. 1, 5
  Unfinished business, consideration of, on Calendar Wednesday, ch 8 
      Sec. 9
  Unprivileged bills considered, ch 8 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Withdrawal of bill after being called up, ch 8 Sec. 6


                           CELLULAR TELEPHONES

  Use of, prohibited on floor and in galleries, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 16 
      Sec. 21


                       CHAMBER AND ROOMS OF HOUSE

  Corridors leading to Chamber, control of, ch 10 Sec. 4
  Disorder in Capitol, see DECORUM; DEBATE; GALLERIES
  Galleries, see GALLERIES
  Hall, use of--
    floor, privileges of, see FLOOR, PRIVILEGES OF
    rule as to permissible uses, ch 10 Sec. 1
    Speaker, authority of, ch 10 Sec. 1
  Photographs in Chamber, see PHOTOGRAPHS IN CHAMBER
    appropriated, use of, ch 10 Sec. 1
    resolutions assigning, as privileged, ch 10 Sec. 1

[[Page 964]]

    unappropriated, use of, ch 10 Sec. 1


  Continuance in office, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Duties, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Guest chaplain, ch 35 Sec. 1


  Role of, ch 35 Sec. 1

                           CLERK OF THE HOUSE

  Acting Clerk, designation of, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Assembly of Congress, organizational duties at, ch 5 Sec. 4; ch 35 
      Sec. 1; ch 37 Sec. 2
  Continuance in office, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Deputy Clerk designated to act in event of Clerk's absence or 
      disability, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Duties of, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Organization of new Congress, duties related to, ch 5 Sec. 4; ch 35 
      Sec. 1; ch 37 Sec. 2
  Points of order, rules on, prior to election of Speaker, ch 37 Sec. 2


  Discrepancies as to time, ch 10 Sec. 3
  Official clock, ch 10 Sec. 3



  Definition, ch 6 Sec. 23
  Rule stating prohibition, ch 6 Sec. 1; ch 16 Sec. 1
  Waiver of rule, ch 6 Sec. 23


  Select committees, distinguished from, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Statute, created by, ch 11 Sec. 2

                            COMMIT, MOTION TO

  Previous question, pending or after ordering--
    amendments to, ch 48 Sec. 9
    application of, to particular items of business, ch 48 Sec. 10
    debate on, ch 48 Sec. 12
    instructions in, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 9, 17
    recognition to offer, ch 48 Sec. 11
    time for offering, ch 48 Sec. 9

                         COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE

  Adjourn, motion to, not in order in (see also ADJOURNMENT), ch 1 
      Sec. 4
  Amendment, reading for, see AMENDMENTS
  Amendments, changing order of consideration of, barred if requiring 
      material modification of special rule, see SPECIAL RULES
  Appropriations of money or property, public bills making, considered 
      in (see also APPROPRIATION BILLS), ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
  Authority, limitations on, ch 12 Sec. 2
    appointed by Speaker, ch 12 Sec. 7
    authority, limitations on, ch 12 Sec. 8
    duties, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 7, 16
    order, decides questions of, ch 12 Sec. 18
    order, maintaining, see, e.g., DECORUM; WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Committees, standing, distinguished from, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Conference reports not considered in, ch 12 Sec. 2
  Consideration in, matters requiring--
    appropriations of money or property, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 3

[[Page 965]]

    bills, specific types of, consideration of, ch 12 Sec. 3
    ``hereby'' considered as adopted, effect of special rule providing 
        that measure is, ch 12 Sec. 4
    revenue, bills raising, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
    Senate amendments, subject matter of, may require consideration in 
        Committee of the Whole, ch 12 Sec. 4
    special rule as waiving requirement, ch 12 Sec. 3
    unanimous-consent agreement may waive requirement, ch 12 Sec. 3
  Debate, see DEBATE
  Enacting clause, motions relating to, see ENACTING CLAUSE, MOTION 
  Historical background, ch 12 Sec. 1
  House as in Committee of the Whole, distinguished, ch 12 Sec. 1
    appropriations of money or property, public bills making, ch 12 
        Sec. 2
    revenue, bills raising, ch 12 Sec. 2
    rule specifying matters requiring consideration in Committee of the 
        Whole, ch 12 Sec. 3
  Mace, position of, significance of, ch 12 Sec. 1
  Motions that are not in order in, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 20
  Motions, use of--
    generally, ch 12 Sec. 20
    precedence of motions, ch 12 Sec. 21
    prohibited motions, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 20
    recommending House action, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 20, 22
    rise and report, motion to, see below, Rise and report, motion to
    rise, motion to, see below, Rise, motion to
    withdrawal of motion, ch 12 Sec. 20
    writing, demand that motion be in, ch 12 Sec. 20
  Motion to resolve into--
    amendable, not, ch 12 Sec. 6
    debatable, not, ch 12 Sec. 6
    precedence of ch 12 Sec. 6
    rejection, effect of, ch 12 Sec. 6
    withdrawal of, ch 12 Sec. 6
  Originating measures, restriction on, ch 12 Sec. 2
  Postponement by Chair of requests for recorded votes, see VOTING
  Prohibitions on use of certain procedures and motions in, ch 12 
      Sec. Sec. 2, 20
  Points of order, see POINTS OF ORDER
  Quorum in--
    general debate, point of no quorum during, ch 12 Sec. 9
    previously established on same day, effect where quorum was, ch 12 
        Sec. 9
    procedure following point of order of no quorum, ch 12 Sec. 9
    rule governing, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 1, 9
    vote taken in absence of quorum, ch 12 Sec. 9
  Reading of bill--
    appropriation bill, general, ch 12 Sec. 13
    considered as read, where bill is, ch 12 Sec. 13
    dispensing with, ch 12 Sec. 10
    first reading, ch 12 Sec. 10
    sections, by, ch 12 Sec. 13
  Recommittal of bill to, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 30
  Reconsider, motion to, not in order in, ch 16 Sec. 56
  Reporting amendments to House after adoption, see below, Rise and 
      report, motion to; see also AMENDMENTS
  Report to House of proceedings, see below, Rise and report, motion to

[[Page 966]]

  Resolving into--
    automatically resolving into Committee of the Whole, ch 12 Sec. 5
    motion, by, see above, Motion to resolve into
    Speaker, declaration by, ch 12 Sec. 5
    special rule, by, ch 12 Sec. 5
  Revenue, bills raising, considered in, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
  Rise and report, motion to--
    adverse recommendation, ch 12 Sec. 30
    amend, precedence of motion to, over motion to rise and report, ch 2 
        Sec. 9
    appropriation bill, general, precedence of motion after reading of, 
        ch 12 Sec. 21
    House, report to, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 29, 30
    pending specified procedures, motion may be made, ch 12 Sec. 27
    quorum required on affirmative vote, ch 12 Sec. 26
    recommendations that may be included, ch 12 Sec. 26
    report by Chairman as official account of proceedings in Committee 
        of the Whole, ch 12 Sec. 29
    report, receipt of, in House, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 29, 30
    time for making, ch 12 Sec. 27
    withdrawn by unanimous consent, ch 12 Sec. 26
    writing, demand that motion be in, ch 12 Sec. 26
  Rise, motion to--
    amend, precedence of motion to rise over motion to, ch 2 Sec. 9
    debate time remaining on amendment, effect of adoption of motion to 
        rise on (see also DEBATE), ch 16 Sec. 59
    form, ch 12 Sec. 26
    interrupting Member who holds floor not permitted, ch 12 Sec. 28
    manager or Member to whom manager yields, motion may be offered 
        during general debate by, ch 12 Sec. 28
    offered by manager or Member to whom manager yields, motion may be, 
        during general debate, ch 12 Sec. 28
    offering motion, ch 12 Sec. 28
    pending specified procedures, motion may be made, ch 12 Sec. 27
    precedence of, ch 12 Sec. 21
    quorum, in order after announcement of absence of, ch 12 Sec. 9
    quorum not required for adoption, ch 12 Sec. 26
    special rule precluding repetition after rejection, see SPECIAL 
    time for making, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 27, 28
    withdrawn by unanimous consent, ch 12 Sec. 26
    writing, demand that motion be in, ch 12 Sec. 26
  Rising without motion--
    automatic rising pursuant to special rule or House order, ch 12 
        Sec. 25
    informal rising by unanimous consent or at Chair's direction, ch 12 
        Sec. 25
  Senate amendment, subject matter of, may require consideration in 
      Committee of the Whole (see also SENATE AMENDMENTS), ch 12 Sec. 4; 
      ch 51 Sec. 9
  Special rule, modification of, see SPECIAL RULES
  Special rules, consideration pursuant to, see SPECIAL RULES
  Text of bill as referred to committees governs referral to Union 
      Calendar, ch 12 Sec. 2
  Unanimous-consent requests in, see UNANIMOUS CONSENT
  Unfinished business, see UNFINISHED BUSINESS
  Voting (see also VOTING), ch 12 Sec. 17

[[Page 967]]

                            COMMITTEE REPORTS

  Additional views, filing, ch 11 Sec. 32
  Adverse reports, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 28, 31
  Amendments, reporting bill with, ch 11 Sec. 28
  Appropriations, report from committee on--
    requirements as to, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 29, 30
    unauthorized appropriations and changes in existing law, inclusion 
        of, ch 4 Sec. 8
  Authorization by committee to report measure, ch 11 Sec. 28
  Availability for three days, requirement of, ch 11 Sec. 35
  Budget Act, under, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Calendars, referral to, ch 11 Sec. 31
  Calling up reports, ch 11 Sec. 34
  ``Clean'' bill, introduction of, ch 11 Sec. 28
  Contents of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 28, 29
  Correction of errors in, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 28, 30, 31
  Duty of chairman to report measure approved by committee, ch 11 
      Sec. 28
  Errors in, correction of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 28, 30, 31
  Filing reports--
    nonprivileged reports, ch 11 Sec. 33
    privileged reports, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 33, 34
    time for filing, extension of, ch 11 Sec. 33
  Form of, ch 11 Sec. 29
  Germaneness issues, use of committee reports in determining, see 
  Layover requirement, ch 11 Sec. 35
  Minority views, filing, ch 11 Sec. 32
  Points of order against--
    availability requirement, noncompliance with, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 35, 36
    constitutional authority, failure to include statement as to, ch 11 
        Sec. 36
    cost estimate, failure to include, ch 11 Sec. 36
    failure of report to include certain matters, ch 11 Sec. 36
    House, made in, ch 11 Sec. 36
    layover requirement, noncompliance with, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 35, 36
    mandates, Federal, failure to include statement on cost of, ch 11 
        Sec. 36
    oversight findings, failure to include, ch 11 Sec. 36
    performance goals and objectives, failure to include, ch 11 Sec. 36
    quorum in committee, lack of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 23, 36
    Ramseyer rule, noncompliance with, see RAMSEYER RULE
    recommittal of bill for failure to comply with House rules, ch 11 
        Sec. 28
    timeliness of, ch 11 Sec. 23
    votes on measures, deficiencies in record of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 15, 36
    waiver of (see also, SPECIAL RULES; UNANIMOUS CONSENT), ch 11 
        Sec. Sec. 35, 36
  Privileged reports--
    committees that may report at any time, table listing, ch 11 Sec. 34
    filed from floor at any time, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 31, 34
    subject matter accorded privilege, ch 11 Sec. 34
    unprivileged reports distinguished from, ch 11 Sec. 34
  Quorum required in committee to authorize report, ch 11 Sec. 22
  Printing, ch 11 Sec. 31
  Ramseyer rule, see RAMSEYER RULE
  Referral to Calendars, ch 11 Sec. 31
  Rule requiring that written report accompany bill, ch 11 Sec. 28
  Special rule reported from Committee on Rules, see SPECIAL RULES
  ``Star print,'' ch 11 Sec. Sec. 30, 31
  Supplemental reports, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 28, 30, 31
  Supplemental views, ch 11 Sec. 32
  Tax measures, contents of reports on, ch 11 Sec. 29

[[Page 968]]

  Three-day availability requirement, ch 11 Sec. 35

                       COMMITTEES, JURISDICTION OF

  Agreement, informal, between committees as to jurisdiction, ch 11 
      Sec. 8
  Appropriations, Committee on--
    appropriations, ch 4 Sec. 8
    deferrals or rescissions of appropriated funds, ch 4 Sec. 8
    general appropriation bills, ch 4 Sec. 8
    Holman rule, retrenchments under, ch 4 Sec. 48
    new spending authority, ch 4 Sec. 8
    rescissions or deferrals of appropriated funds, ch 4 Sec. 8
    retrenchments under Holman rule, ch 4 Sec. 48
    transfers of unexpended balances, ch 4 Sec. 8
  Budget, Committee on the, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Committees, table showing, with jurisdiction and historical 
      background, ch 11 Sec. 11
  Conferees, as related to appointment of, see CONFEREES OR MANAGERS
  Conferral of jurisdiction by House, ch 11 Sec. 8
  District of Columbia business, see DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA BUSINESS
  Historical background, table showing jurisdiction and, of standing 
      committees, ch 11 Sec. 11
  House Administration, Committee on--
    committees, standing, expenses of, ch 4 Sec. 4
    election contests, see ELECTION CONTESTS AND DISPUTES
  Judiciary, Committee on the, jurisdiction over reapportionment vested 
      in, see ELECTIONS
  Referral of measures to committees, see REFERRAL OF BILLS, RESOLUTIONS 
  Rule relating to, ch 11 Sec. 8
  Rules, jurisdiction of Committee on, over resolution prescribing 
      special order of business, see SPECIAL RULES
  Standards of Official Conduct, Committee on, see ETHICS
  Subject matter--
    appropriations, ch 4 Sec. 8
    committees, expenses of, ch 4 Sec. 4
    committees, table showing jurisdiction of, ch 11 Sec. 11
    deferrals or rescissions of appropriated funds, ch 4 Sec. 8
    Holman rule, retrenchments under, ch 4 Sec. 48
    House committee and administrative expenses, ch 4 Sec. 4
    new spending authority, ch 4 Sec. 8
    rescissions or deferrals of appropriated funds, ch 4 Sec. 8
    revenue measures, ch 4 Sec. 50
    special rules, see SPECIAL RULES
    table showing jurisdiction of committees, ch 11 Sec. 11
    tariff measures, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21
    tax measures, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21
    transfers of unexpended balances, ch 4 Sec. 8
  Table showing standing committees, jurisdiction, and historical 
      background, ch 11 Sec. 11
  Ways and Means, Committee on--
    revenue measures, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21
    tariff measures, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21
    tax measures, ch 4 Sec. 50; ch 6 Sec. 21

                          COMMITTEES, STANDING

  Access, Member's, to records and files, see below, Records and files
  Budget, Committee on the, see BUDGET PROCESS

[[Page 969]]

  Chairmen of committees--
    duties of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 6, 28
    election of, ch 11 Sec. 4
    limitation on tenure, ch 11 Sec. 4
    powers of, ch 11 Sec. 6
    role of, ch 11 Sec. 6
    vacancy in chairmanship, ch 11 Sec. 4
  Committees, table listing, with jurisdiction and antecedents, ch 11 
      Sec. 11
  Composition of, ch 11 Sec. 5
  Conference committees, distinguished, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Election of Members to--
    caucus and selection committee, role of, ch 11 Sec. 4
    chairman, selection of, see above, Chairmen of committees
    privileged, resolutions as, when submitted by direction of party 
        caucuses, ch 11 Sec. 4
    procedures generally, ch 11 Sec. 4
    resolutions electing majority and minority Members, ch 11 Sec. 4
  Employees of, see below, Staff of
  Establishing committees, ch 11 Sec. 2
  Executive session--
    quorum required to close session or release testimony, ch 11 Sec. 16
    release of testimony taken in, ch 11 Sec. 16
    testimony taken in, use of, ch 11 Sec. 16
  Expense resolutions, primary and supplemental, to authorize payment of 
      expenses of, ch 11 Sec. 3
  Expenses of Committee on Appropriations, funds for, appropriated 
      pursuant to statute, ch 11 Sec. 3
  Expenses of Committees, resolution funding, privileged report from 
      Committee on House Administration on, ch 4 Sec. 4
  Functions of committees, generally, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Funding for, resolutions providing, ch 4 Sec. 4
    announcement of, ch 11 Sec. 19
    defame, degrade or incriminate, testimony tending to, procedures 
        relating to, ch 11 Sec. 20
    media coverage, ch 11 Sec. 27
    open or closed, ch 11 Sec. 20
    purposes, ch 11 Sec. 19
    testimony or evidence tending to defame or incriminate, procedures 
        relating to, ch 11 Sec. 20
    transcripts, contents of and access to, ch 11 Sec. 16
    uses, ch 11 Sec. 19
    witnesses, see below, Witnesses
  Historical background, ch 11 Sec. 11
  Investigative authority--
    court rulings as to validity or proper exercise of, ch 11 Sec. 10
    limitations on, ch 11 Sec. 10
    necessary or appropriate investigations, ch 11 Sec. 10
    obstruction of committee investigation, ch 11 Sec. 10
    scope and subject matter, ch 11 Sec. 10
    Standards of Official Conduct, Committee on, see ETHICS
    subpoenas, refusal to comply with, see CONTEMPT
  Jurisdiction of, see COMMITTEES, JURISDICTION OF
    additional meetings, calling, ch 11 Sec. 17
    time of, fixing, ch 11 Sec. 17
  Oversight function--
    general and special oversight distinguished, ch 11 Sec. 9
    Legislative Reorganization Act, provisions of, ch 11 Sec. 9
    table listing committees, jurisdiction, and oversight functions, ch 
        11 Sec. 11
  Party representation on committees, ch 11 Sec. 5

[[Page 970]]

  Procedure in committees--
    adoption of rules by committee, ch 11 Sec. 15
    debate and consideration, ch 11 Sec. 18
    meetings, fixing time of, ch 11 Sec. 17
    motions, ch 11 Sec. 18
    points of order in House based on procedures in committee, ch 11 
        Sec. 15
    proxy voting banned, ch 11 Sec. 18
    rules of House, application of, ch 11 Sec. 15
    voting, ch 11 Sec. 18
  Quorum in committee--
    contemporaneous presence, ch 11 Sec. 22
    report a measure, authorization to, ch 11 Sec. 22
    ``rolling quorum'' obsolete, ch 11 Sec. 22
    table showing minimum quorum requirements to take particular 
        actions, ch 11 Sec. 21
  Records and files--
    access to, Member's, ch 11 Sec. 16
    debate, reference in, to, ch 11 Sec. 16
    disposition of, ch 11 Sec. 16
    executive session, evidence taken in, use of, ch 11 Sec. 16
  Resolutions establishing or affecting authority of, as privileged, ch 
      11 Sec. 2
  Role of committees, generally, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Select committees distinguished, see SELECT COMMITTEES
    alteration of rank, ch 11 Sec. 4
    resolution electing Members as indicating rank, ch 11 Sec. 4
  Size of committees, ch 11 Sec. 5
  Staff of--
    Appropriations, Committee on, rule governing appointment of staff 
        of, ch 11 Sec. 7
    minority staff, ch 11 Sec. 7
    rule and statute, employment of staff governed by, ch 11 Sec. 7
    statute and rule, employment of staff governed by, ch 11 Sec. 7
  Standards of Official Conduct, Committee on--
    (see also ETHICS)
    party representation on, ch 11 Sec. 5; ch 25 Sec. 3
  Subcommittees, role of, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Table showing committees, jurisdiction, and antecedents, ch 11 Sec. 11
  Transcripts, see above, Hearings; Meetings
    constitutional rights, ch 11 Sec. 25
    contempt, citing for, ch 11 Sec. 26
    fees for, ch 11 Sec. 24
    immunity, ch 11 Sec. 25
    minority, witnesses called by, ch 11 Sec. 24
    perjury, ch 11 Sec. 24
    questioning of, procedure for, ch 11 Sec. 24
    rights under Constitution and rules, ch 11 Sec. 25
    self-incrimination, privilege against, ch 11 Sec. 25
    subpoenas, ch 11 Sec. 24
    testimony or evidence tending to defame or incriminate, procedures 
        relating to, ch 11 Sec. 20
    voting in, ch 11 Sec. 18
    written statements, ch 11 Sec. 24

                          COMPLIANCE, OFFICE OF

  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 6


                          CONFEREES OR MANAGERS

  Appointment of--
    ``additional'' conferees on particular provisions, ch 13 Sec. 8
    changing conferees, ch 13 Sec. 8
    committee representation, ch 13 Sec. 7

[[Page 971]]

    criteria, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 6, 7
    jurisdiction of committees as factor, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 7, 8
    number of conferees, ch 13 Sec. 6
    reappointment to additional conferences, ch 13 Sec. 8
    Speaker's discretion, ch 13 Sec. 6
    time for, ch 13 Sec. 6
    vacancy on conference committee, ch 13 Sec. 8
  Authority of--
    committed to conference, issues, ch 13 Sec. 9
    enlarging authority by concurrent resolution, ch 13 Sec. 9
    germane modification of matter in disagreement, ch 13 Sec. 9
    limitations on, ch 13 Sec. 9
    scope of differences, matters within, ch 13 Sec. 9
    Senate amendments, limitation on authority to agree to, ch 4 
        Sec. Sec. 70, 71
  Failure to report, motions in order after, ch 13 Sec. 14
  Houses, jurisdiction of, over their own appointed conferees, ch 13 
      Sec. 11
  Instructions to managers--
    advisory nature of, ch 13 Sec. 16
    agreement to conference, one motion in order after, ch 13 Sec. 12
    amendments to motion, ch 13 Sec. 13
    appointment, given prior to, unless postponed, ch 13 Sec. 12
    argument, instructions may not include, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 11, 15
    binding, not, ch 13 Sec. 16
    conference report, instructions in motion to recommit, divisibility 
        of, ch 21 Sec. 13
    debate on motion to instruct, ch 13 Sec. 13
    division of the question, applicability of demand for, ch 21 Sec. 13
    germaneness of amendment to motion, rule as to, ch 26 Sec. 33
    limitations on, ch 13 Sec. 11
    motion to instruct, debate and procedures relating to, ch 13 
        Sec. Sec. 12, 13
    purpose generally, ch 13 Sec. 11
    recognition on motions, ch 46 Sec. 16
    recommit, motion to, instructions in, ch 13 Sec. 15
    scope of, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 11, 15
    Senate, in, see SENATE, PRACTICE IN
    tabling motion to instruct, ch 13 Sec. 12
    times for giving, ch 13 Sec. 12
    withdrawal of motion, ch 13 Sec. 13
    open or closed, ch 13 Sec. 10
    points of order, procedures as basis of, ch 13 Sec. 10
  Removal of, ch 13 Sec. 8
  Resignation of, ch 13 Sec. 8


  ``Deeming'' bill sent to conference, ch 13 Sec. 4
  Motion to go to conference--
    committee authorization, ch 13 Sec. 3
    debate on, ch 13 Sec. 3
    form, ch 13 Sec. 3
    privileged under certain conditions, ch 13 Sec. 3
    recognition for, ch 46 Sec. 16
    rejection of, repetition after, ch 13 Sec. 4
    time for offering, ch 13 Sec. 4
  Papers, possession of--
    action on report, having custody prior to, ch 13 Sec. 29
    practice as to taking custody, generally, ch 13 Sec. 29
    request for conference, House in possession of papers makes, ch 13 
        Sec. Sec. 1, 4

[[Page 972]]

  Purpose generally, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Questions for conference, generally, ch 13 Sec. 2
  Request for, by House in possession of papers, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Request for or agreement to conference--
    ``deeming'' bill sent to conference, ch 13 Sec. 4
    motion, by, see above, Motion to go to conference
    unanimous consent, by, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 3, 4
  Scope of conference--
    amounts in bill, differences as to, ch 13 Sec. 9
    dates, disagreement as to, ch 13 Sec. 9
    disagreement, matters in, as determining scope, ch 13 Sec. 9
    instructions to conferees as referring to matters beyond scope, see 
    law, existing, differences concerning amendment of, ch 13 Sec. 9
    numbers in bill, differences as to, ch 13 Sec. 9
    Senate scope rule, ch 13 Sec. 21
  Special rule, amendments sent to conference pursuant to, ch 13 Sec. 5

                           CONFERENCE REPORTS

  Appropriation in Senate amendment to legislative bill, ch 13 Sec. 24
  Availability for three days, requirement of--
    last six days of session, not applicable during, ch 13 Sec. 30
    waiver of rule, ch 13 Sec. 30
  Availability on floor for two hours prior to consideration, ch 13 
      Sec. 30
  Budget resolutions, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Calling up--
    manager, senior, for House may call up, ch 13 Sec. 31
    recognition to call up, ch 46 Sec. 16
  Consideration, question of--
    points of order, may be raised before, ch 13 Sec. 27
  Considered in House rather than Committee of the Whole, ch 12 Sec. 2
  Correction of errors, ch 13 Sec. 19
  Debate on--
    amendments in disagreement, allocation and control of time on 
        motions to dispose of, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 33, 34
    close, right to, ch 13 Sec. 33
    defeat of original motion, effect of, ch 13 Sec. 34
    division of question on motion to recede and concur, debate 
        following, ch 13 Sec. 34
    division of time, ch 13 Sec. 33
    extension of, ch 13 Sec. 33
    hour rule, applicability of, ch 13 Sec. 33; ch 16 Sec. 45
    open, right to, ch 13 Sec. 33
    opposition, debate in, where parties support report, ch 13 Sec. 33
    preferential motion, effect of, ch 13 Sec. 34
    recognition, ch 13 Sec. 34
    three-way division of time, ch 13 Sec. 33
    yielding time, ch 13 Sec. 34
  Disagreement, total, report filed in--
    amendments in disagreement, action taken on, ch 13 Sec. 38
    debate and voting, ch 13 Sec. 38
    Senate, procedure in, ch 13 Sec. 38
  En bloc consideration--
    amendments in disagreement, ch 13 Sec. 32
    conference reports, ch 13 Sec. 32
  Explanatory statements, see below, Statements, explanatory, by 
    privileged, as, ch 13 Sec. 17
    recommittal, subsequent report after, ch 13 Sec. 17

[[Page 973]]

    three-day lay-over after, requirement of, see above, Availability 
        for three days, requirement of
  Form, generally, ch 13 Sec. 17
  Germaneness issues--
    Senate provisions in conference reports and amendments in 
        disagreement, germaneness of, ch 13 Sec. 23; ch 26 Sec. 34
  Minority views not in order, ch 13 Sec. 17
  Papers, possession of--
    action on report, having custody prior to, ch 13 Sec. 29
    practice as to taking custody, generally, ch 13 Sec. 29
  Points of order--
    appropriation in Senate amendment to legislative bill, ch 13 Sec. 24
    authority, conferees exceeded, ch 13 Sec. 21
    Budget Act, under, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 26, 27
    germane, Senate provisions not, ch 13 Sec. 23
    legislation in Senate provision on House appropriation bill, ch 13 
        Sec. 25
    multiple points of order, ch 13 Sec. 27
    order of ruling on, ch 13 Sec. 27
    scope of differences, disposition of matter not within, ch 13 
        Sec. Sec. 21, 22
    substitutes or modifications adding subjects not committed to 
        conference, ch 13 Sec. 22
    timeliness, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 20, 27
    waiver of (see also, SPECIAL RULES), ch 13 Sec. Sec. 24, 25, 28
  Postponement of consideration, ch 13 Sec. 31
  Precedence of report, ch 13 Sec. 31
  Privilege of report, ch 13 Sec. 31
  Reading of--
    dispensing with, ch 13 Sec. 31
    statement of managers may be read, ch 13 Sec. 31
  Recommendations of managers, ch 13 Sec. 17
  Recommittal of report--
    concurrent resolution, ch 13 Sec. 35
    motion, ch 13 Sec. 35
    unanimous consent, ch 13 Sec. 35
  Reconsider, motion to, see RECONSIDER, MOTION TO
  Rejection of all or part of report, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 36, 37
  Senate legislative provision on House bill, ch 13 Sec. 25
  Senate scope rule, ch 13 Sec. 21
    argument or exception, attachment of, ch 13 Sec. 18
    exception or argument, attachment of, ch 13 Sec. 18
    majority of managers of each House, ch 13 Sec. 18
    qualification or argument, attachment of, ch 13 Sec. 18
  Statements, explanatory, by managers--
    exceptions or objections, inclusion of, ch 13 Sec. 17
    majority of managers of each House, signed by, ch 13 Sec. 17
    reading of, in lieu of report, ch 13 Sec. 31
    sufficiency of, ch 13 Sec. 17
  Suspension of rules, adoption by, ch 13 Sec. 28
  Voting on report--
    constitutional amendment, report on, ch 13 Sec. 36
    disagreement, total, see above, Disagreement, total, report filed in
    motion to agree considered as pending, ch 13 Sec. 36
    reconsider vote on motion disposing of amendment, motion to, ch 13 
        Sec. 36
    Speaker may put question without motion, ch 13 Sec. 36

[[Page 974]]

    yeas and nays considered ordered on certain reports, ch 13 Sec. 36
  Withdrawal of report, ch 13 Sec. 31


                          CONGRESSIONAL RECORD

  Amendments, printing of, see AMENDMENTS
  Contents, ch 15 Sec. Sec. 2, 5
    motion, by, ch 15 Sec. 4
    privileges of the House, error as question of, ch 15 Sec. 4
    resolution, by, ch 15 Sec. 4
    timeliness of correction, ch 15 Sec. 4
    typographical and grammatical errors, ch 15 Sec. Sec. 3, 4
  Dispensing with printing requirements, ch 15 Sec. 2
    extension of remarks, improper inclusions of matter in, ch 15 Sec. 5
    unparliamentary remarks, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Extension of remarks--
    abuse of leave to print, ch 15 Sec. 5
    Committee of the Whole, limited authority of, ch 15 Sec. 5
    consent of House, with, ch 15 Sec. 5
    extraneous materials, ch 15 Sec. 5
    forms of request that Member or Members may extend remarks, ch 15 
        Sec. 5
    restrictions on insertions, ch 15 Sec. 5
    timeliness of request to extend, ch 15 Sec. 5
    typeface, distinctive, ch 15 Sec. 5
  History, ch 15 Sec. 1
  House Administration, Committee on, jurisdiction of, ch 15 Sec. 1
  Interruption by one not recognized is not carried, ch 15 Sec. 3
  Joint Committee on Printing, authority of, ch 15 Sec. 1
  Matters included, ch 15 Sec. Sec. 2, 5
  Statutes relating to, ch 15 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Unparliamentary remarks, deletion or expungement of, see WORDS, 
  Withdrawal of unparliamentary words, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY



  Rules, resolution from Committee on, see SPECIAL RULES
  Suspension of the rules, see SUSPENSION OF THE RULES

                       CONSIDERATION, QUESTION OF

  Applicability to particular propositions, ch 41 Sec. 2
  Calendar Wednesday, see CALENDAR WEDNESDAY
  Conference reports, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Demand, necessity of to invoke, ch 41 Sec. 1
  Effect, ch 41 Sec. 1
  Purpose, ch 41 Sec. 1
  Subject to, propositions that are, ch 41 Sec. 2
  Subject to, propositions that are not, ch 41 Sec. 3
  Unfunded mandates, points of order against, application to, ch 41 
      Sec. 4



  Defenses, ch 17 Sec. 4
  Executive privilege, claim of, ch 17 Sec. 4

[[Page 975]]

  Inherent authority of Congress, ch 17 Sec. 1
  Pertinence to legislative purpose, inquiry must have, ch 17 Sec. 4
  President, claim of executive privilege by, ch 17 Sec. 4
  Punishment for, ch 17 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Purging contempt, ch 17 Sec. 5
  Reporting citation to House, ch 17 Sec. 2
  Senate, procedure in, ch 17 Sec. 1
  Speaker, duties of, ch 17 Sec. 3
  Statutory contempt procedure, ch 17 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  United States Attorney, certification to, ch 17 Sec. 3


  Certificate of election, copy of, as sufficient, ch 23 Sec. 3
  Certificate of election, official, Member-elect sworn in advance of 
      receipt of, ch 23 Sec. 3
  Election of Members, see ELECTIONS
  Oath, issues raised as to administration of, ch 23 Sec. 3
  Vacancies occurring in first session, Members elected to fill, 
      included on roll after oath administered, ch 5 Sec. 5


  Addressed to Chair, remarks should be, ch 16 Sec. 24
  Allocation of time--
    amendments not yet offered, allocation of time on, by unanimous 
        consent in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 57
    Chair, role of, where debate on amendment has been limited, see 
        below, Five-minute rule
    Committee of the Whole, allocation of time by unanimous consent in, 
        on amendments not yet offered, ch 16 Sec. 57
    Committee of the Whole, general debate in, see below, General debate 
        in Committee of the Whole
    five-minute debate, see below, Five-minute rule, debate under
    forty-minute debate, ch 16 Sec. 46
    hour-rule, see below, Hour rule
    limitation on debate, recognition after, ch 46 Sec. 15
    twenty-minute debate, ch 16 Sec. 46
  Appropriation bills, see APPROPRIATION BILLS
  Budget resolutions, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Close debate, right to--
    adversely reported bill, ch 16 Sec. 11
    amendment, debate on, ch 16 Sec. 12
    amendments, debate on, ch 46 Sec. 9
    committee of primary jurisdiction, manager representing, ch 16 
        Sec. 11
    four Members, where debate divided among, ch 16 Sec. 11
    general debate, ch 46 Sec. 8
    general debate, majority manager has right to close, ch 16 Sec. 10
    instruct conferees, on motion to, see CONFEREES OR MANAGERS
    manager of bill or resolution, ch 46 Sec. Sec. 8, 9
    manager of measure who opposes amendment is entitled to close debate 
        thereon, ch 2 Sec. 35
    manager, majority, has right to close general debate, ch 16 Sec. 10
    manager, qualification as, ch 16 Sec. 12
    proponent of amendment under certain conditions, ch 46 Sec. 9
    reverse order of original allocation, closing in, in certain 
        instances, ch 16 Sec. 11
    unreported measure, ch 16 Sec. 11
  Closing debate in House--
    generally, ch 16 Sec. 49
    previous question, motion for, see PREVIOUS QUESTION

[[Page 976]]

  Closing five-minute debate, see below, Five-minute rule, debate under
  Closing general debate in Committee of the Whole, see below, General 
      debate in Committee of the Whole
  Committee of the Whole, in, see below, Five-minute rule, debate under, 
      and General debate in Committee of the Whole
  Conference reports, on, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Control of time--
    amendment, between proponent and opponent of, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 12, 14
    Committee of the Whole, allocation of time by unanimous consent in, 
        on amendments not yet offered, ch 16 Sec. 57
    Committee of the Whole may not change House order designating 
        Members in control of general debate, ch 16 Sec. 52
    committees, where jurisdiction shared by, ch 16 Sec. 10
    delegation of, ch 16 Sec. 10
    jurisdiction of two or more committees, matter within, ch 16 
        Sec. Sec. 10, 14
    manager of bill for majority, ch 16 Sec. 10
    opposed, control of one-third of time by one who is, in certain 
        instances, ch 16 Sec. 11
    previous question, Member controlling time may move (see also 
        PREVIOUS QUESTION), ch 16 Sec. 49
    relinquishing control, ch 16 Sec. 10
    yielding time, see below, Yielding time for amendment; Yielding time 
        for debate
  Debatable, matters that are not, generally, ch 16 Sec. 9
  Division of time, see above, Allocation of time
  Executive officials, criticism of, in debate, ch 16 Sec. 25
  Exhibits, see EXHIBITS
  Expiration of time, effect of--
    amendments, offering, after expiration of time, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 26, 
    Congressional Record, debate on amendments printed in, where offered 
        after expiration of debate time, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 26, 35
  Five-minute rule, debate under--
    amendment, reading bill for, see AMENDMENTS
    amendments, debate on, ch 12 Sec. 13
    amendments, restrictions on, imposed by special rule, ch 16 Sec. 54
    appropriation bills, see APPROPRIATION BILLS
    Chair's allocation of time under limitation, ch 16 Sec. 59
    closing five-minute debate by motion, ch 16 Sec. 56
    closing five-minute debate by unanimous consent, ch 16 Sec. 57
    extending debate, ch 16 Sec. 55
    extending Member's time, ch 16 Sec. 54
    limitation on debate, recognition after, ch 46 Sec. 15
    limitation on time, rescission or modification of, ch 16 Sec. 57
    limit debate, House action to, ch 16 Sec. 55
    limiting debate, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 55-57
    motion in Committee of the Whole to limit debate may not allocate or 
        reserve time, ch 16 Sec. 58
    motions to limit or close debate, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 56, 58
    once, speaking more than, ch 16 Sec. 54
    opposition, recognition where floor not claimed in, ch 16 Sec. 54
    precedence of five-minute speech to explain amendment over amendment 
        to amendment, ch 16 Sec. 54
    pro forma amendments precluded where special rule permits only 
        designated amendments, ch 16 Sec. 54

[[Page 977]]

    proponent and opponent of amendment each allowed five minutes, ch 2 
        Sec. 35
    reading for amendment, see AMENDMENTS
    recognition after limitation on debate, ch 46 Sec. 15
    recognition, generally, ch 46 Sec. 14
    relevancy in debate, requirement of, see below, Relevancy
    reserving time not permitted, ch 16 Sec. 54
    rise, adoption of motion to, as affecting time remaining for debate 
        on amendment, ch 16 Sec. 59
    rule, applicable, terms of, ch 16 Sec. 54
    standing, Member recognized must remain, ch 12 Sec. 13
    time, expiration of, offering amendments after, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 26, 
    unanimous consent to close or limit debate in Committee of the 
        Whole, ch 16 Sec. 57
    withdrawal of amendment, ch 12 Sec. 13
    yield for amendment, Member holding floor may not, ch 2 Sec. 20; ch 
        16 Sec. 16
    yielding time generally, ch 12 Sec. 13; ch 16 Sec. Sec. 15, 54
  Floor, surrendering, ch 16 Sec. 17
  Forty-minute debate--
    debate on certain propositions, in absence of, prior to ordering 
        previous question, ch 16 Sec. 46
    division of time, ch 16 Sec. 46
    motions to which applicable, ch 16 Sec. 46
  Gallery, references to, see GALLERIES
  General debate in Committee of the Whole--
    absence of Members of reporting committee, effect of, ch 16 Sec. 52
    close, motion to, not in order in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 
        Sec. 53
    closing generally, ch 12 Sec. 12
    closing, by unanimous consent, in absence of order of House, ch 16 
        Sec. 53
    control of time, changing House order designating Members in, not 
        permitted in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 52
    extended, time fixed may not be, by Committee of the Whole, ch 12 
        Sec. 11
    House, allocation and duration of time fixed by, ch 12 Sec. 11; ch 
        16 Sec. 52
    special rule, allocation and duration pursuant to (see also SPECIAL 
        RULES), ch 16 Sec. 51
  Hour rule--
    applicability, generally, ch 16 Sec. 45
    Committee of the Whole, applicable in, where House has not fixed 
        time for general debate, ch 12 Sec. 11; ch 16 Sec. 52
    conference reports, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
    limitation on time, applicability in absence of, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 44, 
    measures to which hour rule applicable, ch 16 Sec. 45
    motions to which hour rule applicable, ch 16 Sec. 45
    order or other rule of House, superseded by, ch 16 Sec. 45
    resolutions and other business to which applicable, ch 16 Sec. 45
    rules, adoption of, applicability prior to, ch 16 Sec. 45
    Senate amendments, motions to dispose of, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
    special rule, superseded by, ch 16 Sec. 45
    yielding time generally, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 10, 15

[[Page 978]]

    yielding to Member who has consumed one hour, ch 12 Sec. 11
  House as in Committee of the Whole, in--
    enacting clause, motion to strike, ch 16 Sec. 47
    extension of five-minute debate in, ch 16 Sec. 47
    five-minute rule, under, ch 16 Sec. 47
  Initiating debate without motion, methods of, ch 16 Sec. 1
  Interruption by one not yielded to, effect of, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 15, 17
  Limitation on debate, see below, Time, limitations on
  Manager of bill, role of--
    amendment, may be recognized in opposition to, ch 16 Sec. 14
    control exercised by, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 10, 12
    qualification as manager, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 12, 14
    unreported measure, ch 16 Sec. 12
  Morning-hour debate--
    leadership, lists of Members seeking recognition submitted by, ch 16 
        Sec. 50
  Nondebatable matters, generally, ch 16 Sec. 9
  Notice of motion to instruct conferees given during debate on pending 
      question, see CONFEREES OR MANAGERS
  One-minute speeches, see ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES
  Order, maintaining, see, e.g., DECORUM; WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Papers, reading, ch 16 Sec. 60
  Parliamentary inquiries, see PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY
  President, references to, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Pro forma amendments--
    allocate or reserve time, Member recognized to debate pro forma 
        amendment may not, ch 2 Sec. 8
    closed rule, not in order under, ch 12 Sec. 14
    debate on, scope of, ch 2 Sec. 8
    distinguished from substantive amendments, ch 2 Sec. 8
    extending time by offering additional, not permitted, ch 16 Sec. 54
    five-minute rule, use of pro forma amendments during debate under, 
        for purpose of obtaining recognition for debate, ch 2 Sec. 8
    opposition to pro forma amendment, Member may be recognized in, 
        after occupying five minutes on his own pro forma amendment, ch 
        2 Sec. 8
    point of order that pro forma amendment constitutes amendment in 
        third degree, ch 2 Sec. 14
    reserve or allocate time, Member recognized to debate pro forma 
        amendment may not, ch 2 Sec. 8
    special rule permitting only designated amendments, effect of, ch 16 
        Sec. 54
    substantive amendment, recognition of Member who has spoken on, ch 
        12 Sec. 14
    substitute, after adoption of, ch 16 Sec. 54
    substitute amendment, effect of adoption of, on subsequent pro forma 
        amendments, ch 2 Sec. 8
    third degree, point of order that pro forma amendment constitutes 
        amendment in, ch 2 Sec. 14
    time, allocation or reservation of, after recognition not permitted, 
        ch 16 Sec. 54
    time, restrictions on extension of, by Member who has occupied five 
        minutes on pro forma amendment, ch 2 Sec. 8
    use of, ch 2 Sec. 8

[[Page 979]]

    disciplinary action, scope of debate as to, ch 16 Sec. 18
    five-minute rule, scope of debate under, ch 16 Sec. 20
    general debate in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 19
    history of rule, ch 16 Sec. 18
    one-minute speeches, rule not normally applied to, ch 16 Sec. 18
    point of order, absence of, effect of, ch 16 Sec. 18
    privilege, personal, debate on question of, ch 16 Sec. 18
    special-order speeches, rule not ordinarily applied to, ch 16 
        Sec. 18
    special rule, debate on, ch 16 Sec. 18
    special rule, effect of terms of, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 19, 20
    unanimous consent to address House, effect of, ch 16 Sec. 18
    unreported bill on same subject as pending bill, discussion of, ch 
        16 Sec. 18
  Senate, references to, see SENATE, REFERENCES TO, IN DEBATE
  Special-order speeches, see SPECIAL-ORDER SPEECHES
  Special rule, allocation of time by, see SPECIAL RULES
  Special rules, modification of terms of, in Committee of the Whole, 
      generally, see SPECIAL RULES
  Statutory limitations on, see below, Time, limitations on
  Television audience, remarks should not be addressed to, ch 16 Sec. 24
  Ten-minute debate--
    amendments offered after close of general or five-minute debate, on, 
        ch 16 Sec. 46
    division of time, ch 16 Sec. 46
    motions, on certain, ch 16 Sec. 46
  Time, charging, when used for purposes other than debate--
    limitation on debate, form of, as affecting timekeeping, ch 16 
        Sec. 59
  Time, extending--
    Committee of the Whole may not extend general debate, ch 16 Sec. 52
    division of time, providing for, ch 16 Sec. 48
    five-minute rule, House action extending time under, ch 16 Sec. 55
    hour rule, under, ch 16 Sec. 48
    privileged resolutions, ch 16 Sec. 48
    privilege, personal, question of, ch 16 Sec. 48
    special rule, ch 16 Sec. 48
    statutory time limitations, effect of, ch 16 Sec. 48
    unanimous consent, ch 16 Sec. 48
  Time, limitations on--
    generally, ch 16 Sec. 9
    allocation by Chair of time remaining on amendments, ch 16 Sec. 59
    certain, time, limitation on debate to a, ch 16 Sec. 59
    Chair, discretion of, on certain questions, ch 16 Sec. 44
    charging time used for purposes other than debate, ch 16 Sec. 59
    Committee of the Whole, general debate in, ch 16 Sec. 53
    five-minute rule, House action to limit debate under, ch 16 Sec. 55
    five-minute rule, motion to limit or close debate under, in 
        Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 56
    five-minute rule, unanimous consent to close or limit debate under, 
        in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 57
    general debate in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 53
    hour rule, applicability of, in absence of express limitation, see 
        above, Hour rule
    motion in House, by, ch 16 Sec. 53
    motion in Committee of the Whole to limit debate under five-minute 
        rule may not allocate or reserve time, ch 16 Sec. 58

[[Page 980]]

    rescission or modification of, ch 16 Sec. 57
    special rules (see also SPECIAL RULES), ch 16 Sec. Sec. 44, 48
    statutory time limitations on certain propositions, ch 16 Sec. 48
    unanimous consent in Committee of the Whole, closing debate by, in 
        absence of order of House, ch 16 Sec. 53
    unanimous consent in House, by, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 48, 53
  Twenty-minute debate--
    close, right to, ch 16 Sec. 46
    discharge, motions to, ch 16 Sec. 46
    division of time, ch 16 Sec. 46
    Federal mandates, where point of order raised against, ch 16 Sec. 46
  Yielding time for amendment--
    amendment to amendment, ch 16 Sec. 16
    five-minute rule, not permitted under, ch 2 Sec. 20; ch 16 Sec. 16
    floor, losing the, ch 16 Sec. 16
    House, in, ch 16 Sec. 16
  Yielding time for debate--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 16 Sec. 15
    committees, where jurisdiction shared by, ch 16 Sec. 10
    discretionary with Member in control, ch 16 Sec. 15
    effect of yielding, ch 16 Sec. 15
    five-minute debate, during, ch 16 Sec. 15
    hour rule, under, ch 12 Sec. 11; ch 16 Sec. Sec. 10, 15
    House, in, ch 16 Sec. 15
    interruption by one not yielded to, effect of, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 15, 
    special rules, debate on, ch 16 Sec. 15
    yielded time, yielding during, ch 12 Sec. 11; ch 16 Sec. 15

                         DEBT, PUBLIC, LIMIT ON

  Amendment to budget resolution to change, restriction on, ch 7 Sec. 5
  Automatic increase in, ch 7 Sec. 15
  Budget resolution sets forth appropriate level, ch 7 Sec. 15
  Changes in, ch 7 Sec. 15
  Reconciliation directives as to, ch 7 Sec. 15


  Acts expressly prohibited under rule, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Attire, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Calls to order--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 16 Sec. 27
    House, in, ch 16 Sec. 26
    procedures available to quell disorder, ch 16 Sec. 26
  Cellular telephones, use of, prohibited on floor and in galleries, ch 
      10 Sec. 3; ch 16 Sec. 21
  Chair as taking initiative in enforcing rules--
    interruption by Member not yielded to, ch 16 Sec. 17
  Electronic devices, use of certain, prohibited on floor, ch 10 Sec. 3
  Exhibits, use of, see EXHIBITS
  Floor, guests on, not in order in debate to refer to, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Interruption of debate by one not yielded to, effect of, ch 16 
      Sec. Sec. 15, 17
  President, references to, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Prohibited under rule, conduct that is, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Rules, applicable, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Senate, references to, see SENATE, REFERENCES TO, IN DEBATE
  Sergeant-at-arms, role of, in maintaining order, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Speaker, policy statement by, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Time consumed in call to order, charging, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Well, demand to clear the, ch 16 Sec. 21

[[Page 981]]

  Wireless telephones, use of, prohibited on floor and in galleries, ch 
      10 Sec. 3; ch 16 Sec. 21
  Words, unparliamentary, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY


  Committee of the Whole, participation in, ch 18 Sec. 4
  Committees, role on, ch 18 Sec. 3
  Discharge motion, may not sign, ch 19 Sec. 4
  Floor privileges, ch 18 Sec. 2
  House, privileges in, ch 18 Sec. 2
  Motions offered by, ch 18 Sec. 2
  Organization of new Congress, role during, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Preside, do not, ch 18 Sec. Sec. 2, 4
  Statutory officers, ch 18 Sec. 1
  Voting by, ch 5 Sec. 4; ch 18 Sec. Sec. 2-4


  Agencies, approval of actions of, ch 14 Sec. 1
  Consideration, procedures for, ch 14 Sec. 3
  Constitutionality, ch 14 Sec. 2
  Discharge from committee, automatic, pursuant to statute, ch 19 Sec. 9
  Discharge, motion to, pursuant to statute, ch 19 Sec. 9
  District of Columbia Home Rule Act, under, see DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA 
  Executive branch, approval of actions of, ch 14 Sec. 1
  Joint resolutions, use of, ch 14 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Rule-making power, as exercise of, ch 14 Sec. 3
  Special rules, use of, ch 14 Sec. 3
  Statutes governing, ch 14 Sec. 1


  Consideration of discharged measure--
    debate, ch 19 Sec. 7
    immediate consideration, motion for, ch 19 Sec. 7
    motions available after discharge, ch 19 Sec. 7
  Constitution, discharge of matters privileged under--
    disciplinary actions against Members, ch 19 Sec. 8
    impeachment resolutions (see also IMPEACHMENT), ch 19 Sec. 8
    Member's right to seat, ch 19 Sec. 8
    vetoed bill (see also VETO), ch 19 Sec. 8
  Motion or petition to discharge--
    calling up, ch 19 Sec. Sec. 6, 7
    consideration, procedure for, ch 19 Sec. Sec. 6, 7
    debate on, ch 19 Sec. 6
    filed with Clerk, ch 19 Sec. 2
    intervening motions, ch 19 Sec. 6
    precedence of, ch 19 Sec. 5
    privilege of, ch 19 Sec. 5
    reoffering motion once acted on not in order, ch 19 Sec. 2
    reported, measure may be, before consideration of motion, ch 19 
        Sec. 3
    rule, applicable, ch 19 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
    Rules, Committee on, discharging, ch 19 Sec. 1
    signatures, see below, Signatures required on motion
  Referral of measure with time limit, ch 19 Sec. 1
  Resolution providing for consideration, ch 19 Sec. 1
  Select committee, resolution extending existence of, see SELECT 
  Special rule for consideration of unreported resolution as discharging 
      committee, see SPECIAL RULES

[[Page 982]]

  Signatures required on motion--
    public record, signatures a matter of, ch 19 Sec. 2
  Special rules, procedure applicable to, ch 19 Sec. 3
  Suspension of rules, see SUSPENSION OF RULES
  Time limit, measure referred by Speaker with, ch 19 Sec. 1
  Timetable for discharge procedures, ch 19 Sec. 3
  Unanimous consent in House, by, ch 19 Sec. 1
  Veto message and bill, see VETO



  Charter, District of Columbia, Congressional authority over amendments 
      to, ch 20 Sec. 7
  Committee of the Whole, consideration in, ch 20 Sec. 4
  Committee on Government Reform, jurisdiction of, ch 20 Sec. 2
  Congressional authority over legislation--
    delegation of authority, ch 20 Sec. 1
    ``exclusive,'' ch 20 Sec. 1
  Constitutional background, ch 20 Sec. 1
  Council, District of Columbia, Congressional approval of enactments 
      of, ch 20 Sec. 7
  Debate, ch 20 Sec. 5
  District Day, designation of, ch 20 Sec. 2
  Home Rule Act--
    appropriations, Congressional authority over, retained, ch 20 Sec. 1
    disapproval, joint resolutions of, under Act, ch 20 Sec. 7
    procedures under, ch 20 Sec. 7
  House as in Committee of the Whole, consideration in, ch 20 Sec. 4
  Mondays, second and fourth, consideration of business on, ch 20 Sec. 2
  Precedence, ch 20 Sec. 3
  Private bills, ch 20 Sec. 4
  Privileged, status as, for consideration, ch 20 Sec. 3
  Procedure for consideration, ch 20 Sec. Sec. 4, 5, 7
  Unfinished business--
    called up, must be, ch 20 Sec. 6
    District Day, subsequent, may be considered on, ch 20 Sec. 6
    previous question, effect of ordering, ch 20 Sec. 6


    adoption of amendments to amendment, demand prior to, ch 21 Sec. 8
    amended, as, ch 21 Sec. 8
    Committee of the Whole, amendments under consideration in, ch 21 
        Sec. 8
    en bloc amendments, ch 21 Sec. 9
    House, amendments reported to, from Committee of the Whole, ch 21 
        Sec. 8
    perfecting amendments, ch 21 Sec. 8
    strike, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 10
    substitute, amendment in nature of, ch 21 Sec. 8
  Amendments to divided propositions, ch 21 Sec. 16
  Appeals, divisibility of, ch 21 Sec. 4
  Committees, standing or joint, rule prohibits division of proposition 
      electing Members to, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 1, 6
  Conference report, motion to recommit, with instructions, ch 21 
      Sec. 13
  Consideration of divided propositions--
    amendments to propositions, ch 21 Sec. 16
    debate, ch 21 Sec. 16
    putting the question, ch 21 Sec. 16
    reconsider, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 16
    voting, ch 21 Sec. 16

[[Page 983]]

  Debate on divided propositions, ch 21 Sec. 16
  Demand for, ch 21 Sec. Sec. 3, 8
  Engrossment and third reading of bill, question of, not divisible, ch 
      21 Sec. 4
  Individuals, named, resolutions relating to two or more, ch 21 Sec. 6
  Language, changes in, ch 21 Sec. 2
  Passage, bills and joint resolutions not divisible on, ch 21 Sec. 4
  Previous question on measure and pending amendment, motion for, not 
      divisible, ch 21 Sec. 4
  Putting the question on divided propositions, ch 21 Sec. 16
  Recommit with instructions, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 13
  Resolutions, simple or concurrent, ch 21 Sec. Sec. 4-7
  Rules, Committee on, resolutions from, ch 21 Sec. Sec. 1, 7
  Senate amendments, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Separate and distinct propositions, question to be divided must 
      consist of, ch 21 Sec. 2
  Special rule not divisible, ch 21 Sec. 1
  Strike and insert, motion to, not divisible, ch 21 Sec. Sec. 1, 11
  Strike, motions to, ch 21 Sec. 10
  Suspend the rules, motions to, ch 21 Sec. 12
  Table, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 14
  Tests of divisibility, ch 21 Sec. 2
  Voting on divided propositions, ch 21 Sec. 16


  (See also ELECTIONS)
  Constitutional right of House to be judge of elections and 
      qualifications of Members, ch 22 Sec. 2
  Dismissal of contest--
    burden of proof to prevent, ch 22 Sec. 5
    House, summary dismissal by, ch 22 Sec. 2
    motion to dismiss, ch 22 Sec. 5
  Federal Contested Elections Act, procedures under, ch 22 Sec. 1
  House Administration, Committee on--
    jurisdiction of, ch 22 Sec. 2
    resolutions reported from, ch 22 Sec. Sec. 4, 5
  Initiation of contests by means other than statutory procedure, ch 22 
      Sec. 1
  Judge of elections, each House as, ch 22 Sec. 2
  Jurisdiction over contests--
    House Administration, Committee on, ch 22 Sec. 2
    select committees, investigations by, ch 22Sec. 2
    special committee or ad hoc panel, ch 22 Sec. 2
  Oath, deferring administration of, ch 22 Sec. 2
  Notice of contest, ch 22 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
    debate, participation in, ch 22 $6
    floor privileges, ch 22 Sec. 6
    standing to initiate contest, who has, ch 22 Sec. 3
  Precedence of, ch 22 Sec. 4
  Privilege, as raising question of, ch 22 Sec. 4
    exhaustion of State remedies, ch 22 Sec. 2
    House order, ch 22 Sec. 2
  Resolution, disposition by--
    amendments, ch 22 Sec. 6
    debate, ch 22 Sec. 6
    privilege, as question of, ch 22 Sec. 4
    remedies pursuant to resolution, ch 22 Sec. 4
    unreported resolutions, ch 22 Sec. 4
    voting, ch 22 Sec. 6
  Standing to initiate contest, who has, ch 22 Sec. 3

[[Page 984]]

  Statute, governing, procedures under, ch 22 Sec. 1


    jurisdiction of Congress over, ch 23 Sec. 1
    methods, ch 23 Sec. 1
  Campaign practices--
    ethical standards, see ETHICS
    Federal Election Campaign Act, ch 23 Sec. 2; ch 25 Sec. 12
    financing, campaign, ch 23 Sec. 2; ch 25 Sec. 12
    regulation of, ch 23 Sec. 2
  Certificates of election--
    challenges to validity, ch 23 Sec. 3
    copy of, as sufficient, ch 23 Sec. 3
    nullification of, circumstances requiring, ch 23 Sec. 3
    oath, issues raised as to administration of, ch 23 Sec. 3
  Constitutional right of House to be judge of elections and 
      qualifications of Members, ch 23 Sec. 1
  Contests and disputes, see ELECTION CONTESTS AND DISPUTES
  Contributions, political, soliciting, see ETHICS
  Ethical standards, see ETHICS
  Federal Election Campaign Act, regulation of campaigns under, ch 23 
      Sec. 2; ch 25 Sec. 12
  Federal Election Commission, role of, ch 23 Sec. 2; ch 25 Sec. 12
  President and Vice President, election of--
    (see also ELECTORAL VOTE)
    House Administration, jurisdiction of Committee on, over measures 
        relating to, ch 23 Sec. 2
    jurisdiction of Committee on the Judiciary, ch 23 Sec. 1
    election, special, to fill vacancy, ch 23 Sec. 4
    procedure for, ch 23 Sec. 4
  States, role of, in conducting, ch 23 Sec. 1
    election, special, to fill, ch 23 Sec. 4
    exclusion or expulsion of Member, due to, ch 23 Sec. 4
    illness, due to, ch 23 Sec. 4
    resolution declaring, ch 23 Sec. 4

                             ELECTORAL VOTE

  Certificates identifying electors--
    conflicting certificates, ch 24 Sec. 3
    counting certificates, ch 24 Sec. 3
    statutory procedures, ch 24 Sec. 1
    validity of, determining, ch 24 Sec. 3
  Constitutional requirements, ch 24 Sec. 1
  Counting, procedures for--
    date, ch 24 Sec. 2
    debate not permitted, ch 24 Sec. 3
    certificates, see above, Certificates identifying electors
    joint session, ch 24 Sec. 2
    presiding officer, ch 24 Sec. 3
  Electors, role of, ch 24 Sec. 1
  Fraud or procedural irregularities, statutes addressing, ch 24 Sec. 1
  House and Senate, role of, where candidates do not receive majority, 
      ch 24 Sec. 1
  Joint session to count vote--
    certificates, see above, Certificates identifying electors
    date of, ch 24 Sec. 2
    dividing to consider objections and other matters, ch 24 Sec. 3
    procedures, ch 24 Sec. 2
  Objections to votes--
    procedure for consideration of, ch 24 Sec. 3
    procedure for raising, ch 24 Sec. 3
  Statutes, procedures under--
    count, procedure for, ch 24 Sec. 2
    fraud or procedural irregularities, statutes addressing, ch 24 
        Sec. 1

[[Page 985]]




                            EMPLOYEES, HOUSE

  Committee staff, see COMMITTEES, STANDING
  Ethics, see ETHICS


  Debate on, in Committee of the Whole, ch 16 Sec. 54
  House as in Committee of the Whole, motion in, to strike enacting 
      clause, ch 16 Sec. 47
  Recommendation that enacting clause be stricken--
    debate on bill, limitation on, effect of, ch 12 Sec. 24
    debate on motion, ch 12 Sec. 24
    debate, scope of, ch 12 Sec. 24
    form, ch 12 Sec. 22
    opposed to bill, Member offering motion must qualify as, ch 12 
        Sec. 22
    precedence of, ch 12 Sec. 21
    recommittal, automatic, after disagreeing to, ch 48 Sec. 8
    rejection in House, effect of, ch 12 Sec. 22; ch 48 Sec. 8
    repetition of motion, ch 12 Sec. 22
    resolving clauses of resolutions, application to, ch 12 Sec. 22
    Senate-passed bill, applicable to, ch 12 Sec. 22
    time for offering, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 21, 23
    writing, requirement of, ch 12 Sec. 22
  Strike enacting clause, motion to--
    Committee of the Whole, motion in, is only to recommend to House 
        that enacting clause be stricken, ch 2 Sec. 9
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 12 Sec. 22
    precedence over motion to amend, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 5, 9, 21
    refer, motion to, pending, see REFERRAL OF BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND 
    rejection of bill, motion used for, ch 2 Sec. Sec. 5, 21
    rejection of motion, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 9


  Correcting errors--
    engrossment, in, ch 44 Sec. 7
    printing errors, ch 44 Sec. 8
    ``star prints,'' ch 44 Sec. 8
  Division of the question, engrossment and third reading of bill as not 
      subject to demand for, see DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR VOTING
  House-passed bills, ch 44 Sec. 6
  ``Star prints,'' ch 44 Sec. 8


  Certification and signing, ch 44 Sec. 11
  Corrections in, ch 44 Sec. 12
  President, delivery of measure to, ch 44 Sec. Sec. 10, 13


  Campaign funds, violations of laws regulating--
    contributions, campaign, funds considered to be, ch 25 Sec. 12
    Federal Election Campaign Act, ch 25 Sec. 12
    Federal Election Commission, role of, ch 25 Sec. 12
    personal use of campaign funds prohibited, ch 25 Sec. 12
    reporting requirements, ch 25 Sec. 12

[[Page 986]]

  Caucus, role of, in imposing discipline, ch 25 Sec. 26
    apologies, effect of, ch 25 Sec. 24
    conduct for which Member censured, illustrative instances of, ch 25 
        Sec. 23
    constitutional authority, ch 25 Sec. 22
    explanation by Member, effect of, ch 25 Sec. 24
    expungement of, ch 25 Sec. 22
    grounds for, ch 25 Sec. 23
    official duties, not limited to acts relating to, ch 25 Sec. 23
    privilege, question of, resolution presents, ch 25 Sec. 24
    reconsideration of, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 22, 24
    reprimand, distinguished from, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 22, 23
    resolutions, ch 25 Sec. 24
    vote on, ch 25 Sec. 22
    withdrawal of resolution, ch 25 Sec. 24
    debate, references in, to content of, see, e.g., DECORUM; WORDS, 
    disclosure of contents, ch 25 Sec. 5
    false charges, ch 25 Sec. 5
    form, ch 25 Sec. 5
    Member, filed or certified by, ch 25 Sec. 5
    oath, under, ch 25 Sec. 5
    requirements as to, ch 25 Sec. 5
    writing, in, ch 25 Sec. 5
  Code of Ethics for Government Service--
    concurrent resolution, established by, ch 25 Sec. 8
    employees, government, applicability to, ch 25 Sec. 8
    Members, as basis for disciplinary proceedings against, ch 25 Sec. 8
  Code of Official Conduct--
    ``creditably,'' conduct must reflect, on House, ch 25 Sec. 7
    history, ch 25 Sec. 7
    statute, violations of, as basis for invoking general provisions of, 
        ch 25 Sec. 7
  Committee chairman, disciplinary measures against, see below, 
      Disciplinary measures
  Congressional Accountability Act, see below, Discrimination in 
  Contributions, political--
    misuse of, see above, Campaign funds, violations of laws regulating
    soliciting, from Federal employees, ch 25 Sec. 13
  Counsel, presence of, permitted during House consideration of 
      disciplinary action against Member, ch 25 Sec. 19
  Disciplinary measures--
    generally, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 1, 19
    caucus rules, under, ch 25 Sec. 26
    censure, see above, Censure
    committee chairman, restriction on authority of, ch 25 Sec. 26
    committees and subcommittees, participation on, ch 25 Sec. 26
    court proceedings, effect of pendency of, on disciplinary action by 
        House, ch 25 Sec. 19
    criminal statutes, punishment under, distinguished, ch 25 Sec. 1
    expulsion, see below, Expulsion
    fines, ch 25 Sec. 25
    imprisonment, ch 25 Sec. 1
    letter of reproval, ch 25 Sec. 27
    reprimand, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 15, 16, 22, 23
    reproval, letter of, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 19, 27
    resolutions and reports, see below, Resolutions and reports
    restitution, ch 25 Sec. 25
    seniority, reduction in, ch 25 Sec. 26
  Discrimination in employment--
    Congressional Accountability Act, ch 25 Sec. 11
    conditions of employment, in, ch 25 Sec. 11

[[Page 987]]

    history of rules on employment practices, ch 25 Sec. 11
  Employees, government, see above, Code of Ethics for Government 
  Exclusion not properly used as disciplinary measure, ch 25 Sec. 1
    constitutional sanction, ch 25 Sec. 1
    exclusion, distinguished from, ch 25 Sec. 1
    procedure, ch 25 Sec. 21
    resolutions, ch 25 Sec. 21
  False charges in complaint, see above, Complaints
  False Claims Act--
    knowing submission of fraudulent claim, ch 25 Sec. 10
    travel vouchers, false, applicable to, ch 25 Sec. 10
  Federal Election Campaign Act--
    campaign funds, use of, ch 25 Sec. 12
    Federal Election Commission, role of, ch 25 Sec. 12
    violations of, ch 25 Sec. 12
  Financial disclosure--
    employees of House, certain, ch 25 Sec. 16
    gifts, disclosure of, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 15, 16
    Members, ch 25 Sec. 16
    Officers of House, ch 25 Sec. 16
  Fines, see above, Disciplinary measures
    censure imposed, ch 25 Sec. 15
    cumulative value of gifts from one source, limitation on, ch 25 
        Sec. 15
    reprimand for failure to disclose, ch 25 Sec. 15
    rules on gifts and travel compiled by Committee on Standards of 
        Official Conduct, ch 25 Sec. 15
  Hiring allowance, misuse of--
    performance of staff member to be commensurate with compensation, ch 
        25 Sec. 10
    personal expenses, use of allowance for, ch 25 Sec. 10
  Honoraria, restrictions as to, ch 25 Sec. 14
  Income, earned, limitations on, ch 25 Sec. 14
    complaints, see above, Complaints
    initiating, ch 25 Sec. 5
  Persons subject to disciplinary procedures, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 2, 6
  Powell v. McCormack, ch 25 Sec. 1
  Professional practice, restrictions on, ch 25 Sec. 17
  Reprimand, see above, Disciplinary measures
  Resolutions and reports--
    debate on, ch 25 Sec. 19
    dismissal of charges, committee report after, ch 25 Sec. 19
    privileged, as, ch 25 Sec. 19
    privilege, question of, resolution proposing disciplinary action 
        against Member may be called up as, ch 25 Sec. 19
  Seniority, reduction in, see above, Disciplinary measures
  Soliciting political contributions from Federal employees, prohibition 
      on, ch 25 Sec. 13
  Standards of Official Conduct, Committee on--
    advisory opinions of, ch 25 Sec. 4
    disclosure of subject matter of complaint filed, ch 25 Sec. 5
    gifts and travel, rules as to, compiled by, ch 25 Sec. 15
    investigative jurisdiction, ch 25 Sec. 2
    legislative jurisdiction, ch 25 Sec. 2
    membership, ch 25 Sec. 3
    party representation on, ch 11 Sec. 5; ch 25 Sec. 3
    persons subject to investigation by, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 2, 6
    publications of, ch 25 Sec. 4
    report following dismissal, ch 25 Sec. 19

[[Page 988]]

    report, privileged, filed with resolution recommending disciplinary 
        action, ch 25 Sec. 19
    reports and recommendations, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 2, 19
    rules of, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
    time, limitation on length of, Members may serve on, ch 25 Sec. 3
  Statutes, violations of--
    conviction as basis for investigation, ch 25 Sec. 9
    conviction, effect of, on disciplinary proceedings in House, ch 25 
        Sec. 19
    discrimination in employment, see above, Discrimination in 
    False Claims Act, see above, False Claims Act
    Federal Election Campaign Act, ch 25 Sec. 12
    soliciting political contributions from Federal employees, ch 25 
        Sec. 13
  Time of committing acts in question--
    prior Congress, in, ch 25 Sec. Sec. 16, 18
    prior to becoming Member, ch 25 Sec. 18
  Travel, rules as to, compiled by Committee on Standards of Official 
      Conduct, ch 25 Sec. 15
  Voting by Members convicted of certain crimes, rules as to, ch 25 
      Sec. Sec. 19, 26

                           EXCLUSION OF MEMBER

  Expulsion, distinguished from, ch 25 Sec. 1
  Powell v. McCormack, ch 25 Sec. 1
  Qualifications of Members, constitutional right of House to determine, 
      ch 25 Sec. 1


  Accuracy of content of, not proper subject of parliamentary inquiry, 
      ch 16 Sec. 61
  Badges, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Bumper sticker, ch 16 Sec. 62
  Charts, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 21, 61
  Decorum, requirements as to, ch 16 Sec. 62
  Demeaning or disruptive exhibits, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Electronic voting display, use of, as exhibit not permitted, ch 16 
      Sec. 61
  Handouts, guidelines concerning, ch 16 Sec. 62
  House, submitting question of propriety of exhibit to, ch 16 Sec. 21
  Inquiry by Speaker as to intended use, ch 16 Sec. 62
  Objection, effect of, ch 16 Sec. 61
  Permitted, illustrative list of exhibits that have been, ch 16 Sec. 61
  Person, use of, as ``exhibit'' not permitted, ch 16 Sec. 61
  Removal of exhibit not in use, ch 16 Sec. 61
  Video recorder, use of, as exhibit not permitted, ch 16 Sec. 61


                          FLOOR, PRIVILEGES OF

  Abuse of privileges, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Admission to Floor, rule governing, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Ceremonial occasions, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Guests, references to, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Members, former, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Officials, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Point of order to object to presence of unauthorized persons, ch 10 
      Sec. 2
  Rule governing admission to Floor, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Senators, privileges of, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Staff, Congressional, ch 10 Sec. 2


  Approval or disapproval not to be expressed in, ch 10 Sec. 4
  Cellular telephones, use of, prohibited, ch 10 Sec. 3
  Procedure in cases of disturbance in, ch 10 Sec. 4

[[Page 989]]

  Reference to or introduction of persons in, not in order, ch 10 
      Sec. 4; ch 16 Sec. 24

                        GENERAL ACCOUNTING OFFICE

  Legislative Reorganization Act, provisions of, ch 35 Sec. 6
  Reports by, ch 35 Sec. 6

                       GENERAL COUNSEL, OFFICE OF

  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 5

                        GERMANENESS OF AMENDMENTS

  Adding to two or more propositions--
    class, definable, bill covering subjects within, ch 26 Sec. 12
    diverse subjects, ch 26 Sec. 12
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 12
  Amendments, rule applicable only to, ch 26 Sec. 1
  Amendment to amendment, germaneness of, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 14
  Appropriation bills--
    Holman rule, requirement of, ch 26 Sec. 13
    limitations on use of funds, ch 26 Sec. 13
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 13
    transfer between accounts in bill, germaneness rule does not affect, 
        ch 26 Sec. 13
  Bill itself, portions of, need not be germane to each other, ch 26 
      Sec. 1
  Committee amendments, application of rule to, ch 26 Sec. 19
  Committee jurisdiction as test--
    amendments, bill as broadened by, ch 26 Sec. 6
    overlapping jurisdiction, effect of, ch 26 Sec. 6
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 6
    scope of bill as factor in determining germaneness, ch 26 Sec. 6
  Conditions, amendments imposing--
    funds, upon availability of, ch 26 Sec. 22
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 22
  Conferees or managers, motions to instruct, amendments to, ch 26 
      Sec. 33
  Conference reports--
    Senate provisions in, see below, Senate provisions in conference 
        reports and amendments in disagreement
  Contingency, amendment postponing effectiveness pending--
    enactment of other legislation, ch 26 Sec. 26
    postponing effectiveness to date certain compared, ch 26 Sec. 26
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 26
    unrelated contingency, ch 26 Sec. 26
  Defined, ``germaneness,'' ch 26 Sec. 2
  Exceptions or exemptions, amendments containing--
    class, portion of, may be exempted from provisions affecting that 
        class, ch 26 Sec. 21
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 21
  Fundamental purpose, ch 26 Sec. 7
    censure not germane to impeachment, ch 26 Sec. 7
    change in policy, effect of, ch 26 Sec. 7
    change in agency, ch 26 Sec. 7
    rulings, illustrative of, ch 26 Sec. 7
  General amendment to specific proposition--
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 10
    strike, motion to, may broaden scope of bill, ch 26 Sec. 10
    substitute for amendment, application of test to, ch 26 Sec. 10
  History of rule, ch 26 Sec. 1
  Holman rule, requirement of, ch 26 Sec. 13
  Individual proposition not germane to another--
    class of subjects affected by bill, amendment relating to class 
        different from, ch 26 Sec. 9

[[Page 990]]

    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 9
  Law, existing, ruling as affected by bill's relation to--
    amending law, bill, amendment to, ch 26 Sec. 27
    changing law, amendment, offered to bill not changing law, ch 26 
        Sec. 31
    extending or continuing law, bill, amendment to, ch 26 Sec. 30
    incorporating other laws by reference, bill, amendment to, ch 26 
        Sec. 29
    repealing law, bill, amendment to, ch 26 Sec. 28
  Limitations, amendments imposing--
    funds in bill, must be confined to, ch 26 Sec. 25
    policy changes, may not effect, ch 26 Sec. 24
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 23-25
  Method, different, accomplishing result of bill by--
    related method, use of, ch 26 Sec. 8
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 8
  ``Miscellaneous'' heading to portion of bill, effect of, ch 26 Sec. 2
  Motive of offeror not a factor in determination as to, ch 26 Sec. 2
  New section or title, amendment adding, test of germaneness of, ch 26 
      Sec. Sec. 3, 16
  ``Notwithstanding any other provision of law,'' provision to take 
      effect, ch 26 Sec. 31
  Paragraph or section of bill to which offered, amendment must be 
      germane to, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 15
  Perfected, text as, amendment must be germane to, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 
  Points of order--
    anticipatory rulings, ch 26 Sec. 40
    burden of proof of germaneness, ch 26 Sec. 36
    consideration by unanimous consent of amendment that was ruled out 
        of order, ch 26 Sec. 36
    debate on, ch 26 Sec. 39
    hypothetical rulings, ch 26 Sec. 40
    part of amendment subject to point of order, effect where, ch 26 
        Sec. 36
    self-executing adoption of amendment under special rule, point of 
        order does not lie against, ch 26 Sec. 39
    timeliness of, ch 26 Sec. 38
    waiver of, ch 26 Sec. 37
  Postponing effectiveness, see above, Contingency, amendment postponing 
      effectiveness pending
  Prior amendments, effect of, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 15
  Pro forma amendment, germaneness of, ch 26 Sec. 17
  Proposition to which amendment must be germane--
    new section or title, amendment adding, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 16
    paragraph or section of bill to which offered, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 15
    title or section of bill to which offered, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 15
  Purpose, fundamental, as test--
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 7
    substitute, amendment in nature of, application of test to, ch 26 
        Sec. 7
  Qualifications,  amendments  containing--
    funds, as to disbursement of, ch 26 Sec. 22
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 22
  Reading, stage of, as factor in determination as to, ch 26 
      Sec. Sec. 2, 3, 15
  Recommit with instructions, motion to, application of rule to, ch 26 
      Sec. Sec. 3, 6, 20
  ``Relevance'' distinguished from ``germaneness,'' ch 26 Sec. 2

[[Page 991]]

  Repealing existing law, amendment, offered to bill not amending law, 
      ch 26 Sec. 31
  Restrictions, amendments adding--
    discretionary authority, on exercise of, ch 26 Sec. 24
    funds in bill, must be confined to, ch 26 Sec. 25
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 23-25
  Rules, adoption of, rule applicable prior to, ch 26 Sec. 1
  Scope of bill and amendment as factors in determinations as to, ch 26 
      Sec. Sec. 2, 4, 7, 10, 11
  Self-executing adoption of amendment under special rule, point of 
      order does not lie against, ch 26 Sec. 39
  Senate amendments, amendments to--
    concur or recede and concur with amendments, motions to, ch 26 
        Sec. 35
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 35
    substitute, amendment in nature of, ch 26 Sec. 35
    tests of germaneness, ch 26 Sec. 35
  Senate, in, see SENATE, PRACTICE IN
  Senate provisions in conference reports and amendments in 
    points of order, ch 26 Sec. 34
    rulings, illustrative, on Senate amendments to House bills, ch 26 
        Sec. 34
    separate votes on nongermane language, ch 26 Sec. 34
  Specific amendment to general proposition--
    authority, conferral of, ch 26 Sec. 11
    defining term in bill, amendment as, ch 26 Sec. 11
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 11
  Statute, bill amending, test of germaneness of amendment to, ch 26 
      Sec. 2
  Strike, motion to, germaneness of, ch 26 Sec. 17
  Strike, motion to, pending when amendment offered, ch 26 Sec. 3
  Studies, proposals to require, ch 26 Sec. 5
  Subject matter--
    different subject, rule prohibits amendment on, ch 26 Sec. 5
    rulings, illustrative, ch 26 Sec. 5
    studies, proposals to undertake, ch 26 Sec. 5
  Substitute amendment must be germane to pending amendment, ch 2 Sec. 6
  Substitute for amendment, application of rule to, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 10, 
  Tests of germaneness--
    generally, ch 26 Sec. 4
    exclusive, not mutually, ch 26 Sec. 4
    rulings, illustrative, showing amendment may be related but not 
        germane, ch 26 Sec. 4
    specific tests, see above, e.g., Committee jurisdiction as test; 
        Purpose, fundamental as test; and Subject matter
  Text pending, relationship of amendment to, as factor in determination 
      as to, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 2, 3, 15
  Text to which proposition must be germane, see above, Proposition to 
      which amendment must be germane
  Title of bill not controlling in determination as to, ch 26 Sec. 2
  Title or section of bill to which offered, amendment must be germane 
      to, ch 26 Sec. Sec. 3, 15
  Waiving statute, amendment, ch 26 Sec. 31


  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 5



  Appropriation bills, consideration of, in, see APPROPRIATION BILLS

[[Page 992]]

  Bills, public, considered under five-minute rule by unanimous consent, 
      ch 12 Sec. 1
  Committee of the Whole, distinguished from, ch 12 Sec. 1
  District of Columbia business, consideration of, see DISTRICT OF 
  General debate, procedure permits consideration without, ch 16 Sec. 8
  Procedures in--
    motions, ch 12 Sec. 1
    previous question, use of, ch 12 Sec. 1
  Private bills, see PRIVATE BILLS


  Abusing or exceeding powers of office, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Adjournment, effect of, ch 27 Sec. 5
  Behavior grossly incompatible with office, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Censure not germane to impeachment, ch 27 Sec. 8
  Committee investigations--
    access to materials, ch 27 Sec. 7
    confidentiality of materials, ch 27 Sec. 7
    subcommittees, role of, ch 27 Sec. 7
  Consideration in House, see below, Procedure for consideration in 
  Criminal or noncriminal nature of offense, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Disqualification from holding further office, ch 27 Sec. 10
  Exceeding or abusing powers of office, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Grounds, constitutional--
    bribery, ch 27 Sec. 3
    high crimes and misdemeanors, see below, High crimes and 
    judges, Federal, impeachment of, ch 27 Sec. 3
    public interest, offense as prejudicial to, ch 27 Sec. 3
    treason, ch 27 Sec. 3
  High crimes and misdemeanors--
    criminal or noncriminal nature of offense, ch 27 Sec. 4
    historical usage, ch 27 Sec. 3
    serious and substantial nature of offense, ch 27 Sec. 3
  History, ch 27 Sec. 1
  Improper purpose, using office for, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Indictable offenses, issue as to whether remedy limited to, ch 27 
      Sec. 4
  Initiation of proceedings--
    articles of impeachment, ch 27 Sec. Sec. 1, 6
    charges, methods of instituting, ch 27 Sec. 6
    resolution in House, ch 27 Sec. 6
  Judges, Federal, impeachment of--
    ``good behavior' clause applicable to Federal judges, interpretation 
        of, ch 27 Sec. 3
    grounds for, ch 27 Sec. 3
    historical data, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Managers, reappointment of, in new Congress, ch 27 Sec. 5
  Personal gain, use of office for, ch 27 Sec. 4
  Persons subject to impeachment--
    civil officers of United States, ch 27 Sec. 2
    Congress, Members of, not subject, ch 27 Sec. 2
    independent counsel investigating President, ch 27 Sec. 2
    judges, Federal, ch 27 Sec. 2
    military officers not subject, ch 27 Sec. 2
    President, ch 27 Sec. 2
    private citizens who have held no office not subject, ch 27 Sec. 2
    Vice President, ch 27 Sec. 2
  Presidential impeachment--
    grounds, constitutional, ch 27 Sec. 3
    historical data, ch 27 Sec. 3
  Privileged, impeachment propositions as, ch 27 Sec. 8
  Procedure for consideration in House--
    debate, ch 27 Sec. 8

[[Page 993]]

    motions in order, ch 27 Sec. 8
    privileged, impeachment propositions as, ch 27 Sec. 8
  Purpose, ch 27 Sec. 1
  Referral to committee, ch 27 Sec. 6
  Removal from office, ch 27 Sec. 10
  Resignation from office, effect of, ch 27 Sec. 2
  Senate, trial in--
    Clinton, President, account of proceedings in trial of, ch 27 Sec. 9
    committee, hearing before, ch 27 Sec. 9
    Constitutional role of Senate, ch 27 Sec. Sec. 1, 9
    counsel, role of, ch 27 Sec. 9
    evidence, presentation of, ch 27 Sec. 9
    ``full'' Senate, trial before, ch 27 Sec. 9
    judgment, ch 27 Sec. 10
    removal and disqualification from further office, divisibility of 
        question on, ch 27 Sec. 10
    testimony by accused, ch 27 Sec. 9
    voting, ch 27 Sec. 10
  Term of office, offense committed prior to, ch 27 Sec. 3
  Time of committing offense as factor, ch 27 Sec. 3
  Trial, see above, Senate, trial in

                         INQUIRY, RESOLUTIONS OF

  Adjournment, effect of, ch 49 Sec. 5
  Availability requirement, three-day, subject to, ch 49 Sec. 5
  Cabinet officers, ch 49 Sec. 2
  Calling up, ch 49 Sec. 5
  Committees, role of, ch 49 Sec. 4
  Debate under hour rule, ch 49 Sec. 5
  Directed to President or head of executive department, ch 49 Sec. 2
  Discharge of committee, ch 49 Sec. 4
  Executive branch, means to obtain information from, ch 49 Sec. 1
  Form, ch 49 Sec. 1
  Opinion, resolution seeking, effect of, ch 49 Sec. 7
  President, directed to, ch 49 Sec. 2
  Privileged status, ch 49 Sec. Sec. 1, 2, 6, 7
  Privileged status, loss of, ch 49 Sec. Sec. 2, 6, 7
  Responses by executive branch--
    disposition of, ch 49 Sec. 8
    refusal to furnish information, ch 49 Sec. 8
  Simple resolution, ch 49 Sec. 1
  Subjects of inquiry, illustrative, ch 49 Sec. 3

                      INSPECTOR GENERAL, OFFICE OF

  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 5

                          INTERVENING BUSINESS

    amendment, on, ch 2 Sec. 34
  Parliamentary inquiry, ch 2 Sec. 34
  Recognition for debate on amendment, ch 2 Sec. 34
  Unanimous-consent request, granting of, ch 2 Sec. 34
  Vacating intervening business, ch 2 Sec. 34

                            JOINT COMMITTEES

  Chairmanship, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Committees, table showing jurisdiction and composition of, ch 11 
      Sec. 14
  Composition, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Concurrent resolution creating, ch 11 Sec. 2
  Creation of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Establishment of, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Functions generally, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Hearings, see applicable subject matter under COMMITTEES, STANDING
  Historical background, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Investigative authority, manner of conferring, on, ch 11 Sec. 10
  Jurisdiction generally, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Members, selection of, ch 11 Sec. 1

[[Page 994]]

  Procedures in committee, see applicable subject matter under 
  Records and files, see applicable subject matter under COMMITTEES, 
  Reports of, see applicable subjects under COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Statute, may be established by, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Table showing committees, jurisdiction and composition, ch 11 Sec. 14
  Witnesses at hearings, see applicable topics under COMMITTEES, 


  Electoral vote count, see ELECTORAL VOTE
  State of the Union address, see PRESIDENT


  Amendments, ch 28 Sec. 9
    demand for vote, ch 28 Sec. Sec. 4, 8
    interruption for business having precedence, ch 28 Sec. 5
    motion to approve, ch 28 Sec. 8
    precedence of motions incident to, ch 28 Sec. 5
    Speaker's approval subject to demand for vote, ch 28 Sec. 4
    generally, ch 28 Sec. 2
    constitutional requirements, ch 28 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
    proceedings included, ch 28 Sec. 2
    quorum calls, ch 28 Sec. 3
    votes, ch 28 Sec. 3
  Corrections, ch 28 Sec. 9
  Public record, ch 28 Sec. 1
    considered as read, when, ch 28 Sec. 4
    customs as to, ch 28 Sec. 7
    demand that Journal be read in full, ch 28 Sec. 7
    motion that Journal be read, ch 28 Sec. 6
    procedure for, ch 28 Sec. 7
  Record, official, ch 28 Sec. Sec. 1, 4

                     LAW REVISION COUNSEL, OFFICE OF

  Description of, ch 36 Sec. 6



  Agriculture, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Allocation of funds, provisions changing--
    existing law, directing obligation of funds in manner contrary to, 
        ch 4 Sec. 34
    formula in law, provision changing, ch 4 Sec. 34
    limitation on use of funds, see below, Limitation on use of funds
    mandating expenditures in manner inconsistent with law, ch 4 Sec. 34
    priorities in expenditure, changing, ch 4 Sec. 34
    removal of statutory limitation on obligation of funds, ch 4 Sec. 34
  Amending existing law, see below, Existing law, relationship to or 
      effect on, of disputed provision
  Availability of funds, provisions affecting period of--
    expended, funds to remain available until, ch 4 Sec. 39
    fiscal year covered by bill, funds made available beyond, ch 4 
        Sec. 38
    ``immediately available'' prior to start of fiscal year, funds made, 
        ch 4 Sec. 38

[[Page 995]]

    permanent appropriations as authorized by law, ch 4 Sec. 38
    public buildings, funds for completion of, ch 4 Sec. 38
    ruled out, examples of provisions, ch 4 Sec. 38
  Burden of proof when point of order is raised--
    Committee on Appropriations, burden is on, to show validity of 
        provision, ch 4 Sec. 27
    proponent of amendment, ch 4 Sec. 27
  Commerce, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Committee report from Appropriations Committee must note unauthorized 
      appropriations and changes in existing law, ch 4 Sec. 8
  Conditions or contingencies, provisions attaching, to appropriations--
    congressional action or report to Congress required as condition, ch 
        4 Sec. 30
    duties, imposing, on officials, see below, Duties, imposing new, or 
        conferring new authorities
    law, State, conditions relating to interpretation of, ch 4 Sec. 57
    local or State officials, determinations by, ch 4 Sec. 54
    ``made known'' to officials, funds made available on condition 
        information be, ch 4 Sec. 54
    ruled out, examples of languages that was, ch 4 Sec. 29
    State or local officials, determinations by, ch 4 Sec. 54
    subsequent, condition, ch 4 Sec. 56
    ``unless,'' ``until,'' and ``provided,'' use of, to introduce 
        conditions, ch 4 Sec. 29
  Congressional action, further, attached as condition to appropriation, 
      see above, Conditions or contingencies, provisions attaching, to 
  Congressional employment and compensation, rulings on provisions 
      relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Construction of rule, strict, ch 4 Sec. 27
  Contract authority, granting or changing, see below, Duties, imposing 
      new, or conferring new authorities
  Contract authority provided by law other than appropriations Act, 
      rescission of, ch 7 Sec. 17
  Discretion of official, provision limiting or enlarging--
    conditions on, imposing, ch 4 Sec. 43
    earmarking funds, ch 4 Sec. 43
    enlarging, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 43, 53
    limitation on use of funds may constitute legislation, ch 4 Sec. 53
    lump-sum authorization, specific appropriation as limiting 
        discretion in allotting funds under, ch 4 Sec. 12
    restricting, ch 4 Sec. 43
  Duties, imposing new, or conferring new authorities--
    general principles, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 41, 54
    approval, to give, ch 4 Sec. 41
    burden of proof as to requirement of existing law respecting 
        proposed duties, ch 4 Sec. 42
    certifications, to make, ch 4 Sec. 41
    contingent upon performance of new duty by official, appropriations 
        made, ch 4 Sec. 56
    contract authority, granting or changing, ch 4 Sec. 45
    determinations, to make, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 31, 41, 42, 54
    different duties from those contemplated by law, ch 4 Sec. 31
    direction to official, affirmative, distinguished from negative 
        prohibition on use of funds, ch 4 Sec. 54

[[Page 996]]

    discretion of official, proposition affecting, see above, Discretion 
        of official, provision limiting or enlarging
    incidental to duties already required by law, where proposed duties 
        are, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 42, 54
    investigations or studies, mandating, ch 4 Sec. 44
    law, duty of interpreting, ch 4 Sec. 55
    law or rules, existing, implementation of, ch 4 Sec. 55
    local or State officials, determinations by, ch 4 Sec. 54
    ``made known'' to officials, funds made available on condition 
        information be, ch 4 Sec. 54
    reports, to submit, ch 4 Sec. 41
    rulings, illustrative, that provisions constituted legislation, ch 4 
        Sec. Sec. 31, 54
    State or local officials, determinations by, ch 4 Sec. 54
    studies or investigations, mandating, ch 4 Sec. 44
    substantial additional duties, ch 4 Sec. 31
    transfer funds among accounts in bill, authority to, ch 4 Sec. 36
  Emergency spending, designating appropriation as, ch 4 Sec. 34
  Existing law, relationship to or effect on, of disputed provision--
    amendment of law, ch 4 Sec. 28
    change in text of law, ch 4 Sec. 28
    construing law, ch 4 Sec. 32
    description of law, ch 4 Sec. 32
    enactment of law where none exists, ch 4 Sec. 28
    incorporation by reference of law, ch 4 Sec. 32
    interpreting law, ch 4 Sec. 32
    referring to law, ch 4 Sec. 32
    repeal, ch 4 Sec. 28
    ruled out, provisions interpreting law that were, ch 4 Sec. 32
    waiver of law, ch 4 Sec. 28
  Federal employment, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Foreign affairs, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Formula in law governing allotment of funds, provision changing, ch 4 
      Sec. 34
  Funding, changing source or method of--
    borrowing authority in lieu of direct appropriation, ch 4 Sec. 34
    special fund for particular purpose, expenditures from general funds 
        where law has established, ch 4 Sec. 34
    trust funds, unauthorized expenditures from, ch 4 Sec. 34
  Funds, changing allocation of, see above, Allocation of funds, 
      provisions changing
  History of rule, ch 4 Sec. 27
  Holman rule--
    floor consideration of provisions under, ch 4 Sec. 49
    funds in other bills, provisions affecting, not within exception, ch 
        4 Sec. Sec. 46, 47
    general appropriation bills, applies to, ch 4 Sec. 46
    germaneness requirement under, ch 4 Sec. 47
    limitations and retrenchments distinguished, ch 4 Sec. 46
    offered by any Member after reading of bill completed, amendment as, 
        ch 4 Sec. 49

[[Page 997]]

    reducing amounts of money covered by bill, retrenchment as, ch 4 
        Sec. 46
    reported by Committee on Appropriations, provisions are, ch 4 
        Sec. 48
    strictly construed, ch 4 Sec. 46
  Housing programs, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Limitation on amount available for expenditure, effect of language 
      seeking to waive, ch 4 Sec. 14
  Limitation on use of funds--
    direction to official, affirmative, distinguished from negative 
        prohibition on use of funds, ch 4 Sec. 54
    exception to limitation as not in order if adding legislative 
        language, ch 4 Sec. 57
    increase in spending, purported limitation which results in, ch 4 
        Sec. 51
    minimum amount, provision directing expenditure of, is not negative 
        limitation, ch 4 Sec. 34
    negative restriction or limitation as permitted (see also 
        APPROPRIATION BILLS), ch 4 Sec. Sec. 34, 50
    recipients, qualifications of, legislative language addressing, ch 4 
        Sec. 58
    removing statutory limitation, ch 4 Sec. 34
  Mandating expenditures, see above, Allocation of funds, provisions 
  Obligation or distribution of funds contrary to existing law, see 
      above, Allocation of funds, provisions changing
  Other acts, provisions affecting funds in, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 35, 59
  Perfecting provision permitted to remain, ch 4 Sec. 69
  Point of order, enforcement of rule depends on raising, ch 4 Sec. 27
  Priorities in expenditure, provision changing, ch 4 Sec. 34
  Public works programs, rulings on provisions relating to, ch 4 Sec. 33
  Recommit with instructions, motion to, rule is applicable to, ch 4 
      Sec. 27
  Reimbursement or refund of appropriated funds, language providing for 
      use of funds generated by, ch 4 Sec. 40
  Rescissions, exception for, from prohibition on legislation on 
      appropriations, does not extend to amendments, ch 7 Sec. 17
  Rescissions may constitute legislation, ch 4 Sec. 35; ch 7 Sec. 17
  Rescissions of certain contract authorities, ch 7 Sec. 17
  Rescissions reported in bills as not within prohibition, ch 7 Sec. 17
  Retrenching expenditures, see above, Holman rule
  Rule applicable, generally, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 7, 27
  Rule prohibiting, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 7, 27
  Self-executing amendments under special rules, prohibition not 
      applicable to, ch 4 Sec. 27
  Senate amendments, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Senate legislation on House bill, see, CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Senate, rule in, see SENATE, PRACTICE IN
  Sources or methods of funding, provisions changing, see above, 
      Funding, changing source or method of
  Transfer of funds--
    previously appropriated funds, ch 4 Sec. 37
    same bill, transfer within, may not include legislative language, ch 
        4 Sec. 36

[[Page 998]]

  Unauthorized appropriations, comparison of rule prohibiting, with rule 
      relating to legislation, ch 4 Sec. 7
  Waiving existing law, provision--
    point of order, as subject to, generally, ch 4 Sec. 28
    ``notwithstanding provisions of any other law,'' language 
        appropriating funds, ch 4 Sec. 28


  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 6






                         MEETING, DAILY HOURS OF

  Change in, ch 1 Sec. 2

                        MEMBERS AND MEMBERS-ELECT

  Business conducted by Members-elect at assembly of Congress, ch 5 
      Sec. 4
  Credentials, see CREDENTIALS
  Elections, see ELECTIONS
  Exclusion of--
    expulsion, distinguished from, ch 25 Sec. 1
    Powell v. McCormack, ch 25 Sec. 1
  Expulsion of Member, see ETHICS
  Oath, see OATH
  Qualifications of, constitutional right of House to determine, ch 25 
      Sec. 1
  Resignation, see RESIGNATION
  Rights of Members-elect at assembly of Congress, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Roll, Clerk's, at assembly of Congress, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Vacancies, Members elected to fill, included on roll after oath 
      administered, ch 5 Sec. 5

                             MEMBERS, FORMER

  Decorum, observance of rules of, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Floor privileges of, ch 10 Sec. 2

                       MESSAGES BETWEEN THE HOUSES

  Bills, messages relating to--
    passage of bill, see PASSAGE AND ENACTMENT OF BILLS
    referral of, ch 30 Sec. 3
    return of bill, request for, ch 30 Sec. 3
  Copies of lost documents, ch 30 Sec. 4
  Correction of errors in, ch 30 Sec. 4
  Delivery of, error in, ch 30 Sec. 4
  Errors in, correction of, ch 30 Sec. 4
  Lost documents, ch 30 Sec. 4
  Purposes for which used, ch 30 Sec. 1
  Reception of, ch 30 Sec. 2
  Uses, ch 30 Sec. 1


  Authorization by committee to call up bill, ch 31 Sec. 2
  Business considered under, ch 31 Sec. 2
  Committee of the Whole, motion to go into, ch 31 Sec. 3
  Consideration, rarely used procedure for calling bills up for, ch 31 
      Sec. 1

[[Page 999]]

  House Calendar, rarely used procedure for calling up bills on, for 
      consideration, ch 31 Sec. 1
  Interruption by privileged business, ch 31 Sec. 3
  Intervening business, ch 31 Sec. 3
  Precedence of, ch 31 Sec. 1
  Termination of morning hour, ch 31 Sec. 3

                     MORNING-HOUR DEBATE, SEE DEBATE


  Amended, motions that may be, ch 2 Sec. 10
  Amended, motions that may not be, ch 2 Sec. 10
  Committee of the Whole, motions used in, see COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE
  Dilatory, motions considered as, ch 32 Sec. 4
  Enacting clause, motion relating to, see ENACTING CLAUSE, MOTION 
  Form, ch 32 Sec. 2
  Lay on the table, to, see TABLE, MOTION TO LAY ON
  Modification of, ch 32 Sec. 5
    manner of, ch 32 Sec. Sec. 1, 3
    rising and addressing chair, ch 32 Sec. Sec. 1, 3
  Postpone, to, see POSTPONEMENT
    (see also specific motions, e.g., ADJOURNMENT; PREVIOUS QUESTION; 
    amend, motion to, precedence of, ch 12 Sec. 21
    enacting clause, motion relating to, see ENACTING CLAUSE, MOTION 
    rule, assigned by, ch 2 Sec. 9
  Previous question, for, see PREVIOUS QUESTION
  Quorum, motions requiring, see QUORUMS
  Reading of, ch 32 Sec. 2
  Recognition to offer--
    discretion of Chair, ch 32 Sec. 3
    manager of bill, prior recognition for, ch 32 Sec. 3
    purpose in seeking, Chair's inquiry as to, ch 32 Sec. 3
    rejection of essential motion, recognition as passing to opposition 
        after, ch 32 Sec. 3
  Reoffering, ch 32 Sec. 5
  Restatement of motion by Chair, ch 32 Sec. 2
  Specific motions, see specific topics, e.g., ADJOURNMENT; COMMITTEE OF 
  Withdrawal of, ch 32 Sec. 5; ch 59 Sec. 1
  Writing, motion shall be reduced to, on demand of any Member, ch 12 
      Sec. 20; ch 32 Sec. 2


  Absent Members, ch 33 Sec. 2
  Administering oath of office, ch 33 Sec. 1
  Certificate of election, challenge to validity of, effect of, ch 23 
      Sec. 3
  Certificate of election, Member-elect sworn in advance of receipt of, 
      ch 23 Sec. 3; ch 33 Sec. 1
  Challenge to right to be sworn--
    classified information, oath prior to obtaining access to, ch 33 
        Sec. 4
    constitutional authority, ch 33 Sec. 3
    procedure, ch 33 Sec. 3
  Deputies, use of, ch 33 Sec. 2
  Election dispute, effect of, ch 23 Sec. 3
  Failure to take oath, ch 33 Sec. 1
    Administration of oath to, ch 33 Sec. 1
    legislative business, oath must precede, ch 5 Sec. 8
  Privilege of administration of oath to Member-elect, degree of, ch 33 
      Sec. 1

[[Page 1000]]

  Refusal to take oath, ch 33 Sec. 1
  Resolution, administration of oath may be authorized by, ch 33 
      Sec. Sec. 1, 3
  Unanimous consent to administer, ch 33 Sec. 1

                            OFFICERS OF HOUSE

  (See also particular officers, e.g., CLERK OF THE HOUSE)
  Chaplain, separate vote on, ch 35 Sec. 2
  Constitutional provisions regarding, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Election of, ch 35 Sec. 2
  Division of resolution, ch 35 Sec. 2
  Oath, ch 35 Sec. 2
  Offices established by rule or statute, see specific offices or 
  Removal from office, ch 35 Sec. 3
  Rule or statute, certain offices established by, see specific offices 
  Statute or rule, certain offices established by, see specific offices 
  Vacancies, ch 35 Sec. 4

                           ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES

  Limit, Speaker may, ch 36 Sec. 3
    alternation between majority and minority, ch 16 Sec. 50
    Speaker, discretion of, ch 16 Sec. 50
  Scheduled business, prior to, Speaker may recognize for one-minute 
      speeches, ch 36 Sec. 3

                            ORDER OF BUSINESS

  Calendar Wednesday, see CALENDAR WEDNESDAY
  Daily order of business--
    prayer and approval of Journal as preceding other business, ch 36 
        Sec. 2
    rule, applicable, ch 16 Sec. 2; ch 36 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  One-minute speeches, see ONE-MINUTE SPEECHES
  Private Calendar, see PRIVATE BILLS
  Privileged business, see PRIVILEGED BUSINESS
  Regular sequence of business, see above, Daily order of business
  Scheduling business, see SCHEDULE, LEGISLATIVE
  Special days (see also specific topics, e.g., CALENDAR WEDNESDAY; 
    rule setting forth, ch 36 Sec. Sec. 1, 6
  Special-order speeches, see SPECIAL-ORDER SPEECHES
  Special rules as affecting, see SPECIAL RULES
  Unanimous-consent orders as affecting, see UNANIMOUS CONSENT
  Varying the order of business (see also specific topics, e.g., 
    generally, ch 36 Sec. 1
    rule permitting House to depart from daily order, ch 36 Sec. 1



                       PARLIAMENTARIAN, OFFICE OF

  Description of, ch 35 Sec. 6

                          PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY

  Advisory opinions, Chair does not render, ch 37 Sec. 14
  Appeal, response not subject to, ch 37 Sec. 13

[[Page 1001]]

  Discretion of Chair as to recognition for, ch 37 Sec. 13
  Explanation of pending order of House, ch 37 Sec. 14
  Hypothetical questions, Chair does not respond to, ch 37 Sec. 14
  Interpret pending measure, Chair does not, ch 34 Sec. 4
  Interrupting other business, inquiry as, ch 37 Sec. 16
  Interrupt Member who has floor, another may not, unless yielded to, ch 
      16 Sec. 17
  Motion or other proposition not to be offered under recognition for 
      parliamentary inquiry, ch 37 Sec. 14
  Relevant to pending question, subject must be, ch 37 Sec. Sec. 14, 15
  Subjects for, ch 37 Sec. 14
  Time, charging, for, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 17, 54; ch 37 Sec. 16
  Timeliness of inquiry, ch 37 Sec. 15
  Yielding floor for inquiry, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 17, 54; ch 37 Sec. 16


  Engrossment, see ENGROSSMENT
  Enrollment, see ENROLLMENT
  Message of transmittal of bill, ch 44 Sec. 9
  President, delivery of measures to, ch 44 Sec. Sec. 10, 13
    amendment, reading for, see AMENDMENTS
    first reading, ch 44 Sec. 3
    second reading (see also AMENDMENTS), ch 44 Sec. 4
    third reading, ch 44 Sec. 5
  Return of bill, message requesting, ch 44 Sec. 9
  Stages in passage, generally, ch 44 Sec. 1
  Transmittal of bills between Houses, ch 44 Sec. 9

                         PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS

  Clerk, delivered to, ch 6 Sec. 6
  State other than Member's own, Member may present petition from 
      citizens of, ch 6 Sec. 6

                         PHOTOGRAPHS IN CHAMBER

  Official photograph of House in session, resolution permitting, ch 10 
      Sec. 5
  Permission required, ch 10 Sec. 5
  Speaker enforces rules, ch 10 Sec. 5


                             POINTS OF ORDER

  Absence of point of order does not preclude Chair's ruling amendment 
      out of order, ch 2 Sec. 1
  Appeals on ruling (see also APPEALS), ch 37 Sec. 12
  Burden of proof, ch 37 Sec. 9
  Chair's initiative in ruling amendment out of order where no point of 
      order has been made, ch 2 Sec. 1
  Clerk of the House, role of, in ruling on points of order prior to 
      election of Speaker, ch 37 Sec. 2
  Consideration of bill, point of order against, ch 37 Sec. Sec. 1, 5
  Debate on, is at discretion of Chair, ch 12 Sec. 18; ch 37 Sec. 9
  Debate on, must be confined thereto, ch 12 Sec. 18; ch 37 Sec. 9
  Defined, ch 37 Sec. 1
  Effect of point of order on pending business, ch 37 Sec. 8
  Form, ch 37 Sec. 1
  Germaneness rule, points of order under, see GERMANENESS OF AMENDMENTS
  Grounds, ch 37 Sec. 7
  House, submission of question on point of order to, ch 37 Sec. 2
  Multiple points of order, ch 37 Sec. 1
  New Congress, points of order at organization of, ch 37 Sec. 2
  Opposition to, ch 37 Sec. 1

[[Page 1002]]

  Pending business, effect of point of order on, ch 37 Sec. 8
  Precedent, prior ruling as, ch 37 Sec. 2
  Recommit with instructions, amendments to motion to, against, ch 37 
      Sec. 7
  Reservation of--
    benefit of all Members, inures to, so that any Member may assert 
        point of order, ch 2 Sec. 33
    debate on merits pending point of order, ch 2 Sec. 33
    effect of, ch 37 Sec. 3
    procedure, ch 37 Sec. 3
    withdrawal, effect of, ch 37 Sec. 3; ch 59 Sec. 4
  Reversal of prior ruling, ch 37 Sec. 2
  Rules of House, based on violation of, ch 37 Sec. 7
  Rulings by Chair--
    ambiguities in language, resolving, ch 37 Sec. 2
    argument, hearing, ch 37 Sec. 2
    factors in Chair's ruling, ch 37 Sec. 2
    limitation on scope of issues determined by Chair, ch 37 Sec. 7
  Timeliness of--
    amendments, points of order against, ch 37 Sec. 6
    ``at any time,'' certain points of order may be raised, ch 2 
        Sec. 34; ch 37 Sec. 4
    bills and resolutions, points of order against, ch 37 Sec. 5
    consideration of bill, against, raised in House, ch 12 Sec. 18; ch 
        37 Sec. 5
    debate on amendment, before, ch 2 Sec. 34
    debate on amendment, untimely after, ch 12 Sec. 18
    House, after amendment reported to, ch 12 Sec. 18
    intervening amendments, effect of, ch 37 Sec. 4
    intervening business, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 34
    intervening debate, effect of, ch 37 Sec. 4
    reading or agreement that amendment be considered as read, 
        immediately after, ch 2 Sec. 34
  Waiver of--
    special rule, by (see also SPECIAL RULES), ch 37 Sec. 10
    suspension of rules, by (see also SUSPENSION OF RULES), ch 37 
        Sec. 10
    unanimous consent, by (see also UNANIMOUS CONSENT), ch 37 Sec. 10
  Withdrawal of, ch 37 Sec. 11; ch 59 Sec. 4


  Motion to postpone indefinitely--
    generally, ch 38 Sec. 6
    adoption, effect of, ch 38 Sec. 6
    adverse disposition, considered as, ch 38 Sec. 6
    amendable, not, ch 38 Sec. 8
    application to particular propositions, ch 38 Sec. Sec. 6, 7
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 38 Sec. 1
    debate on, ch 38 Sec. 8
    disposition, effect of, ch 38 Sec. Sec. 1, 6
    part of proposition, not applicable to, ch 38 Sec. 6
    precedence of, ch 38 Sec. 7
    repeating motion, ch 38 Sec. 1
    rule, applicable, ch 38 Sec. 6
  Motion to postpone to day certain--
    generally, ch 38 Sec. 2
    adoption, effect of, ch 38 Sec. 2
    amendment, subject to, ch 38 Sec. 5
    application of, to particular propositions, ch 38 Sec. 4
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 38 Sec. 1
    debate on, ch 38 Sec. 5
    discharge, not applicable to motion to, ch 38 Sec. 4

[[Page 1003]]

    disposition, effect of, ch 38 Sec. 1
    form, ch 38 Sec. 2
    ``next legislative day'' considered as day certain, ch 38 Sec. 2
    part of proposition, not applicable to, ch 38 Sec. 4
    precedence of, ch 38 Sec. 3
    repeating motion, ch 38 Sec. 1
    special rule, applicable to, after rejection of previous question, 
        ch 38 Sec. 4
    time for making, ch 38 Sec. 2
    voting on, ch 38 Sec. 2
  Rule, applicable, ch 38 Sec. 1
  Special order, by, ch 38 Sec. 1
  Statutes, provided for in, ch 38 Sec. 1
  Votes, postponement of, see VOTING


                         PRECEDENTS OF THE HOUSE

  Generally, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Binding, as, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Custom, effect of, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Overruling precedents, ch 50 Sec. 2


  Budget, submission of, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Disability of--
    Congress, role of, concerning, ch 24 Sec. 4
    disputes as to, ch 24 Sec. 4
    messages concerning, ch 24 Sec. 4
  Election of President and Vice President--
    electoral vote, see ELECTORAL VOTE
  Executive privilege, claim of--
    review by courts, ch 17 Sec. 4
  Incapacity of, see above, Disability of
  State of the Union address referred to Committee of the Whole by 
      motion, ch 12 Sec. 2

                            PREVIOUS QUESTION

  Adjournment, effect of, when previous question operating, ch 39 
      Sec. 17
  Amendment, ordering previous question on, ch 2 Sec. 26
  Amendment, precedence over, ch 16 Sec. 16
  Amendment, where Member controlling time yields for, another may move 
      previous question, ch 16 Sec. 16
  Adoption, effect of, ch 2 Sec. 26
  Applicability to particular questions or propositions, ch 39 Sec. 7
  Calendar Wednesday, bills considered on, see CALENDAR WEDNESDAY
  Debate on motion, ch 39 Sec. 8
  Disposition, ch 39 Sec. 8
  Effect of--
    amendments, on, ch 39 Sec. 12
    debate, on, ch 39 Sec. Sec. 10, 11
    divided debate, on, ch 39 Sec. 11
  Final passage, effect of ordering previous question on bill to, ch 39 
      Sec. 7
  House as in Committee of the Whole, use in, ch 12 Sec. 1
  Incidental questions, effect on, ch 39 Sec. 7
  Interrupt Member recognized for debate, motion may not, ch 2 Sec. 9
  Intervention of other matters, ch 39 Sec. 5
  Motions and propositions to which applicable, ch 39 Sec. 7
  Offering motion--
    generally, ch 39 Sec. 2
    time for offering, ch 39 Sec. 3
    who may offer, ch 39 Sec. 4
  Precedence of, ch 39 Sec. Sec. 5, 6
  Propositions to which applied, ch 39 Sec. 7
  Purpose, ch 39 Sec. 1
  Quorum requirements, ch 39 Sec. 3
  Recognition after defeat of, ch 16 Sec. 45; ch 39 Sec. 16; ch 46 
      Sec. 12
  Recommit, motion to--
    ordering previous question, after, ch 39 Sec. 13
    pending motion for previous question, ch 39 Sec. 13
  Reconsideration, ch 39 Sec. 14

[[Page 1004]]

  Refusal of, effect of--
    consideration, further, as permitting, ch 39 Sec. 15
    recognition of opposition, ch 16 Sec. 45; ch 39 Sec. 16; ch 46 
        Sec. 12
    special rule, debate on, ch 16 Sec. 15
  Senate amendment in disagreement, applicability to motion disposing 
      of, ch 39 Sec. 7

                              PRIVATE BILLS

  Amendments to--
    class of individuals, not in order to extend benefits of bill to, ch 
        6 Sec. 16
    germaneness rule, application of, ch 6 Sec. 16
    opposition to amendment, members of reporting committee have 
        priority of recognition in, ch 6 Sec. 16
    pro forma amendments not in order, ch 6 Sec. 16
  Calendar, Private--
    called up after seven days on calendar, private bills traditionally 
        are, ch 6 Sec. 15
    calling the calendar, ch 40 Sec. 2
    dispensing with the call, ch 40 Sec. 3
    objectors, official, review of bills by, ch 6 Sec. 15
    order waiving rules governing, ch 40 Sec. 3
    purpose, ch 40 Sec. 1
    referrals to, ch 40 Sec. 1
    time for calling, ch 40 Sec. 2
    waiver of rules governing, ch 40 Sec. 3
  Claims against government--
    omnibus claim bill, ch 6 Sec. 14
    procedures for consideration, ch 6 Sec. 18
    subject matter of representative claims granted redress, ch 6 
        Sec. 18
    Tort Claims Act, remedies available under, private bill not to 
        substitute for, ch 6 Sec. 17
  Combining several bills in omnibus legislation, ch 6 Sec. 13
  Consideration of, procedure for, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Constitutionality, ch 6 Sec. Sec. 13, 18
  Debate on, ch 40 Sec. 5
  Defined, ch 6 Sec. 14
  Errors in, correction of, ch 6 Sec. 15
  History, ch 6 Sec. 13
  Immigration and naturalization laws, exemptions from requirements of, 
      ch 6 Sec. Sec. 17, 19
  Introduction of, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Objections, ch 40 Sec. 4
  Objectors, official, review of bills by, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Omnibus private bills, ch 6 Sec. 13; ch 40 Sec. 6
  Order waiving rules governing Private Calendar, ch 40 Sec. 3
  Pension bills, private, restrictions on, ch 6 Sec. 17
  Procedure for consideration, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Prohibited, certain private bills as, ch 16 Sec. 1
  Property rights, conveyance of, ch 6 Sec. 17
  Referral to committee, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Remedies, other, effect of availability of, ch 6 Sec. 17
  Resolutions and bills as eligible for consideration, ch 40 Sec. 1
  Screening procedures, ch 40 Sec. 4
  Senate and House, action of, on, ch 40 Sec. 8
  Sponsorship of, ch 6 Sec. 15
  Subject matter considered, ch 6 Sec. Sec. 17, 18
  Tort Claims Act, remedies available under, private bill not to 
      substitute for, ch 6 Sec. 17
  Unfinished business, disposition of, ch 40 Sec. 7
  Waiver of rules governing Private Calendar, ch 40 Sec. 3

                           PRIVILEGED BUSINESS

  Appropriation bills (see also APPROPRIATION BILLS), ch 36 Sec. 7

[[Page 1005]]

  Committee reports, certain, as privileged (see also, COMMITTEE 
  Conference reports, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Constitutional sources, ch 36 Sec. 4
  Constitution, discharge of committee from consideration of matter 
  Discharge, motion to (see also DISCHARGING MEASURES FROM COMMITTEES), 
      ch 36 Sec. 7
  Disciplinary action against Member, see ETHICS
  Election contests and disputes, see ELECTION CONTESTS AND DISPUTES
  Electoral vote, concurrent resolution providing for counting of, see 
  Laws, rules, and customs as establishing privilege, ch 36 Sec. 4
  Layover requirements, applicability of, ch 36 Sec. 6
  Motions, privileged, ch 36 Sec. 7
  Questions of privilege distinguished, ch 36 Sec. 4
  Nonprivileged matter, effect of inclusion of, in measure that would 
      otherwise be reported as privileged, ch 16 Sec. 1
  Order of business, motions relating to, ch 36 Sec. 7
  Rules, House, certain business as privileged under, ch 36 Sec. Sec. 5, 
  Sources of privilege, ch 36 Sec. 4
  Special rules, see SPECIAL RULES
  Suspension of rules, see SUSPENSION OF RULES

                         PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE

  Arrest, privilege of Members from, ch 42 Sec. 1
  Committee of the Whole, not in order to raise question in, ch 42 
      Sec. 14
  Constitutional prerogatives, issues relating to, ch 42 Sec. 5
  Contempt proceedings, questions relating to, ch 42 Sec. 5
  Debate on, ch 42 Sec. 15
  Disciplinary action against Member, see ETHICS
  Disclosure of executive session materials, ch 42 Sec. 12
  Disposition, ch 42 Sec. 15
  Enforcement of orders and subpoenas, ch 42 Sec. 5
  Executive session, disclosure of materials from, ch 42 Sec. 12
  Expungement from Record, ch 42 Sec. 7
  Impeachment, resolutions related to, see IMPEACHMENT
  Judicial proceedings, intervention in, by House or its employees, ch 
      42 Sec. 6
  Jurisdiction of House, questions relating to, ch 42 Sec. 5
  Legal counsel, provisions for, ch 42 Sec. 13
  Motions during consideration of question, ch 42 Sec. 15
  Notice of intention to raise question, requirements as to, ch 42 
      Sec. 14
  Orders, enforcement of, ch 42 Sec. 5
  Personal privilege, see PRIVILEGE, PERSONAL, QUESTION OF
  Precedence of, ch 42 Sec. 2
  Presenting question, ch 42 Sec. 14
  Privileged questions distinguished, ch 42 Sec. 1
  Process, service of, see below, Service of process
  Raising question of, ch 42 Sec. Sec. 1, 14
  Record, Congressional, correction of, ch 42 Sec. 7
  Resolution raising question of--
    debate on, ch 42 Sec. 15
    motions during consideration, ch 42 Sec. 15

[[Page 1006]]

    notice requirement, ch 42 Sec. 14
    privileged, as, ch 42 Sec. 14
  Service of process--
    procedure in complying with process, ch 42 Sec. 9
    response, conditions or limitations as to, ch 42 Sec. 11
    response, resolutions in, ch 42 Sec. 10
  Speech and debate, privilege of, ch 42 Sec. 1
  Subpoenas, enforcement of, ch 42 Sec. 5


  Basis of privilege--
    charges by fellow Member, ch 42 Sec. 17
    debate, words used in, not proper basis, ch 16 Sec. 26; ch 42 
        Sec. 17
    press, charges in, ch 42 Sec. 18
    rights, reputation and conduct of individual Members, questions 
        affecting, ch 42 Sec. 16
  Charges by fellow Member, ch 42 Sec. 17
  Debate on the question, ch 42 Sec. 20
  Debate time, limit on, ch 16 Sec. 48
  Debate, words spoken in, not proper basis, ch 16 Sec. 26; ch 42 
      Sec. 17
  Integrity or reputation, reflection on, ch 42 Sec. 16
  Member, another, charges by, ch 42 Sec. 17
  Members, rights and reputation of, questions affecting, ch 42 Sec. 1
  Opinions about voting record or views, expression of, as not giving 
      rise to, ch 42 Sec. 16
  Precedence of, ch 42 Sec. 2
  Press, charges in, ch 42 Sec. 18
  Procedure for consideration, ch 42 Sec. 19
  Raising question of, ch 42 Sec. 19
  Representative capacity, relate to Member in, ch 42 Sec. 16
  Reputation or integrity, reflection on, ch 42 Sec. 16




  Adjournment, considerations related to, see ADJOURNMENT
  Arrest of absent Members, see below, Call of the House
  Automatic call of the House, see below, Call of the House
  Beginning of session, establishing quorum at, see ASSEMBLY OF CONGRESS
  Bells and signals, use of, to alert Members to quorum call, see BELLS 
  ``Business'' requiring quorum--
    definition of ``business,'' ch 43 Sec. Sec. 1, 3
    vote, where Chair has put pending question to, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 3, 6
  Call of the House--
    arrest of absent Members, ch 43 Sec. 19
    automatic call, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 14
    closing or locking doors, ch 43 Sec. 19
    Committee of the Whole, procedures in, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 17
    compel attendance of absent Members, call initiated by fifteen 
        Members to, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 13
    compulsory attendance, ch 43 Sec. 19
    constitutional authority, ch 43 Sec. 11
    dispensing with further proceedings, ch 43 Sec. 20
    doors, closing or locking, ch 43 Sec. 19
    electronic equipment, use of, to record those present and voting, ch 
        43 Sec. 15
    mandated call, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 14

[[Page 1007]]

    motion for, ch 43 Sec. 12
    motion for, recognition by Speaker for, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 12
    motions in order during, ch 43 Sec. 18
    names published and recorded on a call, ch 43 Sec. 16
    respond, time to, ch 43 Sec. 15
    securing attendance, ch 43 Sec. 19
    Sergeant-at-Arms, role of, ch 43 Sec. 19
    time for Members to respond, ch 43 Sec. 15
  Committee of the Whole--
    calls, quorum, in, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 11, 17
    established, point of order restricted where quorum has once been, 
        ch 43 Sec. 6
    objection to vote on ground quorum is not present not permitted in, 
        ch 43 Sec. 11
    point of order of no quorum in, ch 43 Sec. 6
    quorum in, what constitutes, ch 43 Sec. 2
  Constitutional requirements, ch 43 Sec. 1
  Counting to determine presence of quorum--
    Ballin decision, ch 5 Sec. 6; ch 43 Sec. 5
    method, ch 43 Sec. 5
    present, Members who are, ch 43 Sec. 5
    recounts, ch 43 Sec. 5
    voting, Members present but not, ch 43 Sec. 5
  Dilatory, point of order as, ch 43 Sec. 9
  House as in Committee of the Whole, what constitutes a quorum in, ch 
      43 Sec. 2
  House, what constitutes a quorum in, ch 43 Sec. 2
  Mandated call of the House, see above, Call of the House
  Motion for a call of the House, see above, Call of the House
  Motions not requiring quorum, ch 43 Sec. 4
  Motions requiring quorum, ch 43 Sec. 4
  Objection to vote taken in absence of quorum--
    Committee of the Whole, not permitted in, ch 43 Sec. 11
    diligence in seeking recognition for, ch 43 Sec. 8
    postponement of proceedings, effect of, ch 43 Sec. 7
    timeliness of, ch 43 Sec. 8
  Point of order of no quorum--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 43 Sec. 6
    dilatory, determination that intent is, ch 43 Sec. 9
    established, where quorum has once been, ch 43 Sec. 6
    House, in, ch 43 Sec. 6
    time for making, ch 43 Sec. 6
    vote, after question has been put to, ch 43 Sec. 6
  Postponement of proceedings on motion to suspend rules, effect of, ch 
      43 Sec. 4
  Presumption as to presence of quorum, ch 43 Sec. 1
  Recess, authorization to Speaker to declare, see RECESS
  Vote, point of order is entertained in House if question has been put 
      to, ch 43 Sec. Sec. 3, 6
  Vote, recorded, demand for, see VOTING
  Withdrawal of point of order of no quorum, ch 43 Sec. 10; ch 59 Sec. 4

                              RAMSEYER RULE

  Amendment or repeal of statute, rule applicable to bill proposing, ch 
      11 Sec. 30
  Appropriations, Committee on, reports from, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Comparative print, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Correction of defect, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Points of order under, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Purpose, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Recommittal to correct defect, ch 11 Sec. 30

[[Page 1008]]

  Rules of House, changes in, comparative print where resolution 
      proposes, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 29, 30; ch 52 Sec. 2
  Substantial compliance, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Supplemental report to correct defect, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Waiver of points of order by special rule or unanimous consent, see 




  Adjournment, distinguished from, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 45 Sec. 1
  August recess, see ADJOURNMENT
  Authorizing Speaker to declare--
    conditions, ch 45 Sec. 2
    emergency recess, ch 45 Sec. Sec. 1, 3
    emergency reconvening, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 5 Sec. 2; ch 45 Sec. 3
    procedures, ch 45 Sec. 2
    quorum requirements, ch 45 Sec. 2
  Business that may be transacted during, ch 1 Sec. 1
  Postponement of proceedings, following, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 45 Sec. 3
  Purposes, ch 45 Sec. 4
  Quorum to authorize Speaker to declare, ch 45 Sec. 2
  Speaker's authority to declare short recesses, ch 1 Sec. 1; ch 45 
      Sec. 3


  Alternation of recognition--
    opposing sides of question, ch 16 Sec. 11; ch 46 Sec. 4
    parliamentary inquiry, party affiliation of Member recognized for, 
        not taken into account, ch 2 Sec. 20
    parties, between, ch 16 Sec. 11; ch 46 Sec. 4
  Bills, generally, as to, ch 46 Sec. 10
  Call up measure, recognition to--
    committee member, ch 16 Sec. 13; ch 46 Sec. 7
    designation of Member by committee, ch 16 Sec. 13; ch 46 Sec. 7
    discretion of Chair, ch 16 Sec. 13; ch 46 Sec. 7
    special rules, calling up, ch 46 Sec. 13
  Close debate, right to, see DEBATE
  Committee, reporting, Members of, ch 2 Sec. 20; ch 11 Sec. 1; ch 16 
      Sec. 10; ch 46 Sec. Sec. 6, 14
  Conferences, as to--
    instruct conferees, motion to (see also CONFEREES OR MANAGERS), ch 
        46 Sec. 16
    reports, conference, calling up, ch 46 Sec. 16
    seek, recognition to, ch 46 Sec. 16
  Denial of, basis of, ch 46 Sec. 3
  Discharged bills, ch 46 Sec. 10
  Discretion of Chair--
    amendments, recognition for, ch 2 Sec. 20
    appeal, recognition not subject to appeal, ch 46 Sec. 2
    factors in recognition, ch 46 Sec. 5
    limitations on, under House rules and precedents, ch 46 Sec. 3
  Factors in determining priorities in recognition, ch 46 Sec. 5
  Failure to seek, effect of, ch 46 Sec. 6
  Five-minute rule, under--
    generally, ch 46 Sec. 14
    limitation on debate, under, ch 46 Sec. 15
  Manager of bill for majority, prior right of recognition of, ch 16 
      Sec. 10; ch 46 Sec. 7
  Motions, for, ch 46 Sec. 11
  Necessity of, ch 46 Sec. 1
  Order of recognition for closing speeches, see DEBATE
  Previous question, after defeat of, see PREVIOUS QUESTION

[[Page 1009]]

  Purpose for seeking, ch 46 Sec. 1
  Rejection of essential motion, recognition of opposition after, ch 46 
      Sec. 12
  Seeking recognition, ch 46 Sec. 1
  Seniority of members of reporting committee as factor, ch 2 Sec. 20; 
      ch 16 Sec. 10; ch 46 Sec. 6
  Special rules, effect of, ch 46 Sec. 14
  Special rules, recognition for debate on, ch 46 Sec. 13
  Special rules, recognition to call up, ch 46 Sec. 13
  Unanimous consent, measures called up by, ch 46 Sec. 10
  Unanimous-consent requests, see UNANIMOUS CONSENT

                           RECOMMIT, MOTION TO

  Application to particular items of business, ch 48 Sec. 10
  Budget resolution, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Commit, motion to, see COMMIT, MOTION TO
  Debate on, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 12, 15
  Final passage, recommittal pending, ch 48 Sec. 13
  Form of motion, ch 48 Sec. 2
  Previous question, pending or after ordering, ch 48 Sec. 9
  Recognition to offer, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 11, 14
  Repetition of, ch 48 Sec. 13
  Senate amendments, as to, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Special rules, provisions in, ch 48 Sec. 16
  Time for offering, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 9, 13


  Amendments to, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 13, 14, 17
  Amendments to, points of order against, ch 37 Sec. 7
  Application to particular items of business, ch 48 Sec. 10
  Budget resolution, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Commit, motion to, see COMMIT, MOTION TO
  Conference reports (see also CONFEREES OR MANAGERS), ch 48 
      Sec. Sec. 10, 15
  Debate on, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 12, 15
  Division of the question on (see also DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR 
      VOTING), ch 48 Sec. 19
  Final passage, recommittal pending, ch 48 Sec. 13
  ``Forthwith,'' instructions to report, ch 2 Sec. 47; ch 48 Sec. 18
  Points of order applicable to, see specific topics, e.g., LEGISLATION 
  Points of order, instructions as subject to, ch 48 Sec. 20
  Previous question, pending or after ordering, ch 48 Sec. 9
  Prohibited, certain instructions as, ch 48 Sec. 20
  ``Promptly,'' instructions to report, ch 48 Sec. 17
  Recognition to offer, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 11, 14
  Repetition of, ch 48 Sec. 13
  Special rules, provisions in, ch 48 Sec. 16
  Time for offering, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 9, 13

                          RECONSIDER, MOTION TO

  Amendments, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 13
  Bills, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 13
  Budget, concurrent resolution on, not applied to, ch 7 Sec. 4; ch 47 
      Sec. 12
  Calling up the motion, ch 47 Sec. Sec. 1, 4, 5
  Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 16 Sec. 56; ch 47 Sec. 1
  Committees, standing, use in, ch 47 Sec. 6
  Conference reports--
    applicability of motion generally, ch 47 Sec. 14

[[Page 1010]]

    budget resolution, motion precluded as to report on, ch 47 Sec. 12
  Debate on, ch 47 Sec. 10
  Effect of agreeing to, ch 47 Sec. 3
  Entering motion, ch 47 Sec. Sec. 1, 4, 5
  Failure to act on, ch 47 Sec. 3
  Forms, ch 47 Sec. 7
  Historical background, ch 47 Sec. 1
  Joint resolutions, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 13
  Motions, affirmative vote on certain as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 12
  Motions, rejection of certain, not applied to, ch 47 Sec. 12
  Offering motion--
    prevailing side, Member entering motion must be on, ch 47 Sec. 4
    who may offer, ch 47 Sec. 4
  Orders of House, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 11
  Precedence of, ch 47 Sec. 8
  President, measures sent to, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 15
  Privilege of, ch 47 Sec. 8
  Pro forma use of, ch 47 Sec. 2
  Purpose, ch 47 Sec. 1
  Quorum requirements, ch 47 Sec. 9
  Recommittal of measure, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 11
  Referral of measure to committee, not applied to, ch 47 Sec. 11
  Repetition of motion precluded, ch 47 Sec. 3
  ``Same or succeeding day,'' in order on, ch 47 Sec. 5
  Senate amendment to House bill, ch 47 Sec. 14
  Senate, measures sent to, as applied to, ch 47 Sec. 15
  Speaker, pro forma motion by, ch 47 Sec. Sec. 2, 7
  Statutes expediting procedures, effect of, ch 47 Sec. 12
  Table, motion to, ch 47 Sec. 2
  Time for entering motion, ch 47 Sec. 5
  Two days, motion entered within, ch 47 Sec. 5
  Voting on, ch 47 Sec. 10
  Withdrawal of, ch 47 Sec. 10



  Ad hoc committee, referral to--
    House, committee established by, ch 6 Sec. Sec. 8, 12
    jurisdiction of multiple committees, referral to committee 
        representing (see also COMMITTEES, JURISDICTION OF), ch 6 Sec. 8
  Automatic recommittal to Committee of the Whole after disagreeing to 
      recommendation to strike enacting clause, ch 48 Sec. 8
  Bills, referral of--
    debate, without, ch 6 Sec. 7
    error in original referral, in case of, ch 6 Sec. 7
    motion, by, ch 6 Sec. 7
  Commit, motion to, see COMMIT, MOTION TO
  Committee of the Whole, motion to refer not in order in, ch 48 Sec. 4
  Enacting clause, motion to refer pending motion to strike, see below, 
      Motion to refer
  Error in referral of bill, ch 6 Sec. 7; ch 11 Sec. 8
  Executive communications, ch 6 Sec. 10
  House, referral by, ch 6 Sec. 7; ch 11 Sec. 8; ch 48 Sec. Sec. 1, 5
  Inquiry, resolutions of, see INQUIRY, RESOLUTIONS OF
  Matters subject to referral--
    bills and resolutions, ch 6 Sec. 10
    executive communications, ch 6 Sec. 10

[[Page 1011]]

    petitions, ch 6 Sec. 6
    portion of bill, ch 6 Sec. 10
    Presidential message, ch 6 Sec. 10
    Senate amendments, ch 6 Sec. 10; ch 51 Sec. 7
    Senate bills and messages, ch 6 Sec. 10; ch 51 Sec. Sec. 5, 6
  Motion to refer--
    committees, to particular, ch 48 Sec. 3
    debate, in order when question is under, ch 48 Sec. Sec. 1, 5
    debate on, ch 48 Sec. 7
    effect, ch 48 Sec. 2
    enacting clause, pending motion to strike, ch 48 Sec. 8
    form, ch 48 Sec. 2
    precedence of, ch 48 Sec. 6
    Speaker, distinguished from referral by, upon introduction of bill, 
        ch 48 Sec. 1
  Portion of bill, ch 6 Sec. 10
  Precedence of motion to refer, see above, Motion to refer
  Presidential message, ch 6 Sec. 10
  Primary jurisdiction, committee of, designation of, ch 6 Sec. 8
  Private bills, see PRIVATE BILLS
  Recommit, motion to, see RECOMMIT, MOTION TO
  Reported from committee, procedures after bill is--
    (see also above, Motion to refer)
    calendar, bill referred to, ch 6 Sec. 7
    debate, motion to refer in order when question is under, ch 48 
        Sec. Sec. 1, 5
    points of order against referral not entertained, ch 6 Sec. 7
    sequentially referred to other committees, bill may be, ch 6 Sec. 7
    stages at which motion to refer is in order, ch 48 Sec. 1
  Rules governing referrals, ch 6 Sec. 7
  Senate amendments to House bills, ch 6 Sec. 10
  Senate bills and messages (see also SENATE BILLS ON SPEAKER'S TABLE 
      DISPOSITION OF), ch 6 Sec. 10
  Sequential referrals--
    amendments, where bill reported from committee with, ch 6 Sec. 9
    budget, concurrent resolution on, see BUDGET PROCESS
    reported from committee, referral to other committees after, ch 6 
        Sec. Sec. 7, 8
  Speaker, by, ch 6 Sec. 7; ch 48 Sec. 1
  Speaker, referral by, upon introduction of bill distinguished from 
      motion to refer, ch 48 Sec. 1
  Special committee, referral to, see above, Ad hoc committee, referral 
  Time limits imposed on committee consideration--
    discharge of committee after lapse of time, ch 6 Sec. 11
    extensions, ch 6 Sec. 11
    Speaker, by, ch 6 Sec. Sec. 8, 11
  Veto message and bill, see VETO



  Member, procedure for resignation by, ch 23 Sec. 4
  Vacancy, filling, ch 23 Sec. 4



  Appropriations, encompasses authority as to, ch 4 Sec. 2
  Constitutional provisions, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 1, 2

[[Page 1012]]

  Question of the privileges of the House, ch 42 Sec. 5


                           RULES OF THE HOUSE

  Absence of rule governing particular procedure, effect of, ch 50 
      Sec. 3
  Adoption of--
    beginning of Congress, at, ch 5 Sec. 6; ch 50 Sec. 1
    constitutional provisions relating to, ch 5 Sec. 6; ch 50 Sec. 1
    parliamentary law, general, prior to adoption House proceeds under, 
        ch 5 Sec. 7
    prior Congress, rules adopted by, not binding, ch 5 Sec. 6
    prior to adoption of rules, House proceeds under general 
        parliamentary law, ch 5 Sec. 7
    resolution adopting rules, proceedings relating to, ch 5 Sec. 6
  Binding, as, ch 50 Sec. 2
  Changing rules, ch 50 Sec. 4
  Construction, principles of--
    factors considered by Chair, ch 50 Sec. 3
    inconsistencies with another rule or with statute, ch 50 Sec. 3
    intention of House, determining, ch 50 Sec. 3
  Joint rules, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Points of order based on, see POINTS OF ORDER; and see particular 
      subject matter, e.g., GERMANENESS OF AMENDMENTS
  Publication of, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Special rules, see SPECIAL RULES
  Statutory rules, ch 50 Sec. 1
  Waiver of rules, see SPECIAL RULES

                          SCHEDULE, LEGISLATIVE

  Announcement as to, ch 36 Sec. 1
  Inquiries as to, ch 36 Sec. 1
  Leadership of majority party, role of, in setting agenda, ch 36 Sec. 1
  Meeting, daily hours of, change in, ch 1 Sec. 2

                             SECRET SESSIONS

  Access to classified information, guidelines as to, ch 16 Sec. 65
  Committee meetings in executive session, see COMMITTEES, STANDING
  Conditions and restrictions relating to, ch 16 Sec. 65
  Historical background, ch 16 Sec. 63
  House, pursuant to motion in, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 63, 64
  Motions before and during secret session, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 63, 64
  Occasions for, ch 16 Sec. 63
  President, confidential communications from, ch 16 Sec. 63
  Procedures before and during secret session, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 63, 64
  Public, motion to make proceedings available to, ch 16 Sec. 64
  Referral of transcripts to committees, ch 16 Sec. 65
  Speaker, directions announced by, ch 16 Sec. 65
  Speaker's authority, ch 10 Sec. 2
  Special rule, pursuant to, ch 16 Sec. 63

                            SELECT COMMITTEES

  Ad hoc committees, creation of, to consider particular measures, ch 11 
      Sec. 2
  Appointment of members by Speaker, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Commissions, distinguished from, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Committees, specific, table listing jurisdiction of, ch 11 Sec. 13
  Duration of, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Establishing committee, ch 11 Sec. 2
  Existence of duration of, ch 11 Sec. 1

[[Page 1013]]

  Hearings, see applicable subject matter under COMMITTEES, STANDING
  Historical background, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 12, 13
  Investigative authority, manner of conferring, on, ch 11 Sec. 10
  Investigative authority, table showing jurisdiction and, of specific 
      committees, ch 11 Sec. 13
  Members appointed by Speaker, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Permanent, may be, ch 11 Sec. 1
  Procedures in committee, see applicable subject matter under 
  Records and files, see applicable subject matter under COMMITTEES, 
  Reports of, see applicable subjects under COMMITTEE REPORTS
  Resolution creating, ch 11 Sec. 2
  Standing committees, distinguished from, ch 11 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Table showing committees, jurisdiction, and reporting authority, ch 11 
      Sec. Sec. 12, 13
  Uses of, table showing, ch 11 Sec. 13
  Witnesses at hearings, see applicable topics under COMMITTEES, 

                            SENATE AMENDMENTS

  Adhere, motion to--
    effect, ch 51 Sec. 29
    precedence of, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 29
  Amendment of, by House--
    adhere, motion to, to amendment, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 29
    degrees of amendment, permissible, applicability of rule as to, ch 
        51 Sec. 27
    insist on amendment, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 29
    recede, motion to, from amendment, ch 51 Sec. 29
  Appropriation bill, Senate amendment to, in form of limitation--
    conference managers, authority of, with respect to agreeing to, ch 4 
        Sec. 71
  Appropriation, Senate amendment including, on legislative bill--
    conference managers, authority of, with respect to agreeing to 
        Senate amendment, ch 4 Sec. 71
  Appropriation, unauthorized, in Senate amendment--
    amendments in House to Senate amendment, ch 4 Sec. 70
    House disposition of, ch 4 Sec. 70
  Committee of the Whole, consideration in--
    point of order that amendment requires, ch 51 Sec. 9
    requirement of, as to certain amendments generally, ch 12 Sec. 4; ch 
        51 Sec. 9
  Concur, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 15, 16
  Concur with amendment, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 15, 16
  Conference, sending bill to, before stage of disagreement (see also 
      CONFERENCE), ch 51 Sec. 14
  Debate on motions to dispose of--
    hour rule, applicability of, ch 16 Sec. 45
  Disagree and request or agree to conference, motion to, ch 51 
      Sec. Sec. 15, 16
  Disagreement, disposition after reaching stage of--
    adhere, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 24
    debate, ch 51 Sec. 25
    insist, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 22
    motions available and precedence of, generally, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 
    motions, privilege of, ch 51 Sec. 17
    privilege of motions, ch 51 Sec. 17
    recede and concur, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 20
    recede and concur with amendment, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 21

[[Page 1014]]

    recognition, ch 51 Sec. 25
    refer to committee, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 23
    table, motion to lay on, ch 51 Sec. 19
  Disagreement, disposition prior to stage of--
    Committee of the Whole, amendments requiring consideration in, 
        restrictions on House disposition of, ch 51 Sec. 9
    conference, sending to (see also CONFERENCE), ch 51 Sec. 14
    consideration by order of the House, generally, ch 51 Sec. 10
    consideration by suspension of the rules, ch 51 Sec. 13
    consideration by unanimous consent, ch 51 Sec. 12
    consideration pursuant to special rule, ch 51 Sec. 11
    House, consideration in, of amendments not requiring consideration 
        in Committee of the Whole, ch 51 Sec. 8
    House, restrictrions on disposition by, of amendments requiring 
        consideration in Committee of the Whole, ch 51 Sec. 9
    motions available and their precedence where amendment considered 
        pursuant to House order, ch 51 Sec. 15
    referral to committees, ch 51 Sec. 7
  Disagreement, stage of, generally--
    defined, ch 51 Sec. 16
    effects of reaching, on motions and procedures available, ch 51 
        Sec. Sec. 16, 18
    reached, how, ch 51 Sec. 16
  Disagree, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 15, 16
  Division of the question, applicability of demand for--
    concur, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 15
    concur with an amendment, ch 21 Sec. 15
    recede and concur, motion to, ch 21 Sec. 15
  Germaneness issues--
    amendments to Senate amendments, ch 26 Sec. 35; ch 51 Sec. 28
    conference reports and amendments in disagreement, nongermane Senate 
        provisions in, ch 26 Sec. 34; ch 51 Sec. 26
    motions to reject nongermane language, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 26, 28
    points of order, effect of, ch 51 Sec. 28
  Insist, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 22
  Legislation in Senate amendment to appropriation bill--
    amendments in House to Senate amendment, ch 4 Sec. 70
    conference managers, authority of, with respect to agreeing to 
        Senate amendment, ch 4 Sec. Sec. 70, 71
    House disposition of, ch 4 Sec. 70
  Motions available and their precedence for disposition of, after stage 
      of disagreement reached, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 18
  Motions available and their precedence for disposition of, prior to 
      stage of disagreement, ch 5 Sec. Sec. 15, 16
  Privileged for consideration, certain motions disposing of amendments 
      as, only after stage of disagreement reached, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 9, 
  Recede and concur, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 20
  Recede and concur with amendment, motion to, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 21
  Recommit, denial of motion to, special rule having effect of, ch 51 
      Sec. 11
  Referral to committee--
    motion to refer, ch 51 Sec. 7
    Speaker, by, ch 51 Sec. 7

[[Page 1015]]

    special rule, by, ch 51 Sec. 7
  Special rule, consideration by, ch 51 Sec. 11
  Special rule self-executing disposition of amendment (see also SPECIAL 
      RULES), ch 51 Sec. 11
  Suspension of the rules, consideration by, ch 51 Sec. 13
  Table, motion to, as applied to amendments or related motions, ch 29 
      Sec. 7; ch 51 Sec. 19
  Unanimous consent, consideration by, ch 51 Sec. 12


  Committee, authorization by, to call up, ch 51 Sec. 2
  General principles, ch 51 Sec. 1
  Motion, calling up certain bills by--
    committee, authorization by, ch 51 Sec. 2
    consideration of bill, ch 51 Sec. 2
    form of address, ch 51 Sec. 2
    substantially the same as House bill, Senate bill must be, ch 51 
        Sec. 2
  Private bills, ch 51 Sec. 2
  Referral to committee--
    discretion of Speaker, ch 51 Sec. 6
    Speaker, by, ch 51 Sec. 5
  Special rules--
    conditions imposed by, ch 51 Sec. 4
    consideration pursuant to, ch 51 Sec. 4
  Substantially the same as House bill, where bill is, ch 51 Sec. 2
  Unanimous consent, calling bill up by, ch 51 Sec. 3


  Adhere, motion to, to amendment, ch 51 Sec. Sec. 16, 29
  Degrees of amendment, permissible, applicability of rule restricting, 
      ch 51 Sec. 27
  Germaneness issues, see SENATE AMENDMENTS
  Insist on amendment, motion to, ch 51 Sec. 29
  Recede, motion to, from amendment, ch 51 Sec. 29

                           SENATE, PRACTICE IN

  Germaneness issues--
    appropriation bills, ch 26 Sec. 32
    budget, concurrent resolution on, ch 26 Sec. 32
    budget reconciliation bills, ch 26 Sec. 32
    cloture, after, ch 26 Sec. 32
    House, practice, comparison with, ch 26 Sec. 32
    unanimous-consent agreements prohibiting nongermane amendments, ch 
        26 Sec. 32
  Senate scope rule, ch 13 Sec. 21

                    SENATE, REFERENCES TO, IN DEBATE

  Action by Senate, not in order to urge, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Actions of Senate, characterizing, not in order, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Chair, initiative of, in enforcing rule, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Criticism of Senate, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Individual Senators, references to, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Intent of Senate as to legislation, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Legislative history, quotation from Senate proceedings used for 
      elucidation of, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Name, where Senator not referred to by, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Neutral references, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Permitted references, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Personal references to Senators prohibited, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Procedures in Senate, characterizing, ch 16 Sec. 23

[[Page 1016]]

  Proceedings, references to, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Quotation from Senate proceedings permitted in limited circumstances, 
      ch 16 Sec. 23
  Recognition, denial of further, for references, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Rule, applicable, ch 16 Sec. 23
  ``Senate,'' use of term, ch 16 Sec. 23
  Unanimous consent to make reference, ch 16 Sec. 23

                             SEE AMENDMENTS


  Continuance in office, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Duties of, ch 35 Sec. 1
  Order, role in maintaining, ch 16 Sec. 21


  Calendars, referral of bills to, see CALENDARS
  Chamber, authority over use of, ch 10 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Criticism of, see WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY
  Debate, participation in, ch 34 Sec. 5
  Duties of, ch 34 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Election of, ch 34 Sec. 3--
    Delegates and Resident Commissioner do not vote, ch 5 Sec. 4
    privilege, nominations are of highest, ch 5 Sec. 4
  Galleries, authority over, see GALLERIES
  Limitations on scope of responsibility, ch 34 Sec. 4
  Minority, role in protecting rights of, ch 34 Sec. 1
  Nominations for, ch 34 Sec. 3
  Order, preservation of, on floor and in galleries, see, e.g., DECORUM; 
  Recesses, authority to declare, see RECESS
  Role of, ch 34 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Rooms, unappropriated, authority as to, ch 10 Sec. 1
  Secret sessions, authority as to, see SECRET SESSIONS
  Senate bills on Speaker's table, see SENATE BILLS ON SPEAKER'S TABLE, 
  Term of office, ch 34 Sec. 2
  Unanimous-consent requests, proceedings relating to, see UNANIMOUS 
  Vacancy in office, ch 34 Sec. 2
  Voting, participation in, ch 34 Sec. 5

                           SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE

  Appointment of, ch 34 Sec. 6
  Authority of--
    elected or appointed Speaker pro tempore, authority of, ch 34 Sec. 6
    limitations on, ch 34 Sec. 6
  Election of, ch 34 Sec. 6
  Majority party, usually a member of, ch 34 Sec. 6
  Member of House, must be, ch 34 Sec. 6
  Oath of office, ch 34 Sec. 6



                         SPECIAL-ORDER SPEECHES

  Hour, one, Members designated by party leaders may speak for, ch 36 
      Sec. 3
    alternation between majority and minority, ch 16 Sec. 50

[[Page 1017]]

    limitations on recognition, ch 16 Sec. 50
    midnight, denial of recognition after, ch 16 Sec. 50
    policy statement by Speaker, ch 16 Sec. 50
  Time, limit on extension of, ch 16 Sec. 48
  Unanimous consent, by, ch 36 Sec. 3

                              SPECIAL RULES

  Amendment, process of, various forms of special rules affecting, ch 2 
      Sec. 11
  Amendment to be reported to House, rule specifying, where more than 
      one is adopted, ch 2 Sec. 30
  Amendments, order of consideration of, may be prescribed by, ch 2 
      Sec. 28
  Amendments to rule, ch 52 Sec. 4
  Applicability, generally, to various measures, ch 52 Sec. 1
  Budget resolutions, consideration of, see BUDGET PROCESS
  Calling up, ch 52 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
  Closed rule--
    generally, purpose of, ch 2 Sec. 11; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Committee on Rules--
    authority, restrictions on, ch 52 Sec. 1
    jurisdiction of, ch 52 Sec. 1
    recommit, motion to, restrictions on special rules that would 
        prevent, ch 52 Sec. 1
  Conditions stated in rule for consideration of measure, generally, ch 
      16 Sec. 3
  Debate, designating Members to control--
    amendment, manager of bill opposed to, ch 16 Sec. 14
    committee, reporting, chairman and ranking minority member of, ch 16 
        Sec. 14
    committees, multiple, dividing debate among, ch 16 Sec. 14
    time limits, establishing, ch 16 Sec. 44
  Debate, limiting or extending time for in House, ch 16 Sec. 48
  Debate on special rule--
    hour rule, under, ch 52 Sec. 4
    yielding time, Member in charge as, ch 16 Sec. 15; ch 52 Sec. 4
  Dilatory motions during consideration of rule not permitted, ch 52 
      Sec. 4
  Discharging rule from Committee on Rules, ch 19 Sec. Sec. 1, 3, 7
  Divisible, rule not, ch 52 Sec. 4
  En bloc, consideration of amendments, special rule may permit, ch 2 
      Sec. 30
  Filing of, form of, ch 52 Sec. 3
  ``First amendment adopted'' rule, ch 2 Sec. 30
  ``Hereby,'' adoption provided, see below, Self-executing adoption of 
      amendments or provisions
  ``King of the Hill'' procedure, ch 2 Sec. 30; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Mandatory, rule may make consideration, ch 16 Sec. 3
  Modification of rule by subsequent resolution, ch 52 Sec. 5
  Modification of rule by unanimous consent in House, ch 52 Sec. 5
  Modification of rule, material, not permitted in Committee of the 
      Whole, ch 12 Sec. 9; ch 52 Sec. 5
  Modified closed rule--
    generally, purpose of, ch 2 Sec. 11; ch 52 Sec. 6
    modification in Committee of the Whole of amendment made in order by 
        rule, ch 2 Sec. 37
  Modified open rule--
    generally, purpose of, ch 2 Sec. 11
  Open for a time, closed thereafter, rule--
    generally, purpose of, ch 2 Sec. 11; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Open rule--
    generally, purpose of, ch 2 Sec. 11; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Previous question on resolution, effect of rejection of, ch 52 Sec. 4

[[Page 1018]]

  Privilege, conferral of, on measure to be considered, ch 52 Sec. 1
  Recognition, effect on, of, ch 46 Sec. 14
  Recognition for debate on, ch 46 Sec. 13
  Recognition to call up, ch 46 Sec. 13
  Record, Congressional, application of rule permitting only amendments 
      printed in, ch 2 Sec. 12
  Reporting special rules--
    calling up, ch 52 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
    consideration, question of, not applicable, ch 52 Sec. 4
    precedence of report, ch 52 Sec. 2
    privilege of report, ch 52 Sec. 2
    same-day consideration, ch 52 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
    seven-day rule, calling up report under, ch 52 Sec. 2
  Same-day consideration of, ch 52 Sec. Sec. 2, 3
  Scope and uses of, generally, ch 16 Sec. 3; ch 52 Sec. 6
  Self-executing adoption of amendments or provisions--
    budget authority, new, amendment providing, see BUDGET PROCESS
    germaneness rule, point of order under, does not lie against, ch 26 
        Sec. 39
    purpose and form of provision self-executing adoption of amendment, 
        ch 2 Sec. 11; ch 52 Sec. 6
    Senate amendments (see also SENATE AMENDMENTS), ch 51 Sec. 11
  Seven-day rule, calling up report under, ch 52 Sec. 2
  Time limitations on debate, establishing--
    generally, ch 16 Sec. 44
  ``Top vote getter'' rule, ch 2 Sec. 30
  Unreported bill, providing for consideration of, ch 52 Sec. 1
  Voting on rule, ch 52 Sec. 4
  Waiver of points of order--
    (e.g., lack of three-day availability, germaneness, budget, 
        legislation on appropriation bills, and unauthorized 
    amendment, provision making in order, does not preclude points of 
        order in absence of specific waiver, ch 2 Sec. 11
    conference reports, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 24, 25, 28, 30
    implied, waiver is not, in absence of specific waiver, ch 2 Sec. 11
    Ramseyer rule, waiver of, ch 11 Sec. 30
    specific waiver, provision making amendment in order does not 
        preclude points of order in absence of, ch 2 Sec. 11
    statutory provisions enacted as exercise of rule-making authority, 
        ch 52 Sec. 1



                           SUSPENSION OF RULES

  Adoption of motion--
    vote, two-thirds, ch 16 Sec. 4
  Conference report, adoption of, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Days on which motion in order, see below, Motion
  Debate on motion, see below, Motion
  Division of the question, see DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR VOTING
  Legislative measures, passage of, ch 53 Sec. 2
    adoption, effect of, ch 53 Sec. 3
    amendments, restrictions on, ch 53 Sec. 8
    application of, ch 53 Sec. 1
    consideration of, ch 53 Sec. 7

[[Page 1019]]

    days on which in order, ch 16 Sec. 2; ch 53 Sec. Sec. 1, 4, 5
    debate on, ch 16 Sec. 4; ch 53 Sec. 7
    notice requirements, ch 53 Sec. 4
    offering, ch 53 Sec. 6
    postponing votes on, ch 53 Sec. 10
    precedence of, ch 53 Sec. 5
    recognition to offer, ch 53 Sec. 6
    rule authorizing, ch 53 Sec. 1
    uses of, ch 53 Sec. 1
    voting on, ch 53 Sec. 10
    withdrawal of, ch 53 Sec. 9
  Motions that are not applied during consideration of motion to 
      suspend, ch 53 Sec. 5
  Notice requirements, see above, Motion
  Privileged, motion as, on specified days, ch 16 Sec. 2; ch 53 
      Sec. Sec. 1, 4, 5
  Rule authorizing, ch 53 Sec. 1
  Rules that are deemed suspended, ch 53 Sec. 3
  Special rules, effect of, ch 53 Sec. 1
  Subject to suspension, rules that are, ch 53 Sec. 3
  Subject to suspension, rules that are not, ch 53 Sec. 3
  Uses of motion, see above, Motion

                         TABLE, MOTION TO LAY ON

  Adoption, effect of, ch 29 Sec. Sec. 1, 7
  Application to particular propositions--
    bills and resolutions, ch 29 Sec. 4
    conference reports on bills in disagreement, not applicable to, ch 
        29 Sec. 4
    motions, certain, ch 29 Sec. 5
    special rules, applicable to, only after rejection of previous 
        question, ch 29 Sec. 4
  Collateral matters carried to table, ch 29 Sec. 7
  Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 3 Sec. 5; ch 12 Sec. 20; 
      ch 29 Sec. 2
  Debate on, ch 29 Sec. 6
  Disposing of, ch 29 Sec. 6
  Precedence of, ch 29 Sec. 3
  Previous question--
    ordered, motion to table not in order after previous question is, ch 
        29 Sec. 3
    pending ordering of, ch 29 Sec. 3
    rejection of, motion to table in order after, ch 29 Sec. 3
  Procedure for considering, ch 29 Sec. 6
  Reconsideration of affirmative vote on motion, ch 29 Sec. 8
  Rejection, effect of, ch 29 Sec. 1
  Related matters carried to table when certain propositions are tabled, 
      ch 29 Sec. 7
  Reoffering measure that has been tabled--
    identical or similar in form, ch 29 Sec. 8
    privileges of House, question of, ch 29 Sec. 8
  Senate amendments, tabling motions relating to, ch 29 Sec. 7; ch 51 
      Sec. 19
  Taking matter from table, ch 29 Sec. 8
  Time for making, ch 29 Sec. 2
  Writing, demand that motion be in, ch 29 Sec. 6


  Point of order may be made ``at any time,'' ch 2 Sec. 34
  Point of order may lie against amendments, ch 6 Sec. 21
  Test to determine if appropriation constitutes, ch 4 Sec. 50


  Conference report, in, ch 13 Sec. 36
  Rule, applicable, ch 58 Sec. 29

[[Page 1020]]

                          TELEPHONES, WIRELESS

  Restrictions on use of, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 16 Sec. 21


  Restrictions on, ch 10 Sec. 5
  Speaker's authority as to, ch 10 Sec. 5


                            UNANIMOUS CONSENT

  Committee of the Whole, restrictions on use in, ch 12 Sec. 2; ch 54 
      Sec. Sec. 1, 8
  Consideration of measures pursuant to agreement--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 54 Sec. 8
    House, in, ch 54 Sec. 7
  Denial, grounds for, ch 54 Sec. 9
  Effect of agreement, ch 54 Sec. 1
  Form of making request, ch 54 Sec. 4
  House, as affecting business in, ch 54 Sec. 7
  Limitations on requests, ch 54 Sec. 9
  Modification of agreement, ch 54 Sec. 10
  Objections to request--
    effect, ch 54 Sec. 5
    reserving, ch 54 Sec. 6
  Recognition for requests--
    Speaker's guidelines, ch 54 Sec. 2
    specific purpose, ch 54 Sec. 2
    unreported measures, ch 54 Sec. 2
  Reconsideration of agreement, ch 54 Sec. 10
  Restrictions on uses of requests, ch 54 Sec. 9
  Revocation of agreement, ch 54 Sec. 10
  Time for making requests, ch 54 Sec. 3
  Use of requests, ch 54 Sec. 1
  Waiver of points of order--
    conference reports, against, ch 13 Sec. Sec. 24, 25, 28, 30
    Ramseyer rule, waiver of, ch 11 Sec. 30
  Waiver, rules not subject to, ch 54 Sec. 9
  Withdrawal of amendment in Committee of the Whole, AMENDMENTS; 
  Withdrawal of request, ch 54 Sec. 4

                           UNFINISHED BUSINESS

  Adjournment, business unfinished at, ch 55 Sec. 1
  Committee of the Whole, rising of, before action completed on measure, 
      ch 12 Sec. Sec. 19, 29; ch 55 Sec. 7
  Day certain, business postponed to, ch 55 Sec. 6
  Days, designated, business considered on, ch 55 Sec. 4
  Defined, ch 55 Sec. 1
  Enacting clause, recommendation as to striking, upon rejection of, ch 
      12 Sec. 19
  Postponement of business to day certain, effect of, ch 55 Sec. 6
  Previous question, effect of having ordered, ch 55 Sec. 3
  Quorum, lack of, effect of, ch 55 Sec. 5
  Rise, business pending at time of motion to, ch 12 Sec. Sec. 19, 29; 
      ch 55 Sec. 7
  Speaker's authority to postpone questions (see also POSTPONEMENT), ch 
      55 Sec. 1
  Voting as--
    postponement of vote, effect of, ch 55 Sec. 5
    quorum, postponement for lack of, ch 55 Sec. 5




  Constitutional provisions, ch 57 Sec. 1
  Debate in House, ch 57 Sec. 5
  Discharge, motion to, committee from consideration of veto message and 
    agreed to, effect where, ch 57 Sec. 4

[[Page 1021]]

    debatable under hour rule, ch 19 Sec. 8; ch 57 Sec. 4
    precedence of, ch 19 Sec. 8
    privileged, ch 19 Sec. 8; ch 57 Sec. 4
    table, effect of adoption of motion to lay on, ch 19 Sec. 8
    table, subject to motion to lay on, ch 19 Sec. 8
  House action on vetoed bills--
    generally, ch 57 Sec. 2
    debate, ch 57 Sec. 5
  Line Item Veto Act--
    generally, ch 57 Sec. 8
    Constitution, held to violate presentment clause of, ch 7 Sec. 17; 
        ch 57 Sec. 8
    history and use, ch 7 Sec. 17; ch 57 Sec. 8
  Messages, ch 57 Sec. Sec. 1, 2
  Motions in order, ch 57 Sec. 4
  Pocket veto--
    adjournment, final, use after, ch 57 Sec. 7
    adjournment, intersession, effect of, ch 57 Sec. 7
    adjournment, intrasession, effect of, ch 57 Sec. 7
    defined, ch 57 Sec. 1
    receive messages, conferral of authority to, effect of, ch 57 Sec. 7
  Postponement of consideration, ch 57 Sec. 4
  Previous question on reconsideration of bill, status of motion for, ch 
      57 Sec. 2
  Privileged, consideration as, ch 57 Sec. 3
  Referral to committee, ch 57 Sec. 4
  Time period in which President must act on bill, ch 57 Sec. Sec. 1, 7
  Voting to override--
    reconsider, motion to, not in order, ch 57 Sec. 6
    two-thirds vote, ch 57 Sec. 6


                             VICE PRESIDENT

  Disability of President, see PRESIDENT
  House and Senate, role of, in filling vacancy in office of, ch 24 
      Sec. 4
  Vacancy in office of, ch 24 Sec. 4


  Absent Members, voting by proxy for, prohibited, ch 58 Sec. 3
  Adjourn, motion to, see ADJOURNMENT
  Amendments, order of voting on, see AMENDMENTS
  Announcements by Members absent for vote, ch 58 Sec. 28
  Ballot, vote by, ch 58 Sec. 1
  Bells and signals--
    alerts, voting, ch 58 Sec. 20
    changes in system announced, ch 10 Sec. 3
    malfunctions, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 58 Sec. 20
    meaning of the various signals, ch 58 Sec. 20
    quorum calls, used to alert Members to, ch 10 Sec. 3; ch 58 Sec. 20
  Chair, role of--
    count by Chair, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 6, 10
    decisive, duty when vote would be, ch 58 Sec. 5
    duties generally, ch 58 Sec. 4
    question, putting the, ch 58 Sec. 4
    voting by Chair, ch 58 Sec. 5
  Changing vote, ch 58 Sec. 25
  Closing vote, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 20, 24
  ``Clustered'' votes, see below, Postponing proceedings
  Conference reports, see CONFERENCE REPORTS
  Conviction of crime, effect of, on Member's right to vote, see ETHICS
  Correction of record, ch 58 Sec. 26
  Corrections Day Calendar, bill called up from, three-fifths vote 
      required on, ch 58 Sec. 29
  Count by Chair, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 6, 10
  Demand for yeas and nays, see below, Yeas and nays

[[Page 1022]]

  Disqualification to vote, ch 58 Sec. 8
  Division of the question, see DIVISION OF THE QUESTION FOR VOTING
  Division vote--
    count, ch 58 Sec. 10
    defined, ch 12 Sec. 17; ch 58 Sec. 10
    demand for, ch 58 Sec. 10
    interruptions during count, ch 58 Sec. 10
    recorded, not, ch 58 Sec. 9
    recorded vote or yea and nay vote, precedence of demand for, ch 58 
        Sec. 10
    timeliness of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 10
  Duty of Members, ch 58 Sec. 7
  Electronic voting system--
    changing vote, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 2, 25
    correcting vote, ch 58 Sec. 26
    malfunction in, ch 58 Sec. 2
    recapitulations, ch 58 Sec. 27
    verification of vote, ch 58 Sec. 2
  Engrossment, see ENGROSSMENT
  Excusing Member from, ch 58 Sec. 7
  ``Fifteen-and-five'' votes, ch 58 Sec. 21
  Fifteen-minute votes, ch 58 Sec. 20
  Five-minute votes in House, ch 58 Sec. 21
  Methods of, generally, ch 58 Sec. 1
  Open, holding vote, ch 58 Sec. 24
  Order of voting on amendments, see AMENDMENTS
  Pairing, ch 58 Sec. 19
  Postponing proceedings--
    amendments, on, ch 58 Sec. 22
    Chairman of Committee of the Whole may postpone and cluster requests 
        for recorded votes on amendments, ch 2 Sec. 28; ch 58 Sec. 22
    ``clustered'' votes in Committee of the Whole, ch 58 Sec. 22
    ``clustered'' votes in House, ch 58 Sec. 23
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 58 Sec. 22
    discretion of Chair, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 22, 23
    House, in, ch 58 Sec. 23
    withdrawal of request for recorded vote on amendment on which 
        proceedings had been postponed, disposition of amendment in 
        accord with earlier voice vote after, ch 2 Sec. 28
  Preference, announcement as to voting, by Member who was absent, ch 58 
      Sec. 28
  Proxy voting prohibited, ch 58 Sec. 3
  Recapitulations, ch 58 Sec. 27
  Recorded, certain votes are not--
    division vote, see above, Division vote
    teller vote, see below, Teller vote
    voice vote, see below, Voice vote
  Recorded vote--
    Committee of the Whole, in, ch 58 Sec. 12
    constitutional provisions, ch 58 Sec. 12
    defined, ch 12 Sec. 17; ch 58 Sec. 12
    demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12
    pairing, ch 58 Sec. 19
    quorum required for demand in certain cases, ch 58 Sec. 12
    renewal of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12
    repetition of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12
    roll call votes, ch 58 Sec. 17
    teller votes with clerks, ch 58 Sec. 18
    timeliness of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12
    withdrawal of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12; ch 59 Sec. 5
    withdrawal of request for, disposition of amendment in accord with 
        earlier voice vote after, ch 2 Sec. 28
    yea and nay votes, see below, Yea and nay votes
  Reducing time for voting, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 21, 22
  Result of vote, effect of announcing, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 24, 25
  Roll call--
    adjourn, motion to, prior to, ch 58 Sec. 17
    defined, ch 12 Sec. 17; ch 58 Sec. 17

[[Page 1023]]

    interruptions, ch 58 Sec. 17
  Separate vote in House on amendments adopted in Committee of the 
      Whole, see AMENDMENTS
  Super-majority votes, ch 58 Sec. 29
  Tax rate increase, income, requiring three-fifths vote, see TAX RATE 
  Tellers, vote by--
    clerks, with, ch 58 Sec. 18
    defined, ch 12 Sec. 17; ch 58 Sec. 18
    recorded, not, certain votes are, ch 58 Sec. 11
    recorded vote, ch 58 Sec. 18
  Tie votes, ch 58 Sec. 29
  Time periods for--
    additional time for Members to vote, permitting, ch 58 Sec. 24
    bells and signals, see above, Bells and signals
    closing vote, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 20, 24
    discretion of Chair, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 20, 21, 24
    ``fifteen-and-five'' votes, ch 58 Sec. 21
    fifteen-minute votes, ch 58 Sec. 20
    five-minute votes in House, ch 58 Sec. 21
    open, holding vote, ch 58 Sec. 24
    reduce time, discretion of chair to, ch 58 Sec. Sec. 21, 22
    reduce time, unanimous consent to, ch 58 Sec. 21
    result of vote, effect of announcing, ch 58 Sec. 24
  Two-thirds vote, requirement of, on certain propositions, ch 58 
      Sec. 29
  Voice vote--
    defined, ch 12 Sec. 17; ch 58 Sec. 9
    questioning result, ch 58 Sec. 9
    recorded, not, ch 58 Sec. 9
  Yeas and nays--
    adjournment, effect of, ch 58 Sec. 13
    ``automatic'' yea and nay votes, ch 58 Sec. 16
    Committee of the Whole, not in order in, ch 58 Sec. 12
    constitutional provisions, ch 58 Sec. 12
    demand for, ch 58 Sec. 14
    effect of ordering, ch 58 Sec. 13
    ordering, ch 58 Sec. 13
    precedence of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 14
    procedure for voting, ch 58 Sec. 15
    quorum not necessary for demand, ch 58 Sec. 14
    reconsideration of vote on ordering or on the main question, ch 58 
        Sec. 15
    recorded votes, other, distinguished, ch 58 Sec. 12
    repetition of demand, ch 58 Sec. 14
    time for making demand, ch 58 Sec. 14
    withdrawal of demand for, ch 58 Sec. 14; ch 59 Sec. 5


  Amendment, of, ch 59 Sec. Sec. 1, 4
  Demand that words be taken down, ch 59 Sec. 4
  Modify, right to, as related to right to withdraw, ch 59 Sec. 3
  Motions, of, ch 59 Sec. 1
  Points of order, of, ch 59 Sec. 4
  Precluded, when withdrawal of matter may be, ch 59 Sec. 2
  Quorum, point of order of no, ch 59 Sec. 4
  Reservation of point of order, of, ch 59 Sec. 4
  Resolution, of, ch 59 Sec. 1
  Vote, recorded, demand for, ch 58 Sec. 12; ch 59 Sec. 5
  Words, unparliamentary, of, ch 59 Sec. 4

                         WORDS, UNPARLIAMENTARY

  Censure for, early cases of, ch 25 Sec. 23
    context of debate as factor in determining propriety, ch 16 Sec. 38
    meaning, current, ch 16 Sec. 38

[[Page 1024]]

    rulings, illustrative, ch 16 Sec. 38
  Committee of the Whole, action taken by--
    demand that words be taken down, ch 16 Sec. 27
    point of order, ch 16 Sec. 27
    reporting words to House, ch 16 Sec. 27
  Committees or their actions, remarks criticizing--
    remarks ruled in order, ch 16 Sec. 34
    remarks ruled out of order, ch 16 Sec. 34
  Context of debate as factor in determining propriety, ch 16 
      Sec. Sec. 22, 31, 38
  Criticism of House or Members, see below, e.g., House or membership 
      generally, references to
  Disciplinary action, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 31, 32
  Expiration of time, verbal outburst after, ch 16 Sec. 22
  Explain words, permission to, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 28, 30
  Explain words, request by Speaker that Member, ch 16 Sec. 30
  Expunging remarks from Record, ch 15 Sec. 3
  Factors considered in judging propriety, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 22, 31, 38
  Floor, losing, ch 16 Sec. 17
  House, list of procedures available in, ch 16 Sec. 26
  House or membership generally, references to--
    critical comments ruled in order, ch 16 Sec. 33
    critical comments ruled out of order, ch 16 Sec. 33
  Legislative actions or proposals, criticism of--
    motives, personal, impugning, ch 16 Sec. 36
    political motivation for positions, ch 16 Sec. 36
  Loyalty, reference to others'--
    rulings, illustrative, ch 16 Sec. 43
  Members, other, remarks criticizing, see below, Words considered as 
      out of order
  Newspapers or other publications, excerpts from, ch 16 Sec. 37; ch 25 
      Sec. 5
  Papers, reading from, ch 16 Sec. 28
  Patriotism, references to others'--
    rulings, illustrative, ch 16 Sec. 43
  Permitting Member to proceed, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 31, 32
  Personalities, engaging in--
    call to order for, ch 16 Sec. 22
  Personal privilege, question of, not based on words in debate, ch 16 
      Sec. 27
  President, references to, ch 16 Sec. 25
  Procedure upon demand that words be taken down, see below, Taking down 
      the words, procedure for, upon demand
  Proceed in order, permitting Member to, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 31, 32
  Record, expunging remarks from, ch 15 Sec. 3; ch 16 Sec. Sec. 29, 32
  Record, material inserted in, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 22, 28
  Sarcasm or satire--
    context of debate as factor in determining propriety, ch 16 Sec. 38
    rulings, illustrative, ch 16 Sec. 38
    tone and mannerisms as factors in determining propriety, ch 16 
        Sec. 38
  Senate, references to, see SENATE, REFERENCES TO, IN DEBATE
  Speaker, criticism of--
    conduct that is subject of investigation, ch 16 Sec. 35
    ruling of Speaker, remarks questioning propriety of, ch 16 Sec. 35
    ruling, Speaker may appoint Member to make, ch 16 Sec. 35
    timeliness of challenge to remarks, ch 16 Sec. 35
    vote count, questioning, ch 16 Sec. 35
  Speaker's ruling--
    appeals from, ch 16 Sec. 31

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    context of debate as factor in determining propriety, ch 16 
        Sec. Sec. 22, 31, 38
    dictionary, use of, ch 16 Sec. 31
    disciplinary action by House, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 31, 32
    factors considered in judging propriety, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 22, 31, 38
    mannerisms as factor in determination, ch 16 Sec. 38
    tone of voice as factor in determination, ch 16 Sec. 38
  Taking down the words, procedure for, upon demand--
    Committee of the Whole, rising of, ch 12 Sec. 16
    debate on words objected to not in order, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 28, 31
    form of demand, ch 16 Sec. 28
    permission to explain words, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 28, 30
    Speaker's ruling, see above, Speaker's ruling
    timeliness of demand, ch 16 Sec. 28
    withdrawal of demand, ch 16 Sec. 28
  Timeliness of objection to words, ch 16 Sec. 28
  Truth of allegations as to unethical behavior not a defense to point 
      of order, ch 16 Sec. 37
  Vice President, references to, ch 16 Sec. 25
  Withdrawal of demand that words be taken down, ch 16 Sec. 28; ch 59 
      Sec. 4
  Withdrawal or modification of words, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 29, 31; ch 59 
      Sec. 4
  Words considered as out of order--
    committees or their actions, remarks critical of, illustrative 
        rulings on, ch 16 Sec. 34
    cutthroat or gambler, ch 16 Sec. 38
    demagoguery, charges of, ch 16 Sec. 36
    deception, charges as to, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 37, 40
    falsehood, charges as to, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 37, 40
    gambler or cutthroat, ch 16 Sec. 38
    House or membership generally, remarks critical of, illustrative 
        rulings on, ch 16 Sec. 33
    identifiable Member, personal remarks about, ch 16 Sec. 37
    intelligence, lack of, ch 16 Sec. 41
    knowledge, lack of, ch 16 Sec. 41
    lying, accusations of, ch 16 Sec. 40
    Members, other, illustrative rulings on remarks criticizing, ch 16 
        Sec. 37
    motives, personal, remarks questioning, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 36, 37, 39
    personalities, engaging in, ch 16 Sec. 22
    President, personal or offensive references to, ch 16 Sec. 25
    race, reference to another's, ch 16 Sec. 42
    racism, ch 16 Sec. Sec. 36, 42
    religion, gratuitous reference to another's, ch 16 Sec. 42
    Senate, references to, see SENATE, REFERENCES TO, IN DEBATE
    snooper, ch 16 Sec. 37
    Speaker, criticism of, see above, Speaker, criticism of
    stool pigeon, ch 16 Sec. 38
    vice and meannesses, prodigy of, ch 16 Sec. 38
  Words not considered as out of order--
    arguments or position on legislative proposal, remarks criticizing, 
        as allowed wide latitude, ch 16 Sec. 37
    committees or their actions, remarks critical of, illustrative 
        rulings on, ch 16 Sec. 34
    English, if the gentleman can understand, ch 16 Sec. 38
    House or membership generally, remarks critical of, illustrative 
        rulings on, ch 16 Sec. 33

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    legislative actions or proposals, criticism of, not impugning 
        personal motives, ch 16 Sec. 36
    Members, other, illustrative rulings on remarks criticizing, ch 16 
        Sec. 37
    motives, political, remarks questioning, ch 16 Sec. 36
    political motives, remarks questioning, ch 16 Sec. 36
    President, motives of, remarks as to, ch 16 Sec. 25