United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Homeless Veterans

Homeless Veterans Prevention

Includes the National Call Center for Homeless Veterans, the Veterans Justice Programs, and the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program.

National Call Center for Homeless Veterans

VA has founded a National Call Center for Homeless Veterans to ensure that homeless Veterans or Veterans at-risk for homelessness have free, 24/7 access to trained counselors. The hotline is intended to assist homeless Veterans and their families, VA Medical Centers, federal, state and local partners, community agencies, service providers and others in the community. To be connected with trained VA staff member call 1-877-4AID VET (877-424-3838). National Call Center Webpage

Health Care for Re-entry

The Health Care for Re-entry Veterans (HCRV) Program is designed to address the community re-entry needs of incarcerated Veterans.  HCRV's goals are to prevent homelessness, reduce the impact of medical, psychiatric, and substance abuse problems upon community re-adjustment, and decrease the likelihood of re-incarceration for those leaving prison.  HCRV Webpage 

Veteran Justice Outreach

The purpose of the Veteran Justice Outreach (VJO) initiative is to avoid the unnecessary criminalization of mental illness and extended incarceration among Veterans by ensuring that eligible justice-involved Veterans have timely access to VHA mental health and substance abuse services when clinically indicated, and other VA services and benefits as appropriate.Veteran Justice Outreach Webpage

Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program

The Supportive Services for Veteran Families (SSVF) Program is a new VA program that provides supportive services to very low-income Veterans and their families who are in or transitioning to permanent housing.  VA awards grants to private non-profit organizations and consumer cooperatives who assist very low-income Veterans and their families by providing a range of supportive services designed to promote housing stability. For more information, please see the PDF Document SSVF Program Factsheet, the PDF Document Final Rule, and the list of PDF Document SSVF Program Frequently Asked Questions (Updated January 17, 2012).  In December, 2011, VA released its second SSVF Notice of Fund Availability (NOFA).  Details about the NOFA and the grant application process are available on the Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program Webpage


Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration Program (VHPD)

The purpose of the Veterans Homelessness Prevention Demonstration (VHPD) Program is to explore ways the Federal government can offer early intervention homelessness prevention.  The primary focus of this program is Veterans returning from wars in Iraq and Afghanistan with a focus on the increasing number of female Veterans, Veterans with families especially with a single head of household, as well as those from the National Guard and Reserve who are being discharged from the military.  It is anticipated that this demonstration program will provide an opportunity to understand the unique needs of this new cohort of Veterans, and will support efforts to identify, conduct outreach and assist them in regaining and maintaining housing stability.  VHPD Webpage