Top Immigration Officials Describe Border Chaos Resulting From Admin's Amnesty Policy

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Published on Jul 26, 2012 by

Sen. Sessions hosted a press conference today with top officials from two unions that represent U.S. immigration law enforcement agencies.

ICE agent Chris Crane is President of the National Immigration and Customs Enforcement Council, the union representing America's more than 7,000 ICE agents and personnel. Border Patrol agent George McCubbin, III is President of the National Border Patrol Council, the union representing America's more than 17,000 border agents and personnel.

To view video of Mr. Crane explaining that ICE agents face the spectre of losing their jobs for simply enforcing the law, click here:

From Sen. Sessions' remarks:
"The Administration claims it has diligently enforced immigration law and that the border is 'more secure than ever.' But those on the front lines know this to be untrue. They see the violence, chaos and lawlessness. They have lost confidence in the leadership of their agencies...

As you will hear today, this administration has engaged in a sustained, relentless effort to undermine America's immigration laws. They have handcuffed and muffled those charged with protecting the public safety and the integrity of our borders. Such action has not only weakened our security but our democracy...

All Americans, immigrant and native born, will have a better future if our nation remains unique in the world for the special reverence it places in the rule of law and fairness in our immigration system."


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  • This chaos will be ignored by the administration just like Fast & Furious. Our country is falling apart. We need to stop this administration before it is too late!

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  • Bottom line, the regime WANTS chaos on the border and low morale amongst the border patrol. In fact, nothing would make the tyrants happier than if all 24,000 quit their posts.

    NoBama 2012!

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  • willdit1.. do u really think that Fast and Furious wouldn't have happened if Obama disapproved??

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  • Obuma has chose to ignore this!

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  • Gotta love Sen. Jeff Sessions. He keeps exposing the illegal activities of the Obama regime.

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  • The greatest enemy of the United States of America is Obama.

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  • Oddly enough, Sessions' people have approved plenty of crazy comments, but didn't approve my comment taking the Teapartiers to task for allowing things like the border chaos to happen.

    It wouldn't have been that difficult for TPers to help those like me oppose pushes for amnesty. Instead, they chose to harp on things that aren't as important as immigration, such as national debt rounding errors.

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  • Obama is likely being supported by a powerful outside force. My guess in the MB. This is probably why he won't be impeached.

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  • I got that survey twice. It said something in print like I was required to fill it out and return it. I threw both in the garbage.

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  • Pull our troops out of the middle east and let them patrol our permanent housing and let them rotate on 2 month shifts...then they can go home and see their families. We have oil right under our feet...we don't need the middle east.

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  • Americans are too busy invading other people's countries to be able to adequately secure their own borders.

    If Mexico had a healthy, stable economy like Canada, their numbers crossing our borders would be nil. Instead, the U.S. Government has worked tirelessly to destabilize the Mexican economy and exploit Mexican labor on both sides of the border.

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