January 2010 Archives

“It is disappointing that after a year of failed bank bailouts and reckless spending has failed to produce real jobs, the President seems to be doubling down.  I suppose it is human nature that the more we invest in our mistakes, the less willing we are to admit them.  But it doesn’t make for wise public policy.

“America’s future prosperity depends on restoring freedom of enterprise, not interposing government into every aspect of our lives.  That’s what the stunning reversal in the polls and at the polls is telling the President, but he doesn’t seem to be listening.”

The Agony of the Central Valley

House Chamber, Washington D.C.
January 26, 2010

Madam Speaker:

For many months, the Republicans on the Water and Power Sub-Committee of the House Natural Resources Committee have implored the majority Read Full Speech.

The Agony of the Central Valley

The Agony of the Central Valley
House Chamber, Washington D.C.
January 26, 2010

Madam Speaker:

For many months, the Republicans on the Water and Power Sub-Committee of the House Natural Resources Committee have implored the majority Democrats to hold a hearing in the Central Valley of California to see and hear for themselves the damage that the federal government has caused by diverting 200 billion gallons of water away from Central Valley farms in order to indulge the environmental Left’s pet cause, the Delta Smelt.

After our pleas were met with continued stonewalling, we decided to hold a forum under our own auspices and invite all members of the California Congressional Delegation, all members of the Natural Resources Committee and representatives of the Obama administration to see firsthand what their policies have wrought.

Instead, after we had announced the forum, the Water and Power Sub-Committee Chairwoman decided to meet on the same day in Southern California to extol the virtues of water conservation.

Congress has thus made clear its intention to sacrifice the people of the San Joaquin Valley on the altar of environmental extremism.

Despite heavy rains over the past month, the Administration continues to blame a relatively mild drought for the fact Valley farmers will receive only five percent of the water they are entitled to.  This does not explain how, in far more severe droughts than this, Valley farmers have received far greater allocations.  Nor does it explain how these massive water diversions for the Delta Smelt are justified if supplies are so constratined.

Had the Democrats come to Fresno, they would have heard and seen the anguish of the people of the Central Valley of California.  The water diversions have destroyed a half-million acres of the most productive farmland in America and thrown 30,000 Central Valley families into unemployment. 

They would have heard the stories of food lines in communities that once prided themselves on being the breadbasket of the western United States.  They would have heard about the frustration of seeing produce imported from China being handed out in those food lines to the very same American farmers who once supplied the same produce to the world.

And they would have seen the anger as the absent Interior Secretary’s testimony to the Natural Resources Committee last year was played back, in which he admitted that the Obama administration has the authority to turn the water pumps back on, but that it chooses not to do so because that would be “like admitting failure.” 

There is some good news.  This afternoon, the day after our forum in Fresno, the Interior Secretary relented to the extent of releasing 350,000 to 400,000 acre-feet of water already owned by Central Valley farmers.  Having demonstrated his authority to do so, he now needs to follow through and release the water that he holds hostage to the Delta Smelt.

Meanwhile, Mr. Nunes of California has introduced HR 3105, the “Turn On the Pumps Act,” which does exactly the same thing that Congress did under far less severe circumstances several years ago in New Mexico.  Met with the same intransigence from the Water and Power Subcommittee, Mr. Nunes has filed a discharge petition to bypass that subcommittee and bring that bill directly to the House for a vote.  It needs 218 signatures.  So far it has 105 – 104 Republicans and only 1 Democrat.

Madam Speaker, I assure you that it is not only the Central Valley that is suffering.  The willful destruction of 500,000 acres of American farmland by these massive water diversions – all for the enjoyment and amusement of the three-inch long Delta Smelt -- is reflected in the rising prices for produce that families are feeling far beyond the Congressionally created dustbowl of California’s Central Valley.

Nor is the Delta Smelt doing any better.  Despite these massive water diversions, the Delta Smelt population fell back to the historic low set in 2005, and is now well below the high points recorded in the late 1970s.  Given these findings, how can anybody argue that the Delta pumping restrictions are benefiting the Delta Smelt. 

Madam Speaker, I promised to carry the plea from the many Americans who poured their hearts out to us in Fresno on Monday for Congress to come to the Central Valley and see what their policies have caused.  I place their invitation before you.


The Legitimacy of our Government Depends on the Legitimacy of the Vote

House Chamber, Washington, D.C.
January 20, 2010
Mr. Speaker:
I never thought I would see the day when a commentator entrusted by a major broadcast network with the ability to reach millions of listeners would use his influence to incite voter fraud, but this week we passed that unfortunate milestone.
On Friday the 15th, MSNBC commentator Ed Schultz told his nationally syndicated radio audience: “I tell you what, if I lived in Massachusetts I’d try to vote ten times. I don’t know if they’d let me or not, but I’d try to. Yeah, that’s right. I’d cheat to keep these bastards out. I would.” This could be dismissed as an unfortunate verbal excess brought on by the passion of the moment, except for the fact that when given the opportunity to retract the statement, Mr. Schultz embellished it in a way that makes it crystal clear that his words were deliberate and calculated. He said, “I misspoke on Friday. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I meant to say, if I could vote 20 times that’s what I’d do.” Later he said, “Let me be very clear – I’m not advocating voter fraud, I’m just telling you what I would do.” 
Mr. Speaker, exactly how does one not advocate voter fraud when three times on national broadcasts you say that’s what you would do?
This can only be interpreted as incitement to commit voter fraud in a pivotal election in the course of our nation.   As such, it strikes at the very foundation of our democratic traditions and our constitutional institutions. In every election -- win, lose or draw -- it is of utmost importance that the vote be fair, that it be accurate, and that it has the confidence of every citizen – both those in the majority and those in the minority. If we cannot trust the sanctity of the vote, we have destroyed the legitimacy of that vote and with it the legitimacy of our government. 
All of our governing institutions and all of their acts rest upon a single foundation: fair and free elections which guarantee that those who exercise authority under our Constitution do so “deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
It is this principle that Mr. Schultz has sought to desecrate and demean.  His statements excusing voter fraud weaken the single most important mechanism of our democracy and undermine our form of government. 
His words deserve – indeed, they demand – the contempt and condemnation of every American. And they deserve immediate action by those who have accorded him his broadcast platforms and whose silence and inaction thus far can only be described as a disgrace.
House Chamber, Washington, D.C. January 20, 2010
Mr. Speaker: I never thought I would see the day when a commentator entrusted by a major broadcast network... 
Full Remarks

Event: Town Hall Meeting with Constituents When: Saturday January 23, 2010 Time: 10:00am Location: Oak Ridge High School-in the “Big Gym” 1120 Harvard Way, El Dorado Hills

Deficits Made in California Should Stay in California

January 13, 2010
Mr. Speaker:
Yesterday I addressed the demand of Gov. Schwarzenegger for federal aid by noting the devastating impact that his tax increases have had on California’s economy.   Tax increases that were supposed to bring in $13 billion of additional revenue have instead crushed the brittle economy and cost $10 billion in lost revenues in just nine months.
California’s revenue problem isn’t the only thing made in Sacramento. Its spending problem is also self-inflicted.   
When Schwarzenegger took office, California was spending $78 billion. Instead of hitting the brakes, he hit the accelerator and in just four and a half years increased spending by a stunning 40 percent. When state revenues peaked in July of 2008 at an all-time high of $97 billion, California was already running a $9 billion deficit.
Mr. Speaker, budget deficits that are made in California need to stay in California. And that goes for the other 49 states as well.

Deficits Made in California Should Stay in California January 13, 2010

Mr. Speaker: Yesterday I addressed the demand of Gov. Schwarzenegger for federal aid by noting the devastating impact that his tax increases have had on California’s economy.

Schwarzenegger's Folly

Schwarzenegger’s Folly House Chamber, Washington, D.C. January 12, 2010 Mr. Speaker: California’s governor is seeking billions of dollars of additional federal aid to fill his ever-widening budget deficits. Full Remarks

Schwarzenegger's Folly

Schwarzenegger’s Folly, House Chamber, Washington, D.C., January 12, 2010.  Mr. Speaker:

California’s governor is seeking billions of dollars of additional federal aid to fill his ever-widening budget deficits. 

Last April, he imposed the biggest tax increase by any state in American history, despite repeated warnings of the damage it would do to the state’s economy.  California already had the highest sales and income taxes in the nation – he increased both. 

The taxes were supposed to produce $13 billion in additional revenue.  But after nine months, California’s sales tax collections are down $270 million; income tax collections are down $10 billion.  The only major tax not raised – the corporate tax -- is the only tax that’s producing more revenue – up about $2.4 billion in the same period.

I have a modest suggestion for Gov. Schwarzenegger: rescind the tax increase that has crushed California’s economy and its revenues.

And to my House colleagues: let’s not repeat Gov. Schwarzenegger’s folly nationally.

Time: 10:30 AM
Location: 6610 Sierra College Blvd., Rocklin  
Event: Speaks to Builders and Tradesmen’s Insurance Services staff about economy and health care.

Time: 11:45 AM
Location: 5438 Laird Road, Loomis
Event: Speaks to students and parents at Loomis Basin Charter School

Time:  1:45 PM
Location: 11600 Education Street, Auburn
Event: Speech to staff and residents on health care at Siena Care Center

Time: 3:00 PM
Location: 1030 High Street, Auburn
Event: Editorial Board with Auburn Journal

Time: 4:15 PM
Location:  464 Sutton Way, Grass Valley
Event: Editorial Board with The Union

Time: 5:00 PM
Location: 1255 E. Main Street, Grass Valley
Event: Live Interview with KNCO Radio

Time: 6:00 PM
Location: 401 Spring Street Nevada City
Event: Live interview with KVMR Radio

Time: 6:45 PM
Location: Miners Foundry, 325 Spring Street, Nevada City
Event: Speaks to Nevada County Association of Realtors



U.S. Representative Tom McClintock (Ca 04) has named Rocklun “Rocky” Deal as District Director. Deal had an illustrious career in the Navy, as well as extensive experience in the military, business and civic leadership.  “Rocky Deal has unmatched leadership experience and ability,” Rep. McClintock said.  “I am honored that a man who has done so much for his country and his community is now continuing his service for the people of California’s Fourth Congressional District.”

“Tom McClintock has established himself as a leader among conservatives in the House of Representatives,” Deal said. “I look forward to working with him to help restore America to the principles that made our nation great.”

Deal capped a 28 year career in the U.S. Navy as Chief of Staff to the Commander of Naval Air Forces Pacific.  He had previously served as the Commanding Officer of America’s Flagship, the super carrier USS Constellation. He also served as Commanding Officer of the USS Kalamazoo and the Operation Officer of the USS Abraham Lincoln. Deal led the legendary “Jolly Rogers” Fighter Squadron, the Eighty-Four, that earned the honor of being named the best fighter squadron in the Atlantic Fleet.

Upon retirement from the Navy, Deal returned to his home town of Susanville. He is past president of the Lassen  College Board and Susanville Rotary; President of the Banner-Lassen Medical Center Foundation, District Chairman for the Boy Scouts and Chairman of the Lassen County Republican Party.
Deal is a graduate of Stanford University, and holds an M.S. in Systems Technology from the University of Southern California, an M.A. in International Relations from Salve Regina University, and a Masters equivalent in National Security Affairs from the Naval War College.
He and his wife Gail, an eighth- grade teacher, have three grown children.

Fall Internship Opportunity

      The office of Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA-04) is seeking interns to begin in August/September 2010 and continue until December 2010 in the Washington, DC office.

         Position responsibilities include assisting in day-to-day office operations and other duties as requested by staff members.  Candidates should have a strong work ethic, work well as a part of a small team, and possess a positive attitude.  This internship is unpaid.  College credit, if applicable, will be provided.  Recent college graduates are also welcome to apply.  Interested applicants should send a resume and cover letter to Kimberly Unitt-Zupkus at kim.unitt-zupkus@mail.house.gov with “Fall Internship” in the subject line.  If you have any further questions, please call Kimberly at 202-225-2511.

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thesmiths3.JPGThe Smiths Spend WAY Too Much!  Is it fair to spend so much today that our kids are massively in debt when they grow up?


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Office staff members are available to assist constituents with problems or concerns at satellite office locations held throughout the district.  Anyone wishing to discuss an issue of federal concern is invited to attend one of these satellite office sessions and speak with a member of staff.  For more information, or to reach staff anytime, please call the district office at 916-786-5560.
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
9:00 am to 11:00 am
California Welcome Center
2085 Vine Street, Suite 105
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012
9:00 am to 11:00 am
Placer County Government Center
CEO 3 Meeting Room
175 Fulweiler Avenue
Auburn, CA 95603

Tuesday, November 13, 2012
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Lincoln City Hall
600 6th Street
Lincoln, CA 95648

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
3:00 pm to 5:00 pm
City Hall Conference Room
3980 Rocklin Road
Rocklin, CA 95677