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Homeowner Resources

Many Nevadans are facing serious mortgage difficulties. No matter the cause, there are ways for homeowners to be able to keep their homes. If your mortgage has become unaffordable or your home is threatened with foreclosure, the links below may offer some options for you.

Includes information to help you recognize scams and tips on what to do if you or someone you know is a target of fraud. Fight Fraud Taskforce chairperson Elisabeth Daniels, can be reached at 702-486-2756.

If you believe you are a victim of a mortgage fraud scam, you can file a complaint with the Nevada Attorney General’s office. Specific questions regarding how to file a complaint can be directed to Ernest Figueroa at 775-684-1100.

Contains information about first-time buyer programs and what to do if you face foreclosure. If you have additional questions, call HOME program director Debbie Parra at 775-687-2041.

Nevada Rural Housing Authority enhances the quality of life in rural communities by providing resources for greater independence through affordable housing and related programs. For additional information, contact Mr. Bill Brewer, housing program director, at 775-887-1222 ext. 105.

PLEASE NOTE: If you have questions or need assistance with your particular housing situation, please contact Elyse Monroy, my Housing and Urban Development constituent caseworker, in my Reno office at (775) 686-5760.