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Rep. Jeff Miller: Support our veterans every day, not just once a year

America has many great qualities, each of which makes us the greatest nation in the world. Few of these qualities are as vital, however, to America’s success as the strength and determination of our war fighters. For more than 225 years, Americans have signed up, at great peril to themselves, to defend the ideals upon which this nation was founded.

Oct 25, 2012 | MILITARY TIMES

Reservists more likely to have VA claims denied

National Guard and reserve members who deployed to Iraq and Afghanistan are having a harder time than other veterans getting disability compensation claims approved by the Veterans Affairs Department.

Oct 22, 2012 | PENFIELD POST

Ann Marie Buerkle receives award for veterans work

Representative Ann Marie Buerkle (NY-25) has been selected to receive the Disabled American Veterans Congressional Leadership Award in recognition of her support and efforts to strengthen veterans’ programs and enact new legislation.

Oct 11, 2012 | FEDERAL TIMES

Lawmakers urge VA to fire chief of staff over training conference scandal

Two leading Republicans on Friday called for the Veterans Affairs Department to fire its chief of staff for approving two training conferences riddled with waste.


Watchdog: VA execs were encouraged to spend more on wasteful conferences

Top Department of Veterans of Affairs officials had incentives to spend money rather than control costs for two employee-training conferences that wasted hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars.
