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  • Amodei questions TRICARE changes for Northern Nevada

    Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) this week expressed his concerns to the Department of Defense (DoD) about its reported decision to discontinue TRICARE Prime health coverage for military retirees and their families throughout much of rural Nevada.

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  • Amodei votes for 'No More Solyndras Act'

    "Government should not be in the business of gambling the taxpayers' money on risky bets that in some cases seem to have been on the basis of political connections to the administration rather than merit," said Amodei.

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  • Amodei: Nevada conference facilities offer taxpayer-value

    Congressman Mark Amodei (NV-2) praised the passage yesterday of H.R. 4631, the Government Spending Accountability Act of 2012, which shifts the oversight focus of government conferences to spending limits and taxpayer-value

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  • Amodei criticizes BLM for using sage hen to block energy development

    "I continue to marvel at the Nevada BLM Office's unilateral policy of shutting down multiple hundreds of thousands of acres from responsible leasing programs, which give no right to do anything on the area leased without additional BLM applications

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