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Rangel Calls On Americans To Pressure Congress

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel made the following statement on the floor of Congress on December 1, 2011.


“I once again rise asking that we immediately consider extending the Federal Unemployment Compensation Act. It seems like I walked into this same movie last year as we beg once again to throw away the labels of being a Democrat or Republican.

Again, we make an appeal to what makes this country different from other countries. What separates this country from the rest of the world, making no one want to leave and everyone wants to come, is not the differences between the rich and the poor.  It is that this country has always inspired hope and allowed people to believe that they were never alone in their search for the American Dream.

This Dream does not mean becoming a Wall Street broker and certainly does not mean living the life of poverty.   But to be a hard working American and join that middle class that has always been the engine for hope and economic prosperity in our country.   Now, through no fault of their own, these dreams have been shattered. People have not only lost their jobs, but have lost their self-esteem.  People have lost their savings and the ability to send their kids to college. 

What can we do?
It is abundantly clear that this Congress is at a gridlock. But we must not lose hope because there are things that Americans can do.   We can’t just wait for this Congress to act.  The American people hold in their hands the power to control this Congress.   We should not have to wait until next November to say that we have expressed ourselves at the polls. 
Every member of Congress, the 435 of us here in Washington are anxiously waiting for all Americans to call us and hope that call will be one of compassion. We should hear from our religious leaders whether Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Mormon or Muslim.   We want to hear our civic leaders and our constituents calling on Republicans, Democrats, and Independents.  Tell them, 'We didn’t send you to Washington just to display what a good Republican or Democrat you are.’  
We should talk about the sign displayed in this chamber that reads “In God We Trust.”  Doesn't that mean taking care of the vulnerable, unemployed, homeless, and those without hope?  Doesn't it mean that we have a sacred duty as Members of Congress do everything in our power to help these people?  However it also means that our constituents have a responsibility not to just say how bad we are but to make certain that they are monitoring our conduct, not through a poll, but through our action. 
The crucial question regarding your Representatives in Congress right now is, is did they vote on extending unemployment compensation?   Do not wait for an answer while Americans are losing hope.  Call now and call every day this week. 
Many Americans will not have Holiday season that they are accustomed, but they can't give up hope. Americans must not give in and most certainly can't give up.  You don't have to go and protest, even though I appreciate those protesting against the economic inequality in our country.   But you can at least get in touch with your Members of Congress and remind them of their constitutional and moral responsibility to help the vulnerable, the sick, the aged and the unemployed. Speak up for those who play by the rules and are victims of these harsh economic times.
We can make a change, but it has to happen by the American people coming together and saying they are mad as hell and they are not going to take it anymore.  Let us make an appeal for Americans take back their Congress.  Direct not ourselves to do things in order to get re-elected, but do things because it's the right thing to do."



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