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Rangel Urges Investments In Infrastructure

Washington, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel today condemned Senate Republicans for unanimously blocking the Senate from moving forward with the infrastructure investment portion of the President's American Jobs Act which would help put millions of Americans back to work. This action comes a day after President Barack Obama delivered a speech in front of the Key Bridge, calling on Congress to pass the measure.

"It amazes me that Republicans in Congress are so focused on defeating the President in every way.  They are not listening to Americans. Small businesses rely on good roads to deliver and receive goods while millions of workers and families commute across bridges and highways to and from work. With millions struggling to make ends meet, Republicans need to set aside their political goals and help rebuild America."

As many as 80% of Americans believe America is in dire need of revamping our infrastructure, a marked increase from the 64% recorded in September of this year. Most surprisingly, 54% of Republicans also support infrastructure investment.

The President's Job's plan would invest $50 billion in immediate investments for highways, transit, rail, and aviation, and an additional $25 billion for school infrastructure. 

"The American people have waited long enough to repair our roads, highways, and schools when many are in poor condition," said Rangel. "We need our Republican Colleagues to wake up and work with Democrats in Congress to pass the President's American Jobs Act."

For the New York State, the American Jobs Act would provide approximately $2 billion for investments in transportation and highways, creating as much as 38,000 jobs. An additional $2 billion would be directed towards rebuilding New York's schools, which could support a minimum 26,000 construction jobs.

"I have always supported investment in infrastructure because of the benefits that spill into many sectors of our community. That is why I introduced H.R. 2394, the Rebuilding America's Schools Act, which would make direct investments in our schools and fits into the President's jobs plan. In addition to repairing our classrooms, our children would benefit from funding in course development and teacher retraining," Rangel added. "Our communities prosper when our schools are working to educate the next generation of Americans."

11.5% of the bridges in the 15th Congressional District are designated structurally deficient. Unemployment in the construction sector is 13% nationally.



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