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Rangel Stands With The Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans Of America In Support Of the PABI Plan

WASHINGTON, D.C. - Congressman Charles Rangel is proud to join the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America (IAVA) in support for HR 2600, the PABI Plan Act, which is the largest national initiative dealing with the #1 leading cause of death and disability for American children and young adults up to 25 years of age: brain injury.  More than half of our veterans returning from war with traumatic brain injury are under the age of 25 and will be included in this national initiative.

“I am honored to support HR 2600 with the IAVA and my colleagues on both sides of the floor,” said Rangel, that is among the 90 legislators that have co-sponsored the bill.  “Our soldiers make tremendous sacrifices on our behalf and we have a responsibility to do all we can to care for them when they return home.”

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America is the country’s first and largest nonprofit, nonpartisan organization for veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and has more than 200,000 Member Veterans and civilian supporters nationwide.  Its mission is to improve the lives of this country’s newest generation of veterans and their families.  

“As of August 2011, 952,132 service members aged 24 and below had served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  Many people are surprised to learn that these physically strong and mature veterans have brains that are still developing and medically considered pediatric,” stated IAVA Founder and Executive Director Paul Rieckhoff in his letter of support.

“Brain injuries are a sad reminder of the enduring effects of war that too many of our soldiers and their families must face for the rest of their lives." added Rangel.  “Until every soldier is safe from the dangers of combat, initiatives like PABI are crucial in the continued support of our veterans."

To read the complete letter of support from IAVA please visit:



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