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Rangel Honored By President Of South Korea Before Joint Session Of Congress

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Charles Rangel was honored by the President of the Republic of Korea, His Excellency Lee Myung-bak, in his address on Thursday before a Joint Session of Congress. Rangel was recognized for his heroism during the Korean War in 1950.

"I am so humbled and grateful for this recognition," Rangel said. "As a Korean War veteran, I am proud to see that in the 60 years since the outbreak of the War, South Korea has emerged from a war-torn country into one of the major economies in the world in addition to being the seventh-largest trading partner of the United States."

President Lee's visit to Congress comes a day after the passage of the historic free trade agreement between the United States and South Korea in the House by 278-151. The Senate passed the bill by a vote of 83-15 on Tuesday. The U.S.-Korean Free Trade Agreement (known as the KORUS FTA) was the largest U.S. free-trade agreement since the North American Free Trade Agreement passed in 1993.

Under the previous system U.S. products exported to Korea faced an average tariff of 12.2 % as well as a wide range of nontariff barriers such as regulations which effectively barred U.S. firms from entering the Korean market. The new agreement removes these impediments so Koreans may enjoy less expensive U.S. goods and American businesses can look forward to the increased sales. 

"The success of the Republic of Korea is a shining example of the peacekeeping efforts and contribution made by the United States," Rangel added. "I cherish this continued friendship between our two countries and look forward to a more prosperous future for our people." 

The Republic of Korea is among the closest allies of the United States, having contributed troops in support of United States operations during the Vietnam War, Gulf War, and operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, while also supporting numerous United Nations peacekeeping missions throughout the world.

Congressman Rangel last visited the Republic of Korea with Commerce Secretary Gary Locke in April where he was presented the honor of the Great Badge of Korea Veterans' Association during a ceremony at the War Memorial Museum in Seoul.



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