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Rangel Sends Condolences To Families Of Victims In The Empire State Building Shooting

New York, New York - Congressman Charles B. Rangel issued the following statement after learning of the tragic shooting at the Empire State Building in New York City, that killed two people and wounded several others:

"I am shaken by the news that a man randomly shot at innocent people at the Empire State Building, especially at an hour when many New Yorkers are starting their workday and hundreds of tourists are visiting.  My thoughts and prayers are with the innocent victims and the families and friends who lost their loved ones. I hope that those who are wounded will heal quickly and recover from the psychological harm that they endured.

This year, our nation has been plagued by frequent and senseless gun violence that has taken the lives of so many people across the country.  These arbitrary shootings are acts of terrorism that are paralyzing our communities.  We must unite to focus our policies on enacting stricter gun control laws that will prevent potentially harmful individuals from accessing such deadly weapons. It is the only way to make certain that our communities safer."



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