BRAC Votes to Send More Than 5,000 New Jobs to Fort Meade

Crystal City, VA - Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD) hails the recent votes by the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission to relocate more than 5,000 new jobs to Fort Meade, Maryland. The Commissioners agreed with the Pentagon's recommendations to consolidate a variety of military news organizations, multiple security clearance adjudication offices, and several offices that provide computer and technology support for combat troops from locations all across the country to Fort Meade. The votes occurred late yesterday and today. Fort Meade is also the home of the National Security Agency (NSA).

"Moving these more than five thousand jobs to Fort Meade, Maryland, just makes sense as we continue to fight the 'War on Terror'. These employees will help workers get security clearances. They will disseminate important military news information and will work to protect our computer systems for combat troops. Many of these offices used to be spread across the country. Now they will be located together at Fort Meade -- on the same campus as the National Security Agency," said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-MD).

Congressman Ruppersberger has spent the past several months laying out to the BRAC Commission all that Maryland has to offer the soldiers, civilians, and contractors that are slated to come to the state. Ruppersberger personally contacted all of the Commissioners and reached out to a myriad of federal officials involved in the process -- including Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey. The Congressman's efforts have been part of a coordinated push where "Team Maryland," including Senator Paul Sarbanes (D-MD), Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Congressman Steny Hoyer (D-MD), Congressman Ben Cardin (D-MD), Governor Robert Ehrlich (R-MD), and Secretary Aris Melissaratos of the Maryland Department of Business and Economic Development together with the Maryland Congressional Delegation and local and state leaders, have laid out the facts to the BRAC Commissioners.

The BRAC Commission must send all of its recommendations to President George W. Bush by September 8th, 2005. The President has until September 23rd, 2005, to accept or reject all of the recommendations. Congress has forty five days after that to accept or reject the recommendations in their entirety.


More on Base Realignment and Closure

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