The Ag Minute: Unfortunately for Rural America President Obama's Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Tamara Hinton, 202.225.0184

WASHINGTON – This week during The Ag Minute, Chairman Frank Lucas discusses the disparity between President Obama's campaign rhetoric and his actions as president when it comes to energy policy. He claims to be for all-of-the-above energy sources, but his Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) recently proposed New Source Performance Standards for power plants would suggest otherwise. This rule would prevent the construction of any new coal-fired power plants. Even EPA's own analysis of the rule assumes no new coal plants will be built in the U.S. Apparently, President Obama is for all sources of energy, except for when he is not.

Click here to listen to The Ag Minute. The transcript is below.

"My friends, if you haven’t noticed, President Obama has been hitting the campaign trail of late trying to tout his record.

"The problem is President Obama’s actions always tell a different story from his campaign speeches.

"In yet another example of just how disconnected he is from my neighbors in Oklahoma, President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency recently proposed a new regulation for coal-fired power plants which all but spells out their death.  This comes despite claims that he’s for an all-of-the-above energy policy.

"The proposed regulation would set – for the first time – a limit for carbon dioxide emissions from all new power plants.  This draconian measure would essentially block the construction of any new coal-fired plants.  Or they would be forced to capture and store carbon dioxide emissions using technology that is so new and so expensive it’s not being done anywhere commercially.

"This is cap and tax all over again.  It’s a heavy blow to those who live and work in rural America because it will cause electricity costs to skyrocket. If they continue down this regulatory path, expect higher utility bills for all of us who like to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. 

"President Obama likes to say he’s for all forms of energy, unfortunately for rural America his actions speak louder than words."

The Ag Minute is Chairman Lucas's weekly radio address that is released from the House Agriculture Committee.
