Helping to make our Nation mercury-free...state by state.
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Welcome to NoMercury


Did you know...

  •  Mercury is a known toxic substance that is harmful to humans, especially pregnant women, infants and children.

  •  A growing number of experts including physicians, dentists and scientists believe there is no safe amount of mercury for the human body.

  •  The Federal Government continues to downplay the risks of mercury in vaccines, prescription drugs, over-the-counter preparations and dental amalgams despite the growing body of scientific evidence confirming its harm.

  • In December 2004, the Institute of NeuroToxicology and Neurological Disorders stated:

     “Childhood disabilities from chemical exposure during development are often not treatable and therefore must be prevented.” 

  •  It is time for a grassroots effort in each State Legislature to ban the use of this known neurotoxin.

Share your concerns with
 your State Legislators

Share your concerns with
 Congress in Washington



 Senate Moves Towards Forced Vaccinations, Vaccine Damage Immunity for Drug Companies
      By ANDREW BRIDGES | Associated Press
      December 5, 2005


Copyrighted cartoon is used with permission from Voice of the Environment and Matt Wuerker (artist).

St. Jude Children's Hospital is actively working to block legislation in Tennessee  that would protect children from mercury in vaccines.

We think this stance is ill-advised and shameful given their mission.

Sign the online petition asking St. Jude Children's Hospital to reconsider their stance on mercury in vaccines.


  Legislation Introduced to Protect Pharmaceutical Companies at the Expense of Children

     (click for information and action alert from NVIC)

"Protecting America in the War Against Terror Act of 2005" 
U.S. Senate Bill  3
Under the guise of “Protecting America in the War on Terror” seven US Senators (Gregg, Frist, Sessions, DeWine, Allen, Santorum, McConnell, and DeMint) have introduced S. 3 which calls for many sweeping changes in pharmaceutical product liability, vaccine regulation, vaccine policy, vaccine research and the Vaccine Injury Compensation Act.  These changes unfairly benefit the pharmaceutical industry to the detriment of American children.
It would prevent States from banning mercury in vaccines or in regulating drugs and biologics.
It would prevent States from warning citizens that mercury-containing vaccines or other drugs may be dangerous.

Letter to Senator Charles Grassley (R-Iowa)
Chairman of Senate Committee on Finance

Contact members of the Senate Committee on Finance

Contact your United States Senators and Congressman


  Legislation Introduced to Protect Children from the Dangers of Mercury

  "Mercury-Free Vaccines Act of 2005" 
     Congressional Bill (HR 881)


  Important Article by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

In his compelling exposé published in Rolling Stone and on, titled Deadly Immunity,  Mr. Kennedy explores the scientific dangers and political implications of mercury in children's vaccines.

 Read the in-depth white paper titled, Tobacco Science and the Thimerosal Scandal, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on mercury in vaccines

  Important Documents

  Closed Meeting Transcript of IOM - Immunization Safety Review Committee
      This transcript clearly indicates the CDC was in charge of the scope and direction of the IOM Committee
  and heavily influenced the bias and predetermination of null or negative findings. 
January 12, 2001

  Is Mercury in Vaccines Dangerous?
     Letter to Legislators and Physicians

 "Something is Rotten But Not Just In Denmark"
      US Congressman Dave Weldon, M.D.
      Key Note Speaker Presentation at Autism One - Chicago, May 29, 2004

California Proposition 65
     Thimerosal Toxicity


  Important Audio & Video Files

 Recent Radio and TV spots about Thimerosal and Autism (IMUS, Scarborough, Air America, etc)   

   Listen to "The Politics of Mercury" archives

Important Resource to Identify Products that Contain Mercury

Interstate Mercury Education & Reduction Clearinghouse (IMERC)

Mercury-Added Products Database

The database presents information submitted to IMERC on the amount and purpose of mercury in consumer products.

The database is intended to inform consumers, recyclers, policy makers and others about:

  • products that contain intentionally-added mercury
  • the amount of mercury in a specific product
  • the amount of mercury in a specific product line sold in the US in a given year
  • manufacturers of mercury added products.

In Loving Memory

Alan D. Clark, M.D.
1951 - 2006

NoMercury deeply mourns the loss of our Medical Director and Co-Founder, Dr. Alan Clark, who lost his courageous battle with cancer on February 7, 2006.

Alan was a dedicated physician, devoted husband and father, and a tireless advocate for children with neurodevelopmental injuries due to mercury in v

His courage and commitment on behalf of special needs children will not be forgotten.  His gentle spirit and quiet determination will live on through the efforts of those he inspired.

Alan was uncompromising in his belief that the health and safety of children should be given the highest priority in medicine and public health policy-making.

It was his mission to educate legislators, medical colleagues and the public about the devastating effects of mercury, particularly in sensitive populations such as pregnant women, infants and children.  We will not allow his mission to be forsaken.

   It is in his honor that we dedicate this website in loving memory of Dr. Alan D. Clark.

Please visit the Memorial Page in his honor where we invite you to share your thoughts and memories of Dr. Clark.


  NoMercury primarily serves as an educational resource and in a non-compensated advisory capacity to assist state legislators,
     medical professionals and non-profit organizations in banning mercury in medicine and vaccines.

  • If you are a state legislator or medical professional and would like to ban mercury in your state - Click Here

   Individuals and parent advocates interested in pursuing a mercury ban in their state are encouraged to contact A-CHAMP
(Advocates for Children's Health Affected by Mercury Poisoning).


  • NoMercury is a philanthropic based venture whose mission is to educate policy makers, physicians and the public regarding the dangers of  mercury in vaccines.
  • NoMercury does not solicit funds nor do we accept donations.
  • NoMercury does not endorse or sell any products or services. 
  • We are not “anti-vaccine” rather we advocate for safer vaccines.

The material in this website is made available without profit for research and educational purposes only. If you wish to use copyrighted material from this website for purposes that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.  For more information regarding US Code TITLE 17 ; CHAPTER 1 ; Sec. 107. also known as the 'fair use' copyright go to:  or

The information on this site is not meant to provide medical or legal advice.  The information provided herein is believed to be true and correct in all respects, however, no representations are made as to information provided by other sources, or information provided by linked websites.  In the event that you have legal or medical questions related to mercury, mercury exposure and/or injury caused by mercury exposure, you should contact an attorney or a qualified medical professional.


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