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Hensarling on the Middle Class Tax Relief & Job Creation Act





Congressman Hensarling:

“Once again, House Republicans have passed a bill to further extend unemployment insurance. Once again, House Republicans have voted on a bill to extend the payroll tax holiday. We ought to remember why we are here: we are here because our fellow citizens continue to suffer in the Obama Economy.

“We’ve tried the president’s policies and they have failed, and that is why unfortunately we are here again today. But, as the Speaker, and the Leader, and the Whip have pointed out, we don’t bring a bill that is a ‘Republican bill.’ It’s got the president’s ideas in it, it has bipartisan ideas, and yes, it has some of our ideas. And yet the president has threatened a veto. It seems like he will not take ‘yes’ for an answer. Instead he is finding an excuse to pick a fight, seemingly so he can run against the House. The president needs to decide: does he want to govern or does he want to campaign? He may be looking for political scapegoats but the American people are looking for job solutions.

“The president seems to have threatened to veto this bill, one, because House Republicans don’t want to raise taxes. Why would you want to raise taxes on anybody in this economy? Why is taking more away from small businesspeople and job creators going to be helpful to our economy?  It isn’t, and without spending discipline, it won’t help on the deficit problem at all. 

“Second, the president seems to have a problem in making a decision on the Keystone pipeline. We’re not telling him what decision to make. We’re saying, ‘Mr. President, will you at least do your job? Will you do what you said you would do and make a decision?’ Already, people are losing their jobs. There is a report out of Arkansas today that people are getting laid off because of the president’s indecision. If he is unwilling or incapable of making the decision, there is a lot of people who are running for president who are willing to make the decision for him.

“At this point right now, at Christmas, the president can join us to give Americans tax relief and jobs without spending money that we don’t have. The president has an opportunity to sign a jobs bill. If he wants to run against some portion of Congress, I suggest he run against Harry Reid and Senate Democrats. House Republicans have acted. We have done our job. Mr. President, it’s time for you to do your job. Senator Reid and Senate Democrats, we have done our job—it’s time for you to do your job.”
