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Hensarling Statement in Support of the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act

WASHINGTON– Congressman Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, issued the following statement today in support of H.R. 3094, the Workforce Democracy and Fairness Act, to rein in the job-killing activism of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) and reaffirm protections that workers and job creators have been granted for decades. 


“Under this administration, the NLRB has become a threat to the freedom and dignity of the American workers it’s meant to protect as well as a roadblock to the job growth so many out-of-work Americans are depending on. The NLRB’s recently proposed overhaul of the nation’s union rules would harm and undermine the workplace by empowering labor bosses and weakening laborers’ decision-making rights. This bill, if enacted, will stop such activism in its tracks.


“Job creators have enough to worry about thanks to Washington’s record spending and reckless red tape. The NLRB’s misguided priorities are only feeding the environment of uncertainty that’s preventing job creators from doing their job. Federal regulatory agencies should serve to keep the economy free, fair, and functioning, not as political tools for the administration in power.


“The NLRB’s recent record of overreach must come to an end. This bill halts the NLRB’s assault on American workers by curbing the board’s centralized power and restores the proper role and rights of employers in the workplace’s unionization process.


“This bill is another product of the House Republican Plan for America’s Job Creators which is committed to restoring the freedom and confidence of our nation’s private sector employers to grow and put millions of Americans back to work. With more than 20 House-passed jobs bills still awaiting a fair vote in the Senate, it’s more important than ever that Democrat leaders put their politics aside and pass these bills.”


