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National Taxpayers Union Recognizes Hensarling As One Of The Top Spending Reducers In The House

WASHINGTON, DC – Congressman Jeb Hensarling, a leading fiscal conservative and Chairman of the House Republican Conference, has been recognized by the National Taxpayers Union—the nation’s oldest taxpayer watchdog group—as having one of the largest saving agendas in the House of Representatives for the 111th Congress.

Of the 435 Members in the House, only 163 had net spending agendas that would reduce the budget. Of those 163, Congressman Hensarling’s spending agenda was rated the second highest for spending reduction with a proposed savings of over $300 billion. Congressman Hensarling has been rated among the top two budget reducers in every Congress he has served.

In addition, Congressman Hensarling’s budget reform bill was named the third largest spending reduction bill in the 111th Congress. The bill, entitled the “Spending, Deficit and Debt Control Act” has been heralded as the “Gold Standard” of budget enforcement legislation by conservative groups including NTU, Americans for Tax Reform, Citizens Against Government Waste and Citizens for a Sound Economy.

Upon learning of his latest NTU rankings, Hensarling said “I am grateful to the National Taxpayers Union for the outstanding work they do analyzing legislation and rating the impact of bills on taxpayers. I am honored to have been named among the top budget reducers again this year.”

“No nation can spend, borrow, and bailout its way to economic growth and job creation. At a time when we are borrowing 40 cents on every dollar, mostly from the Chinese, we need to take significant steps to ending Washington’s culture of spending so that economic confidence can be restored and Americans can go back to work.”

The National Taxpayers Union is a nonpartisan, nonprofit citizen group founded in 1969 to work for lower taxes, smaller government, and economic freedom. Member rankings are reached by averaging the net cost of all legislation they sponsored or co-sponsored in the 111th Congress.