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Hensarling Statement on Two Year Anniversary of the Failed Stimulus

WASHINGTON –Congressman Jeb Hensarling, Chairman of the House Republican Conference, today issued the following statement on the two year anniversary of the president signing the “stimulus” bill into law, which cost taxpayers over $1 trillion, exploding the national debt while failing to deliver much needed employment to millions of Americans.

“After two years, it’s clear we can't borrow, spend, and bail out our way to economic prosperity. No nation can.  If Democrats are serious about creating jobs they need to join us to end the spending binge in Washington and get government out of the way.

“Instead of learning the mistakes of the past, this president is intent on repeating them by borrowing, taxing, and spending his way through the next budget.  We have to stop the spending today in order to grow the economy and create a better environment for job creators to start hiring.

“The stimulus approach to job creation clearly did not work. The solution for job creation we heard from the American people is to remove the uncertainty in the economy stemming from policies and irresponsible spending created in Washington.

“Taxpayers forked out more than $1 trillion and for what?  An unemployment rate of 9 percent or higher for 21 straight months and job-crushing debt to be handed off to our children and grandchildren.  It’s an incredibly expensive economic embarrassment, and I will continue to fight to keep taxpayer money from being wasted again.”