Ruppersberger Calls for Classified Congressional Hearings about the NSA Eavesdropping Controversy

(Washington, D.C.)- {Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (D-Maryland 2nd) is calling for classified Congressional hearings about the eavesdropping controversy involving the National Security Agency (NSA).  Congressman Ruppersberger signed onto a letter from nine Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI) asking Intel Chairman Peter Hoekstra to convene hearings immediately after the January recess ends next week.  Congressman Ruppersberger is a member of the Intel Committee.    

“Our Forefathers created a great system of checks and balances within our government.  It is critically important that we use all of the tools available to keep our country safe and fight the War against Terrorism but it is also critically important that we protect people’s individual liberties and follow the laws of our land.  It is Congress’ role to oversee these activities but all of the Members of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence have not been briefed on the NSA spying situation.  We need to hold classified hearings immediately so that we can put together a plan so everyone knows what their roles are under the law as we continue to track down terrorists.  I believe we must give members of the intelligence community the resources they need to keep our families and communities safe,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger.   

President George W. Bush visited NSA at Fort Meade on Wednesday, January 25, 2006, and addressed employees behind closed doors.  NSA is in Maryland’s 2nd Congressional District.   

“I think we need to stop this spin cycle and get back to the business of protecting our country.  We need to hold classified Congressional hearings and put together a plan to track down terrorists that follows the laws of our land.  We need to put this controversy behind us so we can keep our eye on the ball and continue to protect our families and our communities from another terrorist attack,” said Congressman C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger. 

The letter to Chairman Hoekstra is signed by Congresswoman Jane Harman (California 36th), Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (California 14th), Congressman Alcee Hastings (Florida 23rd), Congressman Rush Holt (New Jersey 12th), Congressman Silvestre Reyes (Texas 16th), Congressman Leonard Boswell (Iowa 3rd), Congressman John Tierney (Massachusetts 6th), and Congressman Bud Cramer (Alabama 5th).  The letter is attached.

Letter to Chairman Hoekstra
