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Live Town Hall Webcast

Posted by Josh Gillespie on October 16, 2009

Please join Congressman Burton for his virtual live town hall!  If you’re not able to make the town hall in person, you can still participate from your computer.  If you have a question, please fill out this form and Congressman Burton will get to your question during the town hall. 

The Town Hall will be at the Carmel Middle School Auditorium at 300 South Guilford Road at 2:30.


Streaming live video by Ustream

Sid Williams - October 16, 2009

How can Congress pass this unwanted health care bill with 54% of the country against it?

Cherylq - October 16, 2009

95% of us would vote for a health care package IF the President, Senators and Congressmen would put themselves on it. If this new plan will be so beneficial to all of us, why aren't all of you going on it also? I have friends on the government employee plan and they have an awesome plan. Why can't that be available for all of us? Makes us kind of leary when our leaders, who are trying to implement a plan, won't be on it themselves. I would bet that our private insurance plan, that we like very much, will cancel us way before yours will. We are very nervous about losing our plan, our services and benefits, and having to pay more for getting less.

James O'Dell - October 17, 2009

Dear Congressman Burton What is happening to stop all the dealership closinng around the country and in Indiana Thank You for all your hard work

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