Date: July 27, 2012

By: Bob Goodlatte

Americans are desperately looking for any sign that our economy is on the rebound.  They are struggling to find work with the national unemployment rate above eight percent for the last forty-one months.  They are facing rising prices on everything from gas to groceries.  While Virginians have been fortunate in that we haven’t been hit as hard as other areas of the country, we are in no way immune to these problems.  Virginians, like all Americans, want to see a plan to create jobs and end economic uncertainty. 

This week the House of Representatives continued advancing pro-growth initiatives by passing bipartisan legislation that estimates indicate would generate $600 million in revenue, create tens of thousands of American jobs, and reduce our dangerous reliance on foreign oil.  The “Congressional Replacement of President Obama's Energy-Restricting and Job-Limiting Offshore Drilling Plan” implements a new lease plan for developing the United States’ offshore energy resources over the next five years.  The legislation moves forward with leases in new areas with the greatest known oil and natural gas resources, including off Virginia’s coast.  Until we expand our domestic energy production, our nation will continue to see energy prices soar and our economy suffer.

I am committed to finding real solutions to our nation’s unemployment crisis.  In addition to supporting legislation to create jobs and jump start our economy, I am pleased to announce that I will be hosting a regional job fair, along with Congressman Robert Hurt, which will be held on Monday, August 6th from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Liberty University’s Liberty Mountain Conference Center located off Route 460 at 3700 Candler’s Mountain Road in Lynchburg.  If you or someone you know is looking for a job please make sure you attend our job fair, which is free and open to everyone.  No advance registration is required for job seekers. Area businesses large and small who are hiring and would like to participate in the job fair should contact one of our local offices. We currently have over 50 businesses that will be on hand to meet with job seekers and are adding more every day. These companies are looking to hire full and part-time workers.  This event should be a great opportunity to match local businesses that are in need of qualified workers with those individuals who are looking for work.  Be sure to tell your friends and family members who are looking for work about this great opportunity.  We will have experts on hand to provide important tips for writing a resume or preparing for a job interview.  Additionally, the DMV 2 Go, a mobile customer service center provided by the Department of Motor Vehicles, will be there to assist individuals with anything related to their driver’s license, records, titles, or IDs, including helping veterans with their ID cards.

To get more information about my upcoming job fair, including a complete listing of area businesses that will be in attendance, please visit my website at www.goodlatte.house.gov or contact one of my offices.

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