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This Week in Washington

This Week

In response to excessive, unrealistic environmental regulations that act as barriers to economic growth and job creation,  I sent a letter today to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson outlining concern for New York’s job-killing ballast water regulations for commercial vessels.  These rules apply to vessels visiting New York ports, as well as those that transit New York waters destined for ports in other states.  For this reason, New York's regulations impact maritime commerce to and from Minnesota’s 8th District. 

The Port of Duluth is the largest on the Great Lakes and one of the top 20 ports in the United States based on tons of cargo handled.  The economic role played by the port is critical to the iron mining, steel, construction, and agriculture industries.  The St. Lawrence Seaway connects the Port of Duluth - and the entire Great Lakes system - to the Atlantic Ocean and world markets.  Consequently, all maritime commerce utilizing the Seaway is now subject to New York's ballast water regulations.

These unrealistic regulations will force the costs associated with commercial shipping to rise, resulting in fewer jobs for Minnesotans and increasing costs of common goods.  We must do all we can to encourage job creation, not unnecessarily burden job-creators.

I also called on the Senate to act and pass long-term Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) funding to help the troubled U.S. economy.  Last month, the FAA temporarily shut down due to Senate inaction.  The uncertainty Minnesota working families and aviation employees experienced was completely avoidable. Unfortunately, Senate Majority Leader Reid was more concerned about the airport located within his state than he was about an entire FAA shutdown impacting tens of thousands of FAA jobs and working families across the United States.  It’s unfortunate that some are now pointing fingers, as this dilutes our number one priority of creating sustainable jobs for Minnesotans.  I urge Senator Reid and Chairman Rockefeller to complete a long-term FAA bill that can be signed into law to help this troubled economy, instead of a temporary extension.

Mobile Offices

Each Friday, members of my staff will head out from my three district offices in North Branch, Duluth and Brainerd to hold what are known as mobile offices.  If you have a question about federal benefits or a question regarding your dealings with a federal agency, please stop by at the given locations at the times listed so you can speak with one of my staff.  The list of mobile offices next Friday, September 9th, can be found here.  As always, you can also reach my casework staff by phone at (651) 237-8220, or toll free at 1-888-563-7390.

It is my privilege to have provided my constituents access to mobile offices in over 100 Minnesota cities since entrusted to this office.

Social Media

One of the best ways you can keep up to speed with what I’m doing in Congress is through social media. I encourage you to follow me on Facebook and on Twitter.


Very truly yours,

