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Cravaack Receives Tax Fighter Award

Washington, D.C. - The National Tax Limitation Committee (NTLC) has honored U.S. Representative Chip Cravaack (MN) with its 112th Congress “Tax Fighter Award.” NTLC President Lewis K. Uhler presented the award to Rep. Cravaack in Washington, saying “Congressman Cravaack’s votes on tax and spending issues in the 112th Congress earned him an ‘A’ grade and the Tax Fighter Award.”

“Congressman Cravaack has led the battle on behalf of taxpayers to stop the passage of Obamacare and cap-and-trade legislation, to make the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts permanent, to eliminate the death tax, to kill the Alternative Minimum Tax, to provide incentives for private savings, investment and job creation and to control the growth of federal spending.”

"Congressman Cravaack has become a major asset to taxpayers across America during his freshman session of Congress. He has had the courage to challenge the orthodoxy of Washington taxes and spending, confirming the commitment and promises he made to his constituents in the 2010 election," concluded Uhler.

Representative Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.
