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Cravaack Explains Brainerd Airport Situation for Concerned Constituents

Cravaack Explains Brainerd Airport Situation for Concerned Constituents

(Washington, DC) – U.S. Congressman Chip Cravaack released the following statement regarding Pinnacle Airlines and Mesaba Aviation’s notice of termination of service:

“With good reason, a number of folks in the Brainerd area are concerned they may lose air service at Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport.  Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport is classified as a non subsidized, Essential Air Service (EAS) Airport.  As such, Pinnacle Airlines and Mesaba Aviation’s (acting at the behest of Delta Air Lines) notice of termination of service is an initial filing which triggers a process where the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) will seek a carrier that will provide unsubsidized air service to Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport.  If DOT cannot find a carrier willing to provide unsubsidized air service, DOT will accept sealed bids from carriers that are willing to provide a minimum level of service with a federal subsidy.  Carriers requesting a subsidy must document that they cannot profitably serve the community without a subsidy by submitting various financial data, such as profit-or-loss statements, to DOT.  If no carrier offers to provide service to Brainerd Lakes Regional Airport in place of Pinnacle Airlines and Mesaba Aviation, these two airlines or another Delta connection carrier will be required to continue to provide air service while being federally subsidized.

Unfortunately fuel prices remain elevated and I am concerned that if they stay as they are, we may be hearing more announcements like this from carriers across the country.  I think we should focus on producing energy here in the United States and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.  This administration and leaders in the Senate continue to stifle energy production and we are all paying the price.

If any constituents have further questions on this issue or would like any background information on the EAS program, I encourage them to contact the Washington, DC office at 202-225-6211.”

Congressman Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – and named Chair of the Essential Air Service Working Group.  The Essential Air Service Working Group has been tasked by Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman John Mica with developing proposals to reform the Essential Air Service Program.  The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.