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Cravaack: Bill to Fund Government Does Not Make Sufficient Cuts

(Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Congressman Chip Cravaack (MN-8) released the following statement on his vote against H.R. 1473, a bill funding the federal government for the remainder of Fiscal Year 2011.

“When I was elected last November, I told the people of the Eighth District I was serious about addressing our exploding deficits and beginning the process of reining in our massive $14 trillion national debt. We need to take dramatic actions to pull us back from the financial cliff we are rapidly approaching.

“This long-term bill to fund the federal government moves the ball in the right direction and stands in stark contrast to the free spending ways of the most recent Congresses. However, it simply does not go far enough in addressing America’s dire fiscal situation. We must act decisively to protect the economic health of our country, especially for future generations of Minnesotans . I do not believe this legislation made sufficient cuts, therefore I was unable to support it.”

Congressman Cravaack serves on the Transportation and Infrastructure Committee – where he is Vice Chair of the Aviation Subcommittee – the Homeland Security Committee, and the Science, Space and Technology Committee. The 8th Congressional District covers 18 counties in Northeast Minnesota.