

Premiums Have Increased
Claire McCaskill Claimed ObamaCare Would Lower Costs

When liberal U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill voted for President Barack Obama’s job-killing healthcare law she specifically promised the legislation would lower health care costs, but nearly two years later families are now paying more money for their health insurance. has found that ObamaCare has made healthcare slightly less affordable and it’s causing premiums to go up – not down, as McCaskill and her fellow Democrats claimed it would. 

Additionally, the Kaiser Family Foundation found that in 2011 the average healthcare premium climbed from $13,770 to $15,073, which amounts to a 9 percent increase.

As the New York Times reports

“The cost of health insurance for many Americans this year climbed more sharply than in previous years, outstripping any growth in workers’ wages and adding more uncertainty about the pace of rising medical costs.   A new study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a nonprofit research group that tracks employer-sponsored health insurance on a yearly basis, shows that the average annual premium for family coverage through an employer reached $15,073 in 2011, an increase of 9 percent over the previous year.” (Reed Abelson, “U.S. Health Insurance Cost Rises Sharply, Study Finds,” The New York Times , 9/27/11)

“Claire McCaskill’s decision to make Barack Obama’s healthcare bill the law of the land has increased the average healthcare premium by $1,300,” said National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) spokesman Lance Trover.  “With so many Missourians already suffering from the failed economic and energy policies of President Obama and Claire McCaskill, this is just another costly burden McCaskill has placed on the Show Me State.” 


Claire McCaskill Promised That Government-Run Healthcare Would Lower Costs

  • “McCaskill Said The [Health Care] Bill Is Not Perfect But Will ‘Vastly Improve The Current Realities Of Health Care In Our Country’ By Stabilizing Health Care Costs, Making Insurance More Affordable And Available To Most Americans And By Reducing The Deficit Over 20 Years.” (“Mo. Senators Split On Health Care Legislation,” The Associated Press, 12/24/09)

But Since ObamaCare Has Passed Healthcare Premiums Have Skyrocketed

2011: “The health-insurance premiums employers pay rose sharply this year, with the average annual cost of family coverage passing the $15,000 mark for the first time, according to a major survey.” (“Employer Health Premiums Rise Sharply,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/11) 

“The 9% average increase in family premiums for 2011, reported in an annual poll of employers performed by the Kaiser Family Foundation and the Health Research and Educational Trust, comes despite a continued trend toward more limited use of medical services in the U.S. Last year, family premiums rose just 3%, the survey found.” (“Employer Health Premiums Rise Sharply,” The Wall Street Journal, 9/27/11)
