Congressman David Rivera
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  1. Recent Posts by Others on Congressman David RiveraSee All
    • Nice to see you again. God Bless you, thanks.
      12 hours ago
    • Eloisa Segura
       Gobierno americano y primer ministro israeli...observar Venezuela ..lucharemos por nuestra libertad....American Government and Israeli Prime Minister ... see Venezuela asap ... fight for our freedom
      Monday at 4:11pm
    • Eloisa Segura
       Alerta maxima!!!! a todo el Pueblo Venezolano!!! Plan en proceso...y en efecto.....contra toda la poblaciòn civil...guerra civil en puertas....el tirano no aceptara el triunfo de capriles....ya estan todos con el gran mecanismo de represiòn...armados y listos para la acciòn.....gobiernos internacionales avisados...REQUERIMOS URGENTE OBSERVADORES INTERNACIONALES LOS DERECHOS DE LOS VENEZOLANOS VA N A SER VIOLADOS!!!! URGENTE!!!!!!notify all countries, liders and human rights organizations ... the dictatorial regime is prepared for civil war .. a small Syrian in Venezuela .murderer`s plan ... in process .. weapons bunkers .. will not respect the triumph of Capriles like Venezuela president.. urgent urgent
      September 9 at 2:50pm
    • Eloisa Segura
       No siga entregando el paìs a la guerrilla...que usted admita que su compadre Chavez va a ser facilitador e intermediario y que usted le agredece mucho su ayuda...mmmmmmm aqui hay algo extraño....hay convenios por debajo acaso!!! no se vaya a quedar como novia de pueblo vestido y alboraratado...con los terroristas no se hacen convenios ni se dan simpatias...a la larga ellos traicionan!!!!
      1 · September 7 at 8:57am
    • Eloisa Segura
       Queremos patria al despotismo...Queremos patria a la dictadura...Queremos un nuevo mañ mas mas muertes injustificadas...Queremos libertad...gritamos las verdades al mundo...los malvados no respetan nuestros ley en un solo hombre...indigno e incapaz...farsante e inconciente....EL GRAN DAÑO EN VENEZUELA...POR EL REGIMEN TOTALITARIO!!!!
      September 4 at 12:54pm
  2. The terrorist acts of September 11, 2001 were a direct attack on America’s conscience, and unforeseen events became a very real tragedy on our own shores. Yet America did not falter or bend to the will of those who wished us ill. Instead we rose from the ashes of the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and flight United 93 a more resilient and united nation.

    We must never forget the thousa...
    nds of innocent lives lost on that fateful day.

    We are fortunate to live in this country where we have brave men and women in our Armed Forces, law enforcement, public safety agencies and the intelligence community who are willing to risk their lives, and do so, to ensure the safety of every American. We owe them our thanks.

    On the 11th anniversary of the attacks, and everyday, we must remain vigilant and aware that the war on terror is far from over, and always strive to ensure that America is safe.
    See More
  3. Congressman Rivera spoke at the Hurricane Andrew Commemoration Event at Florida International University on the 20th anniversary of the storm. FIU’s Wall of Wind is the only university facility in the country capable of producing category 5 hurricane winds.
  4. Congressman Rivera's office helped two constituents secure
  5. Congressman Rivera was presented with the 2012 Standing Up for America's Seniors Award from RetireSafe for his work in Congress. It is the second year that the Congressman has been recognized by the organiztion.

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