House Committee on Homeland Security -- The Week Ahead

House Committee on Homeland Security -- The Week Ahead


Washington, D.C. (Friday, April 1, 2011) – Today, ­U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-NY), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, announced the following Committee events for next week:

 Tuesday, April 5

10:00 a.m.

311 Cannon House Office Building

Subcommittee on Border and Maritime Security

Rep. Candice S. Miller (MI), Chairman

 “Using Resources Effectively to Secure Our Border at Ports of Entry – Stopping the Illicit Flow of Money, Guns and Drugs”  


Mr. Thomas Winkowski
Assistant Commissioner
Office of Field Operations
Customs and Border Protection
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Stan Korosec
Vice President
Blue Water Bridge Canada

Mr. Timothy J. Koerner
Vice President & Chief Security Officer
Canadian National Railway Company

Chairman Miller on the hearing:

“Thus far, our subcommittee has held hearings on operational control and what the proper mix of personnel and technology is required to secure the border.  Our hearing on April 5th will focus on how resources are being used at our ports of entry along both the southern and northern borders.  According to the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Drug Threat Assessment 2010, nearly 90% of all illegal drugs and a significant amount of illicit money and guns passes through the official ports of entry.  Our committee will be providing oversight to ensure that homeland security resources are allocated effectively within DHS and across the ports of entry.”

Wednesday, April 6

10:30 a.m.   

311 Cannon House Office Building

Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence

Rep. Patrick Meehan (PA), Chairman

“Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa: Ramifications for U.S. Homeland Security”


Mr. Thomas Joscelyn
Senior Fellow
Foundation for Defense of Democracies

Mr. Philip Mudd
Senior Research Fellow
Counterterrorism Strategy Initiative
New America Foundation

Mr. Rick “Ozzie” Nelson
Senior Fellow and Director
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program
Center for Strategic and International Studies

Chairman Meehan on the hearing:

"This hearing will examine how unrest in the Middle East and North Africa affects the terrorist threat to the U.S. Homeland.  I have major concerns about Islamist prison breaks in Egypt, reduced cooperation combatting AQAP in Yemen, a return to terrorism by Col. Gaddafhi, and al Qaeda elements within the Libyan opposition.  Each of these issues alone is a huge challenge; taken together, they raise many questions about our safety here at home.  This hearing will convene a distinguished panel of former government officials and outside experts to try to make sense of the ongoing unrest."


Thursday, April 7

10:00 a.m.   

311 Cannon House Office Building

Subcommittee on Transportation Security

Rep. Mike Rogers (AL), Chairman

“Strengthening International Cooperation on Aviation Security” 


Mr. John Halinski
Assistant Administrator
Office of Global Strategies
Transportation Security Administration
Department of Homeland Security

Mr. Filip Cornelis
Head of Unit for Aviation Security
Directorate General for Mobility and Transport
European Commission

Mr. Rafi Ron
New Age Security Solutions

Chairman Rogers on the hearing:

“Cooperation with our international partners is a vital element to protecting aviation against terrorism.  From intelligence and information sharing to passenger screening technology and standards, we must continue to work closely with our international partners to strengthen aviation security.  At this hearing, we will examine how aviation security can be strengthened through improved international cooperation, the harmonization of aviation security standards on passenger screening, TSA’s foreign assessment program, and the role of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in the enhancement of aviation security standards and coordination.  I look forward to testimony from several key witnesses including TSA’s Office of Global Strategies and the European Commission’s Head of Aviation Security.”

Coverage note:  All Committee on Homeland Security hearings are webcast live at   
