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Long to Embark on Job Creators Tour Across 7th District

            SPRINGFIELD- U.S. Rep. Billy Long today announced that he will embark on a Job Creators Tour next week to meet with area manufacturers and their employees.   

            The Job Creators Tour begins on Tuesday, August 14, and will include stops in Nixa, Mount Vernon, Monett, Webb City, Joplin, Neosho, and Carthage. 

            “During this economic crisis, now more than ever, we need to create jobs,” Long said.  “We need to keep manufacturing, the engine that drives this country, strong.  I am looking forward to this tour and hearing from job creators and their employees on their efforts to grow our country’s manufacturing sector.”  

            “Congressman Billy Long understands the important role manufacturing plays in strengthening the economy and creating family-supporting jobs for Missourians.  His willingness to devote two full days to tour manufacturing facilities in the 7th Congressional District, and to seek input on what needs to be done to create a better environment in which to do business, is a clear indication that he is committed to finding solutions that will allow Missouri manufacturers to thrive and remain competitive,” said Rita Needham, chief executive officer of the Missouri Association of Manufacturers.

            According to the Missouri Association of Manufacturers, in 2011 manufacturing contributed $32 billion to the state’s economy and employed approximately 250,000 workers throughout the state. In 2011, the average annual wage for manufacturing workers in Missouri was $50,447.  The top manufacturing industries in Missouri based on employment are food, transportation equipment, fabricated metals, machinery, and chemical.  

            Long has supported measures in Washington to help strengthen and grow our country’s manufacturing sector.  As a freshman, he served on the Free Trade Task Force.  The task force was created to help get the long stalled free trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea passed through Congress and signed into law by the president, which opens new markets and creates jobs for U.S. manufacturers.  The president signed the free trade agreements on October 21, 2011.

            Long recently rallied his freshman class to support Permanent Normal Trade Relations (PNTR) with Russia.  After nearly two decades of negotiations Russia is poised to join the World Trade Organization (WTO) and without repealing a Cold War-era trade restriction American businesses will be at a disadvantage to international competitors.  While the U.S. already trades with Russia, the repeal of the Jackson-Vanik provision would level the playing field for U.S. exports after Russia joins the WTO.

            Long is the lead sponsor of the Enforcing Orders and Reducing Customs Evasion (ENFORCE) Act (H.R. 3057).  He understands that American companies face threats from foreign companies who work to circumvent international trade laws in an effort to avoid paying the duties they owe.  The legislation works to ensure that U.S. Custom Officials will aggressively enforce anti-dumping and countervailing duty orders.  This legislation does not stop free trade.  It simply promotes free and fair trade and sends a message that the U.S. will not tolerate abuses of agreed international trade rules. The ENFORCE Act is about protecting U.S. jobs and manufacturers by making sure foreign businesses are not able to violate the laws that everyone, including American businesses, follow.



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