Covered Community

The Congressional Accountability Act (CAA) protects over 30,000 employees of the United States Congress and its associated offices and agencies. Current employees and job applicants are covered by the CAA. In certain instances, former employees and visitors may also be covered.

The CAA applies to the following employers and their employees:

• United States House of Representatives (Washington, D.C. and state district office staff);
• United States Senate (Washington, D.C. and state office staff);
• United States Capitol Police;
• Capitol Guide Service;
• Congressional Budget Office;
• Office of the Architect of the Capitol;
• Office of the Attending Physician; and
• Office of Compliance.

Certain provisions of the CAA also apply to the Government Accountability Office and the Library of Congress and their employees. Certain provisions of the CAA may not apply to every employer and employee of Congress. Additional information is available in our CAA Handbook . For complete information please refer to the Congressional Accountability Act (2 U.S.C. 1301 et seq.)