November 1, 2012 | ICYMI
The editorial board of the Colorado Springs Gazette recently called on President Obama to explain the $400 million failed DOE loan guarantee to Abound Solar, the now-bankrupt Colorado solar panel manufacturer under both criminal and congressional investigation.
October 26, 2012 | ICYMI
Now-Bankrupt Abound Awarded $400 Million DOE Loan Guarantee from Same Program as Solyndra
October 23, 2012 | ICYMI
Unconventional oil and gas production could support up to 3.5 million jobs by 2035 according to a new study released today by IHS Global Insight.
October 22, 2012 | ICYMI
Investors with Close Ties to the President, Including Billionaire George Kaiser, Sought “Tax Avoidance” and Left Taxpayers Holding the Bag for Half a Billion Dollars
October 18, 2012 | ICYMI
Without repeal or delay, the full implementation of ObamaCare is now less than 15 months away. Yet citizens and policymakers face a mounting level of questions, fears and frustrations. Unfortunately, the administration’s continuing silence on its plans leaves patients, states and Congress with more anxiety than answers and taxpayers on the hook for it all.
October 16, 2012 | ICYMI
The Solyndra Memorial Tax Break How Energy passed out tax-loss credits that mean taxpayers will pay twice for failure. The Wall Street Journal October 16, 2012
