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As Americans, we have been blessed with a land that is rich in both resources and natural beauty.  Our nation has been able to grow into the economic superpower that we are today because of our access to abundant resources like coal, oil and gas, gold, and timber.  However, our land has also given us beautiful places, like Yellowstone National Park and Big Bend National Park, where Americans and people from all over the world can marvel at the natural beauty of the American landscape.  I believe that we can strike a balance between protecting the beautiful places in our nation, while allowing for the responsible use of our natural resources.      

As the father of three children, I believe it’s important that we protect the environment so that we can pass onto our children and grandchildren a clean environment that ensures they will have clean water to drink and clean air to breathe.  The best way to protect our environment is to have a growing economy.  A growing economy leads to technological advances that can allow us to reduce our levels of pollution without impacting the standard of living we have achieved.  For example, according to a 2003 EPA study, “Since 1970, aggregate emissions of the six principal pollutants have been cut 48 percent. During that same time, U.S. gross domestic product increased 164 percent, energy consumption increased 42 percent, and vehicle miles traveled increased 155 percent.  We know simply by looking around the world that lesser economies do not value protecting their environment; instead, they look to exploit their environment for economic gain.  

Whether we use our natural resources and environment for recreation or economic pursuits, the federal government has a responsibility to ensure that they are protected to ensure that future generations of Americans can enjoy them as we do today.  Nevertheless, these protections must be based on sound science and common sense, yet not damage our nation’s economy or impede the ability of Americans to responsibly use our natural resources and enjoy the natural beauty of our nation.