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Central Intelligence Agency
The Work of a Nation. The Center of Intelligence

6-12th Grade

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6-12th Grade

What do you know about the CIA? Have you learned about us in the movies or from books? Have you heard about us in the news? We figure you probably know a little something about the CIA or you wouldn’t be here.

Right away, we like your curiosity and your ability to find information. In fact, our employees know how to access information, filter it into intelligence reports, and give it to the president and other US leaders who make important decisions. We have employees with all kinds of expertise: analysts and language experts, doctors and lawyers, inventors and scientists, communications specialists, engineers, geographers, librarians, and information technology specialists, to name just a few. And all these men and women are intimately involved in how our country runs.

Want to know more? Check out the links below and some of our interactive games, too.



If you would like a copy of any of these publications, please contact the Office of Public Affairs.

Posted: Apr 12, 2007 08:03 AM
Last Updated: Jan 03, 2012 01:04 PM
Last Reviewed: Jan 03, 2012 01:04 PM
