Congressman Sires Congratulates the Bayonne Fire Department at the Groundbreaking of the New Bayonne Firehouse

Oct 22, 2012

For Immediate Release                                                           Contact: Erica Daughtrey

October 22, 2012                                                                                201-222-2828

Congressman Sires Congratulates the Bayonne Fire Department at the Groundbreaking of the New Bayonne Firehouse

Bayonne, NJ - Congressman Sires spoke at a press conference announcing the groundbreaking for a new firehouse this morning in Bayonne. He joined U.S. Senator Bob Menendez, Bayonne Mayor Mark Smith, Council President Terrence Ruane, Bayonne Public Safety Director/Assemblyman Jason O'Donnell and Bayonne Fire Chief Greg Rodgers along with host of City Officials. The Harbor Station Fire House will be located on Peninsula at Bayonne Harbor Chosen Few Blvd.

The Bayonne Fire Department received $3.5 million dollars through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 to build the new fire house. Congressman Sires was happy to have joined Senator Menendez in supporting Bayonne's application for this grant, and he is pleased that the Department of Homeland Security recognized the value of this project to the 13th Congressional District’s security and economic growth. Under the Fire Station Construction Grant program, Bayonne was awarded the 6th largest grant in the country. Once constructed, the new firehouse will consist of 15,000 square feet, designed to accommodate eight fire trucks. It will also house a decontamination shower, a training room to assist in meeting the increasing educational requirements post 9/11 and offers all basic requirements of a twenty-four hour fire station.

Since his time in the U.S. House of Representatives, Congressman Sires has always been a proponent of public safety and security of the 13th District. “Firefighters are dedicated and selfless public servants who are committed to the safety of their community. This facility will provide them with the necessary tools to serve the residents of Bayonne,” said Congressman Sires.
