Press Releases

Mar 30, 2012

Education and the Workforce Introduces Plan to Reform the Nation’s Workforce Investment System

Workforce Investment Improvement Act of 2012 consolidates more than 20 programs into one flexible Workforce Investment Fund, helping to provide a more streamlined system for workers and job seekers to find the employment support they need.

Mar 29, 2012

Heck Votes to Put Country on Sustainable Fiscal Path

"I supported this budget resolution because it takes serious steps toward getting our fiscal house in order."

Mar 22, 2012

Heck Marks 2nd Anniversary of Health Care Reform Law by Introducing Repeal, Repair, Replace Bill

Issues: Health, Seniors

"This bill is about supporting Nevada’s families and seniors, not about rationing care, eliminating access to care, or cutting Medicare."

Mar 22, 2012

Heck Votes to Repeal Independent Payment Advisory Board

Issues: Health

"Nevada's seniors don't want unelected, unaccountable Washington bureaucrats coming between them and the Medicare services they rely on."

Mar 8, 2012

Heck Introduces Bill to Offer “Second Chance” at Homeownership

“We need to do everything we can to help the millions of people who experienced a foreclosure or short sale due to the economic downturn regain their piece of the American dream."

Feb 29, 2012

Heck Applauds Natural Resources Committee Passage of Three Kids Mine Bill

The Three Kids Mine legislation will create jobs and improve safety in southern Nevada at no cost to the Federal government.

Feb 24, 2012

Heck Statement on the Passing of State Senator Bill Raggio

Bill Raggio was the consummate statesman and a dedicated public servant.

Feb 22, 2012

Heck Recognizes Contributions of Filipino-Americans in World War II

With every day that passes it is estimated that ten of these forgotten soldiers die having received no answer or recognition of service from our government.

Feb 17, 2012

Heck Votes to Extend Tax Holiday to Nevada Workers

"Allowing this tax holiday to expire on working families is not good policy, especially while families in Nevada continue to struggle. "

Feb 17, 2012

Heck Marks Third Anniversary of "Stimulus" Bill

"On this date three years ago, President Obama made a promise to the people of southern Nevada and the nation."
