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Posted by Press Office on July 11, 2012

As Congressman Boehner recently described it, “President Obama is asleep at the switch when it comes to our economy and jobs.”  From his job-crushing health care law to his recent call for tax hikes on small businesses, the president continues to double down on failed economic policies that have hurt job creation in Ohio and across the country.

In the following message to Eighth District constituents, Congressman Boehner discusses the latest action by House Republicans to get government out of the way of job creators so they can do what they do best – grow their businesses and create jobs.

In the message, Boehner highlights upcoming votes to pass pro-growth legislation including bills that will stop President Obama’s massive tax hike on small businesses, curtail excessive government regulations, and repeal ObamaCare which will take place this afternoon.  Today’s vote demonstrates that the Republican-led House of Representatives is listening to the people – not the Washington pundits and Beltway chattering class – and taking action to fully repeal the unpopular health care law Americans know is hurting our economy and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers.

Learn more about House Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators by visiting jobs.GOP.gov.

“Last week’s dismal jobs report is more proof that President Obama’s economic policies have failed.

“The president’s health care law, for example, is driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers. That’s why the House will vote today to repeal ObamaCare.

“But that’s not all. In the coming weeks we will vote to stop President Obama’s massive tax hike on small businesses. This tax hike will hurt hundreds of thousands of job creators. We need to stop it and lay the groundwork for a simpler, pro-growth tax code.

“We will also pass legislation curtailing excessive government regulations that prevent job growth.

“Small businesses account for almost half of Ohio’s private-sector jobs and more than a quarter of all jobs nationwide. We need to get government out of their way.

“Let me know your thoughts in the comment section below. Thanks for listening and I look forward to hearing from you.”

Posted by Press Office on July 01, 2012

With millions of Americans out of work and wages stagnant, Congressman John Boehner told CBS News Face the Nation the president’s health care law is driving up costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire. Boehner said ObamaCare must be “ripped out at its roots” so we can start over with “a common sense, step-by-step approach that will lower health care costs.” Watch him here:

Boehner: President’s Health Care Takeover & Tax Must Be Ripped Out By Its Roots

“This has to be ripped out by its roots. This is government taking over the entire health insurance industry. The American people do not want to go down this path. They do not want the government telling them what kind of insurance policy they have to buy, and how much they have to pay for it, and if you don’t like it we’re going to tax you. It has to be ripped out and we need to start over. One step at a time.”

Boehner: Supreme Court’s Ruling Has Strengthened Our Resolve to Repeal ObamaCare

“All it really does is strengthen my resolve and resolve of Republicans here in Washington to repeal this awful law, which is increasing the cost of health insurance for the American people and making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers.”

Boehner: Common-Sense Steps Will Help Lower Costs for Families, Small Businesses

“We’ve outlined a number of provisions last year allowing employers, or the American people to buy insurance across state lines. Why wouldn’t we allow small businesses to group together for the purchases of buying health insurance? Why wouldn’t we deal with one of the big cost drivers in health care, and that is medical malpractice reform? That results in almost one out of four tests being ordered by a doctor as unnecessary only to protect themselves from being sued. These are the kinds of common sense steps that we can take.”

Boehner: Washington’s Spending Binge Threatens Families, Economic Growth

“We clearly have a problem. This president’s driven the debt up $5 trillion in less than four years. We’ve got a 16 trillion dollar national debt now. We have a 1.3 trillion dollar budget deficit this year. You can’t continue to spend money that you don’t have. And I do believe that it’s time to deal with this. I tried everything I could last year to work with the president to try to come to some agreement to begin the process of getting our debt under control.  … We’ve got to make changes to all of our programs because if we don’t, they will not exist.”  

Boehner: Terry Family Has a Right to Know What Happened in Fast & Furious

“The American people have a right to know what happened here. Brian Terry’s family has a right to know what happened here. And the fact is that the only facts that we’ve received about this entire Fast and Furious operation came from whistleblowers and others associated with it. We got no information that helped in our investigation from the Justice Department at any point in this investigation. The American people deserve the truth.”

Posted by Press Office on June 26, 2012

In a radio interview today with Brian Thomas on Cincinnati’s 55 KRC-AM, Congressman Boehner addressed House Republicans’ commitment to repeal ObamaCare in its entirety and the upcoming Supreme Court decision on the constitutionality of the president’s health care law.  House Republicans are relentlessly focused on job creation and, as Boehner put it during the interview, “the president’s health care law is driving up health care costs and its making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers.”  In addition, Congressman Boehner addressed President Obama’s failure to lead on immigration and the Supreme Court’s decision on Arizona’s law. 

Listen to the interview here: 


“It’s all about the president trying to find a way to win an election.  His economic policies have failed and as a result he cannot run on his record.  He is going to try to make the election about everything other than his failed economic policies…all about energizing certain segments of America in hopes of finding a way for him to win…This election will be about the economy.”


“We all know that the president’s health care law is driving up health care costs and its making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers.  And I’ll say this: unless the Supreme Court throws out the entire law, the House will vote to repeal whatever is left of ObamaCare.  Then we need to enact commonsense reforms in a step-by-step process that protects jobs and protects the American people’s access to the care they need from the doctor they choose at a lower cost.” 


“…if the federal government isn’t going to do its job there is no reason why the people of Arizona can’t do theirs...The president talked about it during the campaign, he’s talked about it half a dozen times since, and has offered nothing – nothing to the Congress and has provided no leadership to get this done.” 

Posted by Press Office on June 19, 2012

Today, Rep. John Boehner (OH-08), along with Rep. Pat Tiberi (OH-12), Rep. Steve Stivers (OH-15), and the staff of Rep. Steve Austria (OH-7), met with members of the Columbus Partnership during their yearly trip to Washington, D.C.  The Columbus Partnership is a non-profit organization made up of Ohio job creators and community leaders who are dedicated to improving the state’s economic vitality.

During the meeting, Boehner applauded their efforts to encourage job creation and discussed legislation that would break down government barriers to job growth.  

06-19-12 at 09-13-04

Posted by Press Office on June 14, 2012

Remember how our math teachers were always saying, ‘show your work’? In that spirit, Congressman Boehner – a former small business owner – released a new video today in which he appears alongside many of the 30+ bills the House has passed to remove government barriers to job creation in America. The video is a prebuttal to President Obama’s speech later today in Cleveland, where, despite a recent spate of bad economic news, he is “not likely to unveil new ideas to boost the economy and create new jobs.”

Laid out on his desk, Congressman Boehner notes, are “practical, common-sense proposals to help small businesses create jobs and build a stronger economy for all Americans.” Among them: bills to cut taxes for small businesses, rein in excessive regulations, and fully repeal to the health care law that’s making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers. All part of Republicans’ Plan for America’s Job Creators, these proposals remain blocked by the Democratic-controlled Senate, which has shown no urgency to act on jobs bills or even pass a budget.

President Obama hasn’t prodded the Senate – or his own administration – to act, first saying the private sector is “doing fine” and now giving an economic speech that lacks economic proposals. That’s because his team “made clear they don't see many fresh options,” and the president appears to be, well, doing fine with that. Today’s speech, a pivot to nothing after 40 months of unemployment above eight percent, is yet another indication of a shrunken presidency.

While Democrats try to get the president to ‘reframe’ his message, struggling Americans want him to change his policies. That’s why the House continues to focus on jobs, with action in the coming weeks to address high energy prices and stop the tax hike scheduled to hit small business job creators on January 1. “We’re going to keep adding to this pile,” Boehner says in the video, “and we’re going to keep calling on President Obama and Senate Democrats to give these jobs bills a vote.” Because this isn’t just our work – it’s our work in progress. To learn more, visit jobs.GOP.gov.

Posted by Press Office on June 08, 2012

Congressman John Boehner delivered the following remarks today at a press conference responding to President Obama’s claim that – after 40 months of unemployment above 8 percent and with millions of Americans out of work – the “private sector is doing fine.” Congressman Boehner said:

“Mr. President, I used to run a small business.  And Mr. President, take it from me, the private sector is not doing well.

“Listen, the American people are still asking the question, ‘where are the jobs?’ Stopping the looming tax hikes will help job creators because they’ll have more certainty about what the tax rates are going to be and help create a better environment for them to create jobs.

“We’re going to vote next month on extending all of the current tax rates. The president should assure the nation that when this bill gets to his desk he’ll sign it into law.

“We also know that the president’s health care law is making it harder for small businesses to hire, and we know that it must be repealed in its entirety. This morning, we learned more about the backroom deals that were made that led to its passage. Emails obtained by the Energy & Commerce Committee show that the White House traded billions of dollars in policy concessions to PhRMA for millions of dollars worth of advertising. The administration created and managed a Super PAC, paid for by PhRMA and run by Jim Messina out of the West Wing of the White House. This is wrong, and the administration must be held accountable for their actions.”

Posted by Press Office on June 07, 2012

Today, Congressman John Boehner responded to phone calls and emails from Eighth District constituents regarding House efforts to repeal the president’s unpopular and harmful 2010 health care law, which is driving up health care costs and making it harder for small businesses to hire workers.  In the video, Boehner speaks directly to Michael from Eaton, who voiced his opinion by email, saying he wanted to see the “full and total repeal of ObamaCare.”

As Boehner notes in the video, “repealing ObamaCare was one of the first votes taken by this Congress.  Since then, we’ve voted 29 times to repeal, defund, and dismantle the law.”  In a recent weekly column, Congressman Boehner reiterated his commitment to taking action on ObamaCare, saying, “the president's health care law is raising costs and hurting small businesses, and it must be fully repealed.” 

Today, the House will take its 30th vote in this effort by voting to repeal ObamaCare’s Medical Device Tax.  This job-crushing tax threatens thousands of jobs across the state of Ohio, including some jobs in the Eighth District and surrounding areas.  As the Dayton Business Journal points out, “The Dayton region is home to many medical device manufacturers, including AtriCure Inc. in West Chester, X-Spine Systems Inc. in Centerville and Mauch Inc. in Dayton, among others” that may be impacted.

Let us know what you think about ObamaCare in the comments below, and please take a minute to watch Boehner’s message here:

“Every week I hear from Eighth District constituents who oppose the president’s health care law, which is making it harder for small businesses to hire new workers.

“Michael from Eaton wrote that he wants to see “full and total repeal of Obamacare.”

“Now, repealing ObamaCare was one of the first votes taken by this Congress.  Since then, we’ve voted 29 times to repeal, defund, and dismantle the law.  And while the Democratic-controlled Senate continues to block these and other jobs bills, we are going to continue to take action.

“This week the House will vote to repeal ObamaCare’s medical device tax. 

“In Ohio alone, this new tax threatens the jobs of more than 35,000 people.  With many medical device manufacturers headquartered in our area, it will surely affect families in our community and our region’s economy.

“While we continue to fight for full repeal of ObamaCare, repealing this tax will protect jobs here in Ohio and across the country.

“Michael, you are not alone in being against ObamaCare and I appreciate you adding your voice to the fight. 

“Please visit johnboehner.house.gov and let me know what you think of the president’s health care law.  I look forward to hearing from you.”

Posted by Press Office on June 04, 2012

Today, Congressman Boehner posted the following video thanking WWII veterans Alfred Henry, Joseph Henry, and the family of John Henry, for their service to our country and congratulating them on their recent acceptance of high school diplomas from Versailles High School.

In the video, Boehner shares the Darke County brothers’ touching and inspiring story as well as photos from Alfred and Joseph’s graduation ceremony:

“A few months ago, two World War II veterans from our district – Alfred and Joseph Henry from Versailles – mentioned to my staff that their one regret in life was that they never received their high school diplomas.

You see, Alfred and Joseph followed in their older brother John’s footsteps, and left high school to help run their family farm.  Then, when they were of age, each answered the call of duty and enlisted to serve in the United States Army. 

Following their honorable service during World War II, they returned to Ohio, where the brothers became active members of the community. 

Sadly, John passed away in 2003.  But we saw an opportunity, 70 years after their service, for these brothers to be honored for their accomplishments.

I am pleased to announce that this past week Alfred and Joseph both received their high school diplomas from Versailles High School.  The Henry family received a diploma for John as well.

I want to personally recognize these brothers from Darke County for their service and sacrifice for our country.  It stands as an inspiration to all of us.

And, to your fellow graduates, the Class of 2012, congratulations.  Take note of the lives led by those who have come before you - it will help guide you toward a better future.”

Posted by Press Office on June 04, 2012

During the month of May, Speaker John Boehner continued to focus the House on efforts to create a better environment for private-sector job growth. Boehner addressed the Peter G. Peterson fiscal summit on reforms needed to put our nation back on a path to prosperity and economic growth, laid out his vision for the future of U.S. engagement in the Western Hemisphere in remarks to the Council of the Americas, welcomed Apple CEO Tim Cook to his office in the Capitol, conducted interviews with CNBC's Maria Bartiromo and George Stephanopoulos for ABC's This Week, and much more.

The Speaker also met with the new South Korean and British Ambassadors to the United States, American music legends Glen Campbell and Burt Bacharach, and school groups visiting the Capitol from Ohio.

The full set of photos can be seen below or on Flickr, complete with captions and more information.

Posted by Press Office on May 31, 2012

Today, Congressman John Boehner hosted students from Miami University’s ‘Inside Washington’ program at his office in the Capitol.  The students, who will spend the summer in D.C., took the opportunity to ask questions about encouraging job creation, addressing our national debt, repealing ObamaCare, continuing the House earmark ban, and the state of Ohio politics.

Beyond the discussion of policy and activity in the House of Representatives, Boehner shared stories from his upbringing in Southwest Ohio, his years running a small business and his path from being elected president of his local homeowners association to being elected Speaker of the House. 

05-31-12 at 07-36-53

The Eighth District is home to Miami’s main campus in Oxford, and two regional campuses in Hamilton and Middletown.

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12 South Plum Street Troy, OH 45373 (937) 339-1524 
1011 Longworth H.O.B. Washington, DC 20515 (202) 225-6205