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Committee on Financial Services

United States House of Representatives

Hearing - Financial Institutions & Consumer Credit

"The Effect of Dodd-Frank on Small Financial Institutions and Small Businesses”

Date: March 2, 2011


2128 Rayburn HOB

Click here to view the Archived Webcast of this hearing.

Statement of Representative Bill Huizenga

Statement of Representative Francisco Canseco

Witness List

Panel I

  • Mr. Albert C. Kelly, Jr., President and Chief Executive Officer, Spirit Bank, on behalf of the American Bankers Association
  • Mr. John Buckley, President and Chief Executive Officer, Gerber Federal Credit Union on behalf of the National Association of Federal Credit Unions
  • Mr. O. William Cheney, President and Chief Executive Officer, on behalf of Credit Union National Association
  • Mr. Chris Stinebert, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Financial Services Association
  • Mr. James D. MacPhee, Chairman, Independent Community Bankers of America
  • Mr. Peter Skillern, Executive Director, Community Reinvestment Association of North Carolina

Panel II


In this Section


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For Press Inquiries: (202) 226-0471