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Friday, July 17, 2009


“I also assured him that I am working to be constructive and to move the process forward, so we can develop bipartisan reform that reduces the cost of health care, raises the quality, expands choices and extends coverage to those who cannot attain it today.  While we pursue those goals we must not detrimentally impact those with health insurance or worsen the national debt.” 
~ Senator Nelson on his meeting with President Obama about health care ~

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Today, a bipartisan group of senators sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell urging bipartisanship in addressing comprehensive health care reform.

In their letter to Senate leaders the senators wrote that “we are firmly committed to enactment of comprehensive reform this year” and urged the leaders “to resist timelines which prevent us from achieving the best result.”

The text of the letter follows:
The Honorable Harry Reid
Majority Leader
United States Senate

The Honorable Mitch McConnell
Minority Leader
United States Senate

Dear Senators Reid and McConnell:

In the current debate about our health care system, we are firmly committed to enactment of comprehensive reform this year.  That reform must reduce premiums and administrative costs, expand choices, and increase coverage for all Americans. We are eager to work constructively with Senate leadership and agree that this is an historic opportunity which makes it imperative to proceed thoughtfully and responsibly. Our efforts will affect virtually every American.

The American people expect us to adopt comprehensive health reform that addresses the priorities we have outlined without detrimentally affecting those who have health insurance or increasing the national debt. This week, Congressional Budget Office Director Doug Elmendorf testified that the currently introduced health reform bills will not reduce costs.  We are faced with the dual challenges of pressing ahead to pass legislation by the end of the year and to produce the reform the American people need.

We appreciate the work that has been done by Senators on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions and Finance committees, but in view of the Budget Director’s statement, there is much heavy lifting ahead.  We support the efforts of Finance Committee members to produce a bipartisan bill, despite calls from both sides of the aisle to rush forward or delay indefinitely. While we are committed to providing relief for American families as quickly as possible, we believe taking additional time to achieve a bipartisan result is critical for legislation that affects 17 percent of our economy and every individual in the U.S.
We look forward to working with you to develop legislation that is vital to the well-being of the American people and urge you to resist timelines which prevent us from achieving the best result. This opportunity is rare and the impact will last for generations.


Ben Nelson
United States Senator

Olympia J. Snowe
United States Senator

Joseph I. Lieberman
United States Senator

Susan M. Collins
United States Senator

Mary L. Landrieu
United States Senator

Ron Wyden
United States Senator

July 16, 2009 – After meeting with President Barack Obama at the White House today to discuss health care reform efforts, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson released the following statement:

“I appreciated the President’s invitation and I feel we had a very good meeting today at the White House about the need for real health care reform that improves the lives of all Americans.

“The President sought my views on where things stand in Congress, which we discussed.  For my part, I suggested we not impose an arbitrary deadline to get something done.

“I also assured him that I am working to be constructive and to move the process forward, so we can develop bipartisan reform that reduces the cost of health care, raises the quality, expands choices and extends coverage to those who cannot attain it today.  While we pursue those goals we must not detrimentally impact those with health insurance or worsen the national debt.

“I don’t know if all of that’s possible. So I made it clear to the President I can’t support anything until I’ve seen everything. I do remain hopeful and believe we are making good progress.”

July 16, 2009 – Today, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development that Nebraska will receive more than $1.7 million in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) to support community and economic development. Omaha will receive $1,317,713 and Lincoln will receive $474,644 as part of the program, which is funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“These stimulus funds will encourage community development and produce jobs for Nebraskans,” said Senator Nelson. “The investment in these communities is a positive step forward during this difficult economic time.”

According to HUD, Community Development Block Grants enable state and local governments to undertake a wide range of activities intended to create suitable living environments, provide affordable housing and create economic opportunities.  The rehabilitation of affordable housing and the construction and improvement of public facilities have traditionally been the largest uses of CDBG funds although the program is also an important catalyst for job growth and business opportunities.

Senator Nelson played a key role in the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill. He worked with a bipartisan group of nearly 20 Senators to better focus The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on tax cuts for the middle class and job creation for millions of Americans. Senator Nelson led the group through the initial bill line by line, dollar by dollar, to reduce spending and cut out $108 billion of inefficient or less-stimulative spending. The bipartisan group helped the improved bill win congressional approval. President Obama signed it into law February 17, 2009.
Senator Nelson is posting information about the release of stimulus finds on his website as it becomes available.  Visit for more information.

July 14, 2009 – Today, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson welcomed an announcement by the U.S. Department of Energy that Nebraska is eligible to receive more than $1.7 million to support rebates for Nebraskans who replace old appliances with ENERGY STAR efficient models.  The funding is part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

“These stimulus funds will help reduce energy usage, support the economy, and create jobs,” said Nelson.  “By helping families replace old energy-intensive appliances with new efficient models, the rebate program will also save them money.”

To receive the money, the state is required to submit a plan that specifies which ENERGY STAR appliance categories will be included in its rebate program, the rebate level for each product type, how the rebates will be processed, and their plan for recycling old appliances.  States must file an initial application expressing their intent to participate by August 15, 2009, followed by a full application by October 15, 2009.

According to the Department of Energy, ENERGY STAR qualified appliance categories that could be eligible for rebates include: central air conditioners, heat pumps (air source and geothermal), boilers, furnaces (oil and gas), room air conditioners, clothes washers, dishwashers, freezers, refrigerators, and water heaters.

Senator Nelson played a key role in the passage of the $787 billion stimulus bill. He worked with a bipartisan group of nearly 20 Senators to better focus The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act on tax cuts for the middle class and job creation for millions of Americans. Senator Nelson led the group through the initial bill line by line, dollar by dollar, to reduce spending and cut out $108 billion of inefficient or less-stimulative spending. The bipartisan group helped the improved bill win congressional approval. President Obama signed it into law February 17, 2009.
Senator Nelson is posting information about the release of stimulus finds on his website as it becomes available.  Visit for more information.

July 14, 2009 – In a letter sent today, Nebraska’s Senator Ben Nelson called on Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack to provide needed funds to depopulate a herd of Nebraska cattle infected with bovine tuberculosis.  In the letter, Nelson requests that the Secretary use his authority “to address this clear and immediate need.”

“The livestock industry is a critical component of Nebraska’s economy,” said Nelson.  “USDA has a history of assisting states in similar situations, and today I’m calling on them to act accordingly.  The importance of beef production to Nebraska cannot be overstated.  By depopulating the affected herd, Nebraska livestock producers can move forward without the threat of losing TB-free status.”

Under the Animal Health Protection Act, the Secretary of Agriculture has the authority to transfer funds from other USDA and Commodity Credit Corporation accounts to pay indemnities for the depopulation of herds infected with TB.  In fiscal year 2008, USDA spent $921,920 to indemnify four Minnesota herds infected with TB.

Senator Nelson was joined on the letter by fellow Nebraska congressional delegation members Senator Mike Johanns, Representative Jeff Fortenberry, Representative Lee Terry, and Representative Adrian Smith.

The full text of the letter is below:

July 14, 2009

The Honorable Tom Vilsack
United States Department of Agriculture
14th and Independence Ave, SW
Washington, DC 20250

Dear Secretary Vilsack:

Thank you for your assistance thus far with addressing the recent bovine tuberculosis (TB) finding in Nebraska.  However, we are concerned that funding has not been provided to cover the costs of depopulating the initially infected cattle herd. 

As you know, under the Animal Health Protection Act (7 U.S.C. § 8316), you have the authority to transfer funds from other USDA and Commodity Credit Corporation accounts to pay indemnities for the depopulation of herds infected with TB.  We respectfully request that you utilize this authority to address this clear and immediate need. 

USDA has a clear history of using this authority “in connection with an emergency under which a pest or disease of livestock threatens any segment of agricultural production in the United States.”  We wholeheartedly believe that the current TB situation in Nebraska exceeds this statutory requirement.

USDA spent a total of $921,920 on indemnifying four Minnesota herds in fiscal year 2008.  Of that amount, $343,848 was from appropriated funding and $578,072 was Commodity Credit Corporation funding.   The Department’s previous record on TB is clear—please act accordingly to ensure that Nebraska’s producers receive the same treatment as others have in the past.  To do otherwise would be unfair and inequitable.

Depopulation of the TB-infected herd is critical to the economic vitality of our beef industry.  Because Nebraska law prohibits the state from paying indemnity for any animal destroyed as a result of being affected with bovine TB, federal assistance is the sole source of livestock indemnity funding.  Additionally, TB has affected other states, including California, Minnesota, Colorado, South Dakota, and Texas.  This problem could impact the beef industry nationwide, and it is critical that we do everything possible to eliminate it immediately.

We are grateful for your attention to this matter and would appreciate the courtesy of a prompt response.


Senator Mike Johanns Senator Ben Nelson

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry Congressman Lee Terry Congressman Adrian Smith


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