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FOX News Highlights Jobs Frontier Report

FOX News Highlights Jobs Frontier Report

Barrasso: “These are bills that could be acted upon immediately. All we need is a willing partner in the White House.”


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MIKE EMMANUEL:Of course the President has yet to give his speech. So some details of the plan have yet to be fully unveiled, but McConnell and a lot of his colleagues will obviously be in the chamber tonight to hear the President first-hand, Jon.


JON SCOTT:So what do we know about what Republicans say they want to do?


EMMANUEL:Well there have been two different groups already out today talking about what they would like to do. To get to the point, essentially what they're saying regulatory reform. Get EPA and other agencies to back off. Fix the tax code and they want the President to send three free trade deals pending for a long time to The Hill for ratification. There is also a second group of Western Senators, they have unveiled their own plan. Take a listen to this.


VIDEO CLIP (BARRASSO):  The frontiers plan supports bills that develop American energy, that cuts through red tape, that strengthens the American mining sector, that promotes agriculture, ranching, and forestry, and absolutely reduces lawsuit abuse. These are bills that could be acted upon immediately. All we need is a willing partner in the White House.


EMMANUEL:So essentially Republicans are saying it’s time for Washington to get out of the way of the American people.

