Jun 28, 2012 Issues: Civil Rights

“Today, the CHC voted as a caucus not to participate in the continued political theater  orchestrated by the Republican majority. There is no doubt that the death of Agent Brian Terry was a tragic incident, made worse by those trying to exploit a proper investigation for their own political gain.

It is obvious that the investigation into Fast and Furious was politically motivated and not a serious attempt to get at the truth. The fact that Republicans did not grant one Democratic witness request in 16 months of investigation, combined with their refusal to hear testimony from the Bush administration  officials about their roles, goes to show that Republicans were seeking nothing else than political attention. Even Chairman Issa himself admitted that no evidence shows that Mr. Holder knew about the Fast and Furious program.


“This may be the first time that Congress has imposed a sanction on a sitting member of a president’s cabinet, but it certainly is not the first time we have seen this type of partisan chicanery from Republicans. With real problems affecting Americans, Congress needs to focus on jobs and not scapegoating the Obama Administration.”