Paul Broun

Broun: September Jobs Report Raises Questions

Washington, Oct 5 -

Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. (GA-10) today released the following statement concerning the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) September Jobs Report. While businesses reported 114,000 jobs created in September, the BLS survey of households found 873,000 Americans who reported being newly employed.  This inexplicably higher number was used to determine the 7.8 percent unemployment rate circulated today.

“Today’s jobs report raises questions for me, and frankly it should be raising eyebrows for people across the country.  While I wish we were actually seeing this kind of growth, the self-reported numbers are a serious departure from both our economic trends and our economic reality.

“Even if you take this report at face value, it is still far from what anyone could call ‘recovery.’  Unfortunately, a significant number of these new jobs are part-time, and four million people have dropped out of the work force altogether since August of 2009.

“The fact of the matter is that our economy is still struggling to get going again, and President Obama’s policies are holding it back. The costs of Obamacare are suppressing job creation, and the threat of new taxes is keeping businesses from expanding.

“This Administration has had four years to implement their big government ideas, and so far all we have to show for it is five trillion dollars in new debt and twenty-three million folks who are unemployed or underemployed. I’m happy to see that 114,000 new jobs have been created, but it’s not enough.  We must do better.” 
