Fall Color Black Mountain Lookout Meadow Restoration Special Places Outdoor Recreation Call Before You Cut Maps

Situated in the Sierra Nevada, just south of the Cascade Range, the Plumas is versatile in its land features, uncrowded, and enhanced by a pleasant climate. Outdoor enthusiasts are attracted year round to its many streams and lakes, beautiful deep canyons, rich mountain valleys, meadows, and lofty peaks. Come and enjoy your national forests!

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Chips Fire Restoration

Bobcat cub found on the Chips Fire

In the aftermath of the 75,000 acre Chips Fire, the Plumas National Forest needs your help! We would like to know about your highest priorities for restoration.

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Feather Falls Scenic Trail (Partial Closure)

Image of Feather Falls

The Feather Falls Upper Trail Loop is open for access to the observation deck overlooking the 6th tallest waterfall in the US. The lower loop is closed due to bridge damge from winter storms. For information please contact the Feather River Ranger District at (530) 534-6500.

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Fall Colors

Indian Creek Fall Colors

Get away this fall to enjoy nature’s spread of dazzling colors on the Plumas National Forest.

Mike Donald receives partnership award from Pacific Crest Trail Association

Mike Donald receives partnership award from Pacific Crest Trail Association

Mt. Hough District Ranger Mike Donald receives partnership award from Pacific Crest Trail Association (PCTA).