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Representative Yoder's Statement on July Jobs Report

Representative Yoder's Statement on July Jobs Report

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Congressman Kevin Yoder made the following statement after the Labor Department released the July jobs report. The report shows employers added 163,000 new jobs over the last month, and the unemployment rate rose a tenth of a percent, ticking up to 8.3 percent. In addition, the July report showed a downward revision in June’s employment gains from 80,000 to 64,000.  

"While 163,000 new jobs is certainly welcomed news, it’s not nearly where we need to be to. The unemployment rate has now remained above 8 percent for 42 consecutive months and far too many Americans have simply given up looking for employment. I again urge the Senate to act up the several bipartisan House-passed jobs bills waiting on their desks. These bills will make it easier for innovators and risk-takers to access capital needed to start or expand their businesses; help business owners stay afloat by eliminating burdensome government regulations; and give entrepreneurs more certainty in the volatile economy of today."
