Congressman Dennis J. Kucinich

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Honoring the 163rd Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution

Washington, Mar 15, 2011 - •   Mr. KUCINICH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today in honor of the 163rd Anniversary of the 1848-1849 Hungarian Revolution and the valiant contribution of the Hungarian people to those efforts. The European revolutions of 1848-1849, known as the ``Spring of Nations,'' will always remind us that independence, self-rule, and democracy can never be permanently extinguished in any society.
•   The year 1848 marked a momentous occasion for the nations of Europe. All across the continent, oppressed people rose up to attempt to secure their liberty and freedom. The people of Hungary followed suit and attempted to overthrow the oppressors in the Habsburg monarchy.
•   March 15th marked the day that the Hungarians made their stand. They marched, collectively as Hungarians, to demand their rights. In solidarity, they marched and demonstrated until their ruling governors had no choice, but to relinquish to them their freedom and liberty.
•   Today, we see Hungary as a regional success story for democracy and civil society. This eventual, if delayed, victory shows us that though the road to democracy is not always an easy one; the spirit of people will ultimately prevail in the determined march toward democracy.
•   Mr. Speaker and Colleagues, please join me in honoring the values of freedom, independence, and democracy that the Hungarians demanded in 1848. The Hungarian Revolution of 1848 stands as a reminder and inspiration of the undying desire of any society to be free and independent.

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