Right to Life

I am proud of my pro-life voting record. As Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, I shepherded through the partial-birth abortion ban through the House and was honored to watch President Bush sign it into law and the Supreme Court uphold it.  Efforts in Congress to stop federally funded abortions both here and abroad and to prevent federal funds from being used on embryonic stem cell research have received my full support.

With the Affordable Care Act’s passage, the Hyde Amendment, pro-life protections which prohibit the use of taxpayer funds to pay for abortion, no longer apply. Now, under Medicaid, the Hyde Amendment prohibits taxpayer-funded abortion, but under the new health care plan, or under the exchanges that have been set up under Obamacare, taxpayer money could be used to pay for abortion. The Affordable Care Act also weakened the protections of the federal and state conscience protection laws.

I support the Protect Life Act, which restores the Hyde Amendment and conscience protection laws. I will continue to fight for the rights of the unborn and work to get this bill signed into law.


Congressman Sensenbrenner joined his colleagues in criticizing the Obama Administration's new health care mandate that would force religious institutions to violate their core beliefs.

Related Documents:

February 15, 2012
Speeches and Floor Statements
- Protecting Religious Liberty and America's Heritage

January 23, 2012
Speeches and Floor Statements
- Sensenbrenner Remarks at 2012 March for Life

October 13, 2011
Speeches and Floor Statements
- Sensenbrenner Supports Protect Life Act

January 24, 2011
Speeches and Floor Statements
- Sensenbrenner Speaks at March for Life event on National Mall

July 14, 2010
Press Releases and Statements
- Sensenbrenner Opposes Tax Dollars Funding Obamacare Abortions

More Documents...